The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 23, 1911, Image 1

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    i? """3,T!,,1,;g4 , ' ?? -.v
VOL. XI. NO 43.
Price 5 Cents.
' " W'V"' "
. .
Many Michigan Alumni to Support
Team While Lpcal Men
c i
Yffeiir To B Informal-Toast List
Announced-PIan9 Jr&
rSoA Complete
"Tho blggGBt gamo In tho West"
will bo played on NobraBka Fiold Sat
urday, and the oyoB of the football
world will bo turned to the struggle
botweon Nebraska, champions jof the
Missouri Valley, and Michigan win
ner of .tho Sootlonal' Championship
title. For tho first time in rocent
years Cornhuskers are to meet the
Nebraska Willi enter, not as a timid
contestant, suro to be defeated, but
as a foe worthy to bo reckoned with
both before and aftor tho game. The
Cornhuskers are to bo feared every
minute of the gamo, and Michigan Is
losing sight of no precautions to have
its eleven in the best possible shape
for the onslaught.
A Strenuous 8chedule.
Nobraska has everything to win by
humbling tho Maize and Bluo oloven
of Michigan, and led by big Captain
Sylvoster Shonka, tho Cornhuskors
are going after that game to win.
The hardest schedule of gamos that
-NobraBka has over undergone has
boon almost completed, and success
fully completed. Nobraska was un
able to get tho best of tho Western
champions, but all tho Missouri Val
ley teamB have fallen victims tp tho
power and speed of Coach Stlehm's
Stiehm Is 8angulne.
Coach Stiehm has put Inthe best
fc-year In his coaching experience In
Straining tho NobraBka eleven and ho
Hb justly proud of tho team ho has de-
' Vclopcd. ' Not a moment has lie lost
sight of tho fact that tho chanco of
many years is before Nebraska this
season to beat Michigan. And tho
big coach has trained his oloven to
tho minute, developing cjeop, tricky
plays to puzzle tho Mlchiganders, and
speed to combat tho. weight and
strongth of Coach Yost's men.
, Michigan supported .by many
of its loyal Alma Mator, but the gath
ering of tho old time, supporters of
tho Scarlet and tho Cream to sing
"The CorjihUBkor", and Join in the
U-U-U-n-I will bo an'occa'sion that will
longjbo remembered In the history of
Nebraska. " '
' - DECK.
Rushing Reason' for the sororities
began", yesterday at twelve o'clock.
Up to this tlmo ' all rushing of any
knd has boon prohibited,' since
pledgps were announced at the end of'
registration weok.
Tho glrla will 'spend the next two-
days,r until five o'clock Friday, Inrush-;
Ing-doBirablo freshmen. At that time
tho bids will bo sent out by mW
Conklln, .which will be answored in
person by tho rushoes Saturday noon..
Due -to tho surprise expressed upon
the campus as to tho novol arrange
ments for this year's Cornhuskor Ban
quet, the management has given out
an explanation that BeomB to sllenco
much of tho criticism.
'Soveral'weekB ago thofear was-eX-pressed
that thiB banquet would be a
failure if given on tho night of the
Michigan game because of the goncral
spirit of celebration which would be
then prevalent. Tho management
realized the truth of this idea, and
accordingly began to plan something
now and novol which might bo ex
pected to awaken the interest of the
Tho occasion of a game with an
eastern team of tho standing which
Michigan has always hold in the foot
ball annals of tho country is both the
most significant and most developing
event which has found a place upon
tho calendar of any year since men
now in school packed their trunks for
the Unl. Upon this day tho eyes of
tho entire middlo west and much of
the far cast and west will bo fixed
upon Lincoln, and everything wo do
upon that day will carry tho name of
Nebraska far and wide. Therefore it
Beems that her is a wonderful oppor
tunity to ralso the name of Cornhusk
ers and their football team to a great
er prominency than in any preceding
dur friends from tho east will bo'i
deeply impressed with tho reception
they receive while guests of the Uni
versity of Nebraska, and nothing
should be spared to show them that
tho spirit of tho CornhuBkors is na
great as" that of Yale, Harvard, Prince
ton and Cornell:
Tho night of the gamo 1b a wonder
ful opportunity, and what loyal No
brnskan, what man who loved Nobras
ka would sidestep such a chance?
Would "It do to lot tho Mlchiganders
banquet by thomselves while tho
Huskers cheer for Nebraska a few
blocks away? Istlt npt a tremendous
opportunity to 'tonder the, W,6lvorineB
an ovation of which Nebraska can be
proud, and at tho same tlmo call out
tho beat that Ib In ourselves?, This
monster banquot in the' Lincoln Audi
torium is such a tributo as fow teams
have over received and will so bo
recognized throughout tlio United
StatoB. .
Tho loyal alumni of Michigan, find
ing that Nebraska had mado no pro
vision for the entertainment of tholr
team, organized a banquet at the Lin
coln Hotel at two dollars per plate,
arranged to bring speakers from Ann
Arbor, organized, a-special train from
KnnsaB " City, ' sold tickets In sovon
surrounding states, and so planned to
do that which Nebraska. had 'failed to
ilo-. One hundred Michigan -alumnae
nf. nmaha nlanned to-' brine -their
Hvlves.'dug down, in their pockets and
arrangqd' to bring the regimental
band, oftho famous Fourth Infantry
upon a) special, train to Lincoln. Then,
tho Cornhusker management Woko up
and oxtended an Invitation to Michi
gan to join tho colouration of tho Ne
braska team. Tho Michigan commit
tee cordially and gororously agreod
to surrender all thoir plans and at
tend the Cornhusker Banquot, not as
a soparato aggregation, but as joint
supporters of the Scarlot and Cream
and the Malzo and Blue. But what
would thoy do with their ladles, they
asked? What yould YOU answor7
You could not possibly refuso them
admission. Why not, then, throw
open the doors to tho girls of tho Uni
versity, to the wives of thoso Lincoln
business men who have dono so much
to make Nobraska football what It Is?
Are the traditions of this banquet
broken? No, because this Is an .ex
traordinary occasion, such as may
never occur again. Can not tho girls
of Nebraska Join this once with the
mon In such an enthusiastic celebra
tion of ho wonderful a Nebraska team
as has never before beon heard of In
the west? Tho glrlB have rooted for
this team, thoy are proud of it, and
they wish to join their tributo, and
pay homago, as do tho men to tho
champions of tho Missouri Valley.
Never before havo Nebraska alumnae
gathered to. boo a gamo upon N'obrae-.
ka Fiold as thoy will gather on this
day. Their presence at tho banquet,'
and tho presence of graduates of al
most every great college In tho coun
try, make tho Cornhusker Banquet of
1911 a broader, greater, moro Inspir
ing occasion than It has over beon
before. They aro enthusiastic about
the event, they will bo there in force
to'cheor and sing, and will the Htu
dents bo outdono? No! not In. a thou
sand years.
Banquet to Bo Informal.
Contrary, to tho predictions of
many, this year's banquet will bo de
cidedly Informal. Tho girls havo ex
pressed the dcBiro that thoir preBohce
shall not Interfere with tho Informal
ity of tho occasion. Glen Whltcomb
and his songsters promlBO to wdrblo
and tho cheer leaders will bring their
megaphones. Pounding on tho table'
and ringing of the plates will bo In
order. "Cheer, Choor, tho gang's all'
here," will bo heard with the ono
naughty word omitted or 'whispered
up a sleeve.
All tho world knows tho heart of, a
college boy, and tho bunch is not ex
pected to abandon' college customs.
No, we are n6t "all dead yet."
' r Banquet Orators,
The correct toast list has now beon
.made public and is horo given; -
uasi jvieeiB we Juago uosgravo
Michigan."" ..'.!.... v. , . Dean" Cooloy
West Meets JSast. , ., Governor Aldrlch
Cqllegb, Men .,,. '.'Procssor Knowlton
Mo'dern Football'. ...'.,... .Dr. Maxey
Season of. 19U., ..... "Tato' Matters
The Team,,, -,!? , Captain Shonka
Nebraska,',', . Vjf Chancellor Avery
Members of"' the ' teams, , Coach
Stfohm,. ,Jack BejBtand Coach YosJ
will probably rospbnd to 'tho call of
tho students. '
Monster Michigan Matt Meeting to
Be Last Football Conclave
This 8eason.
Nebraska's and Michigan's football
teams will meet not only on tho foot
ball gridiron, but in a joint mass
meriting Friday morning In Memorial
Hall of tho University of Nebraska.
Tho last football rally of 1911 at
'Nebraska will bo singularly honorod
by the presence of tho Michigan
elovon on tho Btago with tho Corn
huskers. In all probability sovoral of
tho Michigan team and its coach will
bo asked to speak at tho mooting.
Yost to 8peak at Rally,
Coach YoBt of Michigan and Coach
Stiehm of Nebraska will bo ablo to
soo their respective clovons lined up
against each other, although not In
uniform, in this moBt novol meeting.
Tho supporters of Nebraska will soo
tho husky opponents which tholr fa
vorites will havo to wallop to sot No
braska on a level with tho Big Eight.
Nebraska's rooting band will bo on
hand at tho meeting to yell for tho
team', and Michigan will recoive tholr
sharo of vcheors,
8ome Rooting Too.
Loyal NobraalcanB who want to soo
Nebraska winthis gamo and hold ath"
lotle relations with tho Wolverines In
future years will all attend the meeting.
Co-eds receive with enthusiasm tho
news that the Cornhusker Banquet lias
been thrown open to thorn. Tho fact
that the women in no way sought the
honor Increases its valuo.
'This one aunual stag banquet "has
hitherto beon closed to' women and
the succoss of the present oxperlmont
may establish a precedent.
General sentiment Indicates "that a
number of co-eds will tako advantage
of this chanco to attend a big All-University
feed. ' If two 'hundred or more
tickets are arranged for, special co-ed
tables' will be reserved In tho center
of the Auditorium. Miss Alico Ensign
and other faculty women wilf bo pres
ent, Tho girls will be represented
upon tho program.
Women can get tickets at tho Reg
istrar's office. Tickets should bo ar
ranged for as soon as possible, so that
an idea can 'be obtained of tho num
ber" of girls who will attend. '
Dr. Walte Conyocatlpn.
(Dr. H. H. Watte, p'rofewprof bac
teriology, will give, a l'ecturb at Con
vocation' today on "Transmission of
Typhoid' Infection; " Dr. Walte was
the local expert la the recent inves
tigation' of ytphold in the city and
has , specialized ' In bacteriological
study. ' '
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