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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1911)
"!-., sprawl -I-, T, .-,,., . Tf 'JUf THE DAILY NEBUA8KAN -mmcar ' r ; rv' I i, fi rv- fr mr ip ivi I ST E" ? fcfe k 1.1 i If THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Owned and publlihtd by th University of Nebraska through THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD "OflJeri, Basement the Administration Building. Poatoffloe Station A, Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska. TELEPHONES (.Day Auto 1888. Night Auto 8145, Ed. 1035. Bus, Mgr. 4280 THE STAFF EDITORIAL 8am R. Buck, Editor A..H. Dlhamore. Managing Editor Ralph 8. Doud, City Editor f. C. McCorinoll Associate Editor Btuart Gould. Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Homer O. Hewitt Hugh Agor Waltttco B. Troup .Kenneth M. Snyder R. 8. Buddenborg J. Lovojoy Linn L. A. Bechter Fred L. Babcock Harry Burtln Robert II. Flnley Frank Perkins, Stnff Photographer WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Marian Sweroy Ollvo B. Mann Ruth Munger Alice Chambers Merrll Reed Lawrenco Robinson It. T. Skinner C. L. UpdcgrnfC O. F. Andrews Wlnnlfred Elchar MUdred Covins BUSINESS Vincent C. Hatoall, Business Manager C C Buchanan, Asst. Bub. Mgr. J. V. Morrlton, Circulation Mgr, Subscription $2.00 per yesr. Single copies 5c Faculty notices and University bulletins published free. Bntvred at the Postodlco, Lincoln, Ncbr., aa second class matter under act of Congress March 3, 1879. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1911. THE CORNHU8KER BANQUET. Duo to an unfortunato array of cir cumstances, tho sotting of tho dato for tho CornhuBkor banquet was thlB yoar attondod by a submerged, but novor tholcss blttor, dtsputo as to which of two groat affairs should' havo profor onco for so valuablo a dato as that just following tho groatoBt gamo of football to bo played in tho West this yoar. As tho big all-UnlvorsIty banquet-1 a foast in appreciation of tho efforts of team and coach, tho Cornhusker qulto properly and without objection, was given the placo by tho Pan-Hellenic council. IN OTHER 8CHOOLS. Doan Mary Potter of Northwestern forbado co-eds of that school to go to Urbana to seo tho Northwostorn-Illi nols game Saturday. Indignation mootlngs woro hold and tho ontiro fominino body was in open revolt. Yalo studonts, disappointed at the rosult of tho Yale-Princeton gamo, de stroyed tho interior of a Now Haven thoator Saturday night. Tho students were finally dispersed by tho use of a flro hoso. Soven woro arrested. Ne braska might havo to contend with worso things than "Cheer, Cheer " Aftor tho equal suffrage amendment BEAT IT TO 1415 O Forget the High Rent District Look up My Men's Shoes, $3.50 See Me on Hats, $2.50 BUDD 1415 o It waa argued at tho tlmo, howovor, that tho night following such a gamo might not bo so desirable as tho night previous, for sovoral reasons, but tho former dato was alono posBlblo of tho two, as Coach Stlohm could not per mit the team to attend a banquot be fore a gamo. Consoquontly tho date was sot, and is set, and such being tho caao, it is up to ovory Nebraskan to act like a Nobra8kan, and help mako the ban quot a success for tho sako of our guests. NOW FOR MICHIGAN. Saturday must bo a gala day in the annals of Nebraska football. Special yells and songs will help mako it so. Everybody get busy. Lot's got somd good onos. Tako thom to tho "Bag" ofllco or hand thom to Bob Hawloy TODAY. Tho Ju,nior Hop will bo given De combor 9th, at tho Lincoln Hotel. You had bottor got your tlckotB early, as tho-danco will bo limited. Tickets can bo purchased from Radcllffo, Potter, Hein and Hyde. E. L. HYDE. Dr. Condra Home. Dr. Condra has returned from Kan- sas-Cltyr "whore he delivered Tin ad dress boforo tho TranBmisslppl Com mercial convontion. Ho discussed tho effect of consternation' on the state and nation. Dr. Condra's 'lecture was ono of tho chief 'talks and was well re ceived. Tho meeting was of national Importance. Thoro woro over 500 del egates and the total attendance ex ceeded three thousand. had boon passed in California, Stan ford co-ods sought admission to tho Domocratic Club of that school. After some objoctions, tho male domocrats gavo In, and the club is now- com posed of both mon and girls. Seo tho Nebraska-Michigan gamo Saturday, November 25th, aftor visit ing tho Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop. Atmosphere! Robcoo at a meeting of tho English Club: "Yos, Profossor , I consider tho dramatic emotion of that volume very effective Tho descriptions are beautiful, fairly inspiring, in fact, I am dally bocomlng more impressed with tho value of good literature." Roscoo (with companion) returning from tho English Club meeting: "Say, boy, I guess wo didn't slip ono ovor on Kansas last Saturday! Tholr lino broko llko tho crust of a custard pie and their ends moved above llko Rip Van Winkle on hlB re turn from tho mountains." Weber's Sultorlum, 1100 O Street. Baker's Cafe serves cakes all day. Also everything else in Beason. Serv ice first class. 16-tf fRATEMIITlfS AND SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 Palladlans Elect. Tho Palladlan Literary Society re ceived into membership, last Frlda.. night tho following students: Kate Buol, Paul Buol, Ploreuco Daniels, Elslo Ebmeyer, Una Hlnos, and Mablo Pope. , FLODEEN & BRETHOUWER 129 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb. Every man who cares anything at all about his personal appearance know that only a first-class merchant tailor can furnish the sort of clothes that will give him that look of distinction that a well-groomed and woll-dressod ma shows. At 120 So. 11th Street tho firm of Flodeon & Brothouwor maintain, a largo show window that is always filled with a lino of goods that are equal to tho display of any tailoring establishment to be found in tho west Tht prices quotod on those goodB attract attention, and the workmanship and fit is all that could bo desired. Horo you can buy tailor-made goods at hand-me-down prices. The College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trade solicited. S. L. Chaplin. & Co. 127 N, 12th. The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure! you seethe vast differ ence ' between merchant tailored and ready made Our way costs . no more Besure to see our linefirst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone 48 Attention to the Opening of Bert Sturm's New 8-Chair Barber Shop Most Modern, Sanitary Shop and the Finest Fixtures Weal of Chicago Manicuring Cigars. Uni Students Welcomo. 110 South 18th St Hagensick's Orchestra Junior Hop December 9 1911 Lincoln Hotel Tickets $1.25 THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 per cent Interest m en diposiu $100 Opens an Account With the First National Bank, Cor. 10th and O. 44 99 Try a lunch at the Y. M. O. A. Lunch Room. Cafeteria Plan. City Y. M. C. A. 13th and P. WHAT DO YOU NEED TODAY In our 11ns of Pamphlet. Programs, Menus. Weddlni (Stationery and all kinds of Commercial and BUtiomnry Printing. Yin Tine Printing Coinini 121 H. 14th St. Bollnble, Prompt AutoSiTf HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner JJ:30 to Jj30 ); Supper 5)30 to 7s30 LvL Also Caftrlan Styk CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th mad O Streets P. J. HALL. PmUknt F. K. JOHNSON, Vic-PrttlUat W. VT. HACKNEY, JR., Ant. Cufc. HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry I -' '.' tfW - j-, -T'L .-.- ..