The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 22, 1911, Image 1

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    'rPpipVt,'-rTr jmw, r ,
Xlbe 2)atl IFlebrasftan
VOL. XI. NO 42.
Northerns to Be Guests at Colossal Feed at the City Auditorium
Following Game in the Afternoon Co-Eds to Be
Admitted for the First Time.
Manager Dana Van Duson of the
Annual Cornhuskor Banquet an
nounced last night that arrangements
liad been 'completed for a conjunction
botwoon the big annual football feed
at Nebraska and tho spoctacular ban
quet which Michigan alumni of tho
mlddlo west had boon planning to
.give to tho Wolverine toam next Sat
urday night
Tho two foasts will bo thrown to
gether and the alumni and studonts
of both schools will unlto in a frlondly
feast In tho spacious city Auditorium
following tho hostilities of tho after
noon. Tho teams representing tho Scarlet
and Cream- and tho Maizo and Bluo
Fraternity and Michigan A'umnl Ban
quet Give Way to Committee In
Charge Their Help Assured.
Chancellor Avory Is ono of tho loyal
supporters of tho Cornhusker Banquot
And has isBUod this greeting to the
studonts to arouBO thoir enthusiasm:
"To tho StudentB, Alumni, and Faculty
of tho University:
"The- annual Cornhusker Banquet
has boon scheduled for Saturday even
ing Novombor 25. Tho alumni of the
TJnivorslty of Michigan originally In
tended to hold a separate banquet, but
tho management of tho two events
camo together and decided to merge
thorn. Tho Wolvorlno-Cornhuskor
Banquot will therefore bo hold in tho
Hty Auditorium next Saturday night.
largest Event of Its Kind.
"ThlB will bo tho largest event of Its
Idnd over hold at tho University of
"Nebraska. Our fraternities havo very
loyally and unselfishly postponed thoir
Intorfraternity Banquot, that it might
not interforo with tho all-University
affair. Tho Michigan alumni havo
sacrificed their own reunion that tho
two schools might colobrato together.
There 1b a now noto of progresslvenesB
1n this year's ovont, since tho women
as well as tho men of Michigan, and
"Nebraska will bo present.
"Thoro are hundreds of alumni of
"both institutions in this section of the
country. This will bo tho greatest
opportunity wo havo yot had to bring
ihem closer together, After a strenu
ous and hard-fought gamo, tho meet
ing of tho evening ought to Inspire as
-much enthusiasm as the contest of the
afternoon. This exhibition of good
fooling -.between tho two .institutions
t v (Continued on pago four.)
will bo seated opposite each other and
on oither sido tho spoakors' tablo on
a raised dias. Tho Nebraska-Michigan
game is tho last of tho soason for
each team, and tho banquet will break
all training restrictions, according to
Van Duscn.
Tho announcement of tho abovo ar
rangomonts has caused no littlo rlpplo
of concern upon tho campus, as In
consideration for tho plans of the
Michigan alumni who had planned to
bring thoir wlveB with them, tho Corn
huBker Banquet will this year be
thrown opon to ladies.
Horotoforo it has oeon a big stag
affair, and tho co-eds have felt some
what sllghtod so much so, in fact,
that on ono occasion at least they
gave a Cornhusker of thoir own a
Next Saturday, at Iowa City, Ne
braska's cross-country team will meet
a numbor of tho representative teams
of tho Western Intercollegiate Asso
ciation. Tho Chicago Conference meet Is an
annual affair for Nebraska, this year
being tho soventh it has been held.
Out of tho seven years, Nobraska has
brought homo tho banner five times.
In 1910 tho Cornhusker team was dis
qualified because ono of tho mombors
of tho team did not finish, on account
of a sudden sickness coming on him
during tho run, although up to that
time victory scorned certain. By a
new rule there will bo six men on tho
toam this year In place of tho former
five. This will prevent any occur
rence such as last year, for tho first
five men will bo counted. If ono man
Is taken sick thoro will still bo five
mon loft to finish. How Important this
Is can be seen from last Saturday's
run, when Kennedy Ijccamo M and
tho Cornhuskor team was disqualified
on account of this.
Tho toam to. go to Iowa City has
(Continued on page 3.)
The Annual-Football Number of the Dally Nebraskan will be
issued Saturday.
It will be the biggest and best ever put out.
It is to be dedicated In honor of the Michigan game.
It will contain all football dope and pictures of the team. Also
other features.
The' cover design Is reproduced from an original special poster
drawn for this number of the Nebraskan. It will be the most elab
orate cover ever put on a college paper.
The special edition will not be distributed from Station "A."
Regular subscribers will oall for papers at the' "Rag" office.
Papers will be distributed Saturday afternoon, Monday and Tues
day. Extra copies must be ordered In advance. Mail order or leave
at "Rag" office. '
toamlcss ono necessarily. '
Under tho now arrangement it 1b
oxpocted that sovoral hundrod of tho
roal supporters of tho team will be
present to lend atmosphere to tho oc
casion. Evory effort has boon mado to at
tract as many as poBslblo of tho vis
iting alumni and friends of Nebraska,
and tho Michigan grads had already
arranged for a prlvato dlnnor of 250
platos, so it Booms that it will now bo
necessary to provldo for at loast 1,000
guosts. Tho stag banquot last year
was attended by 370 and tho girls'
fcod by moro than 200.
Manager Van Duson estimates that
not loss than 250 Cornhusker alumni
will bo proBont, as It seems that Ne
braska should turn out a numbor of
Business mon of, Lincoln aro sub
scribing money to enlarge tho Univer
sity campus. An effort will bo mado
to raiso $125,000 with which tho blocks
bounded by S, T, Twelfth, and Four
teenth streets will bo purchased. The
city of Lincoln haB donated $00,000, to
bo paid in yearly installments of $15,
000 each.
Rudgo & Guonzol, Miller & Paine,
and It. B. Mooro havo each glvon $5,
000, making a total of $75,000. An in
dividual subscription list will bo start
ed this week. Tho committee appoint
ed for raising funds consists of-J. E.
Miller, chairman, R. B. Mooro, C. H.
Rudgo, C. G. Quiggle, W. H. Dorgan
and-Willard Kimball.
Sixth Company Formed.
A now company has beon formud at
The Stato Farm.
ThlB makes six companies how in
tho Farm battalion.
Plum Elected Captain.
Tho Nebraska Aggies havo olocted
W. B. Plum football captain.
Price 5 Cents.
old grads and gradosscB at least as
largo aB that of Michigan. Tho total
will thuB roach tho 1,000 mark, and
plans will bo mado to accommodato
any overflow in caso such ' an emer
gency arises.
Tho toaBt list for tho banquot has
not boon definitely announced aB yet,
furthor than 'that tho Hon. John L.
Konnody of Omaha will act as toast
master, and that Chancellor Avory,
Governor Aldrlch and Judgo Cosgravo
havo consentod to speak. Mayor J. C.
Dahlman of Omaha, ox-Sonator B. J.
Burkott of this city, Coach Yost of
Michigan, Judgo Cooloy of Michigan,
Judgo Knowlton of Kansas City, and
Coach Stiohm and Captain Sylvester
Shonka of Nebraska will also bo askod
to talk.
Wolverine Grads Open Headquarters
at Lincoln Hotel Will Enter
tain Players,
Lincoln merchants aro making un
rivalled preparations for decorating
tho city .during tho vIsit;of tho con
tingent from tho Wolverlno stato at
tho Nebraska-Michigan gamo next
Tho Commorcial club has voted
$200 for uso In hanging mingled Michi
gan and Nobraska colors all along tho
streets leading from tho Burlington
station to tho Lincoln Hotol, whoro tho
Michigan headquarters will bo, and.
and thonco up O street to 'Eleventh,
and north to tho main entrance to tho
University grounds.
Every morchant along lO street la
making preparations to decorate his
windows lavishly, and the managers
of tho big stores promise something
far above tho ordinary in tho way of
football decorating.
Upon tho campus itself tho principal
showing of colors will doubtless be
tho Scarlet and Cream of the rooters'
hats, and tho armlots worn by tho co
ed contingent but down town neither
Cornhuskor nor Wolverine will rule
' Both city, and school are making
ready a royal welcome for tho' husky
foemon from the north, and tho occa
felon bids fair to bo tho most' memora
ble event of recent years.
Miohigan alumni have establishes
headquarters at tho Lincoln Hotel
where a committee will be waiting alt;
day, to receive the visiting Michigan
Tho Nebraska cadet band will meev
all Incoming special trains and escort
(Continued on Page 3) ,