The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 21, 1911, Image 2
iywflij ''y'l-T '.,L ''"' ' v ' , , i: ' - , V rre? 1i'll1fyijl!pfj- $, ,fZ-22 WNflt'' MyiT vrwf E-i- ' .... li1 L:..i.mMauaiLifc r(S. ' I THE DAILY NEBBASKAN 3E "rl 4 Mr iiv ' 8' , BBSi HKi; nrw r THE DAILY INEBRASKAN Owned and published by the University of NobniRka through THE 8TUPENT PUBLICATION BOARD Ofllces, Basement tho Administration Bulldlntf. vT,.v Postotnco Htatlon A, Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska. TELEPHONES J . Dy Auto 1888. Night Auto 3146, Ed. J03G. Bus, Mgr. 4200 THE STAFF EDITORIAL Sam R. Buck, Editor A. H. Dlnsmorc, Managing Editor Ralph 8. Doud, City Editor F. C. McConnell Associate Editor Stuart Gould, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL TTomor O. Hewitt Hugh Agor Wnllaco B. TroUp Kenneth M. Snyder R. 8. Buddenberg J. Lovojoy Linn L. A. Bechtor Fred L. Babcock Harry Burtls Robert H. Flnley Frank Perkins, Staff Phologiuphcr WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Marian Swozoy Ollvo B. Mann Ruth Mungor Allco Chambers Merrll Reed tawrenco Robinson . T. Skinner O. L. Updegraff C. F. Andrews Wlnnlfred Elchar Mildred Bovine BU0INE8S Vincent C. Hatcalt, Business Manager C. C Buchanan, Asst. Bus. Mgr. J. V. MorrlLon, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 per year. Single copies 5c Faculty notices and University bulletins published free. Entered at tho PostofTlco, Lincoln, Ncbr., n second class matter under act of Congress March 3, 1870. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1911 TO EVERY MAN, HI8 DUE. For tho second consocutlvo season tho championship mantlo of tho Mis eouri Valloy conforonco has fall on on tho shoulders of Nebraska's football team. Tho conch and tho mon have now practically gone through, .ho most try ing echedulo Nebraska has ovor faced, with tho loss of but ono gamo, and that to Minnesota, tho Western cham pions. Tho tio at Ames Is a blot on a per fect record, but not a bar to cham pionship claims, aB tho Iowa Aggies admit that wo had tho hotter team and against competitors ontirely strange. In acknowledgement of tho success that has met his offorts, it is no more than Just that wo should glvo him tho greatost reward within our power our implicit confidence and united backing, and tho help of each and ovory ono of ub in such manner as we aro able in prolonging achievements like that of 1911. Hero's to Stlohm.) Wo aro for him first, last and always. ON THE KANSAS-NEBRASKA GAME. (Apologies to Walt Mason and Others) Thoro nin't no uso o' talkin, Bill, Nebraska's got tho stuff, for they slipped ono ovor Kansas, Bill, 'till WHITE BUCK SATIN, TAN Patent and Gun Button 4.00, 5.00 and 6.00 Shoes, Sample and Cancelations 1413 O B U D D UP STAIRS $2.95 tho team of real championship call bro, and a vory cursory comparison of our scores against other Valley teams serves to abolish all doubt. Ne braska has shovn that she is tho su perior team of tho ontlro Valloy by her overwhelming dofent of tho strong Kansas and Missouri olovens. For this showing tho studont body of tho University is deeply Indebted tp tho mon who by their individual and combined exertions havo forced tho ball so often behind tho goals of opposing teams, and to tho coach, Ewald O. Stlohm, who Is moro directly rosponBlblo for tho glorioiiB attain mont8 than any ono porson. It is ho upon- whoso unaccustomed shoulders foil tho task of developing a championship team in surroundings Kansas yelled "enuff." Those teams havo played at football for a dozen years or mpro, ilghtin harder ovory fall a-tryin' to "boost" tho score. Two years ago they beat us. Bill, as for tune on them foil; then, they thoT they had ub goln Bill, by tho things thoy used to toll. But they haven't hollered quito so much sinco wo won tho gamo last fall; yot, "wait!" they said, "your pride we'll touch whon you can't como back at all." But wo came back awful strong, Bill; wo scored somo twonty-nino, so now thoy ceaso to holler, Bill, for thoy havo to give it to our lino. I know thoy hato to do it, Bill, for thoy loso with blttor tears, but Nebraska's got 'em bested, Bill, an's goln' to for years and years. PEANUT HILL. H ARE YOU PARTICULAR about your appearance? Most young men have a certain pride about their clothes and like to wear that look of distinction which onlytailored-to-measure garments can have. TAILORED-TO-MEASURE $15 O'coats It's not haw much can I pay, but how much can I get for what I pay. call and see us. DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS 1218 O STREET For Students Exclusively Laundry coupon books for cash at a big discount $5.00 Books, $4.25 $3.00 Books, $2.60 $2.00 Books, $1 .75 All work guaranteed We call for and deliver 326-342 South Uth Street o Both Phones Globe Laundry Co. Telephone .your order for a Bojok or call at our office We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city Oysters any style. Fancy SANDWICHES and SALADS served at all hours Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c Sfe ctTT$&cr v CTTKrTTiVTTSMJVfiKEXfl i Tm m mtmmtmmimemmmmmmmmm ZSSK The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ' ready made. Our way costs no more. . Besure to see our linefirst. ' College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone -4-0 RENT YOUR TYPEWMTER NOW L Any Make :: Any Time 3 MONTHS $6.00 The Largest Stock in the West Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. 1406 O. STREET. !" a- s.' f - V 1- 1 Si Ht. t "A. 'jttkk . .- , --""- .... .1JJ