The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 21, 1911, Image 1
"-r fmn wfljavwai ;i rflfV '" ' v ' "- r & Xlbe 2)atl? IFlebraefean f 1 VOL. XI. NO 41. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN TUESDAY NOV. 21, 1911. Price 5 Cents. t' GORNHUSKER BANQUET BIGGESHEED IN YEATS ANNUAL FOOTBALL CELEBRATION TO ECLIPSE ALL RECORD8. TO BE HELD IN THE AUDITORIUM Plans Made to Accommodate Over Six Hundred Good Toasts and Music Assured. Tho Cornhuskor banquet noxt Sat urday evening, following tho Michigan game, bids fair to be tho biggest feed in tho history of tho University. Tho banquet will bo held at tho City Audi torium and plans aro being made to accommodate all who wish to attend. It iB thought that in tho neighborhood of six hundreds Btudents and alumni will bo in attendance. Last year 365 men wore soated at tho tables and that crowd was a record broakor. Nebraska, in lining i for a monster food at tho Auditorium, is taking a stop in advance. A groat many more men can bo seated at ono tlmo at tho Auditorium than at any of tho hotels. Tho committee is arranging for a first-class dollar banquot. There will bo at least four courses. Tho banquet 1b being run by tho Innoconta, with Dana Van Duson in immediate charge. Tho list of speak ers has not yet boon solected, but it is certain that an attractive toast list will bo prepared. Tho band has boon engaged to fur nish tho muBio and it Is expected that a gloe club will bo organized to add life to the occasion. DR. BESSEY TO LEAVE WILL PRESIDE AT MEETING OF SCIENTISTS IN WASH INGTON. Dr. Bossey will leave soon for Washington, D. C, whore ho will pre side over tho national assembly of the Association for tho Advancement of Science. Dean Bessoy was elected president last year and will take tho chair for tho first tlmo at tho meet ing to bo held In Washington from December 26 to 30. He will make tho reply to President Taft's address of welcome. TO ADDRESS BIO (ONGRISS DR. GEORGE E. CONDRA IN DE. MAND AT IRRIGATION CON VENTIONS. Dr. Georgo E. Condra of tho Geol ogy department expects to leave De cember 5 for Chicago whore he will address the National Irrigation Con gress. His presence has also boon re quested at a conservation meeting in Spokane, "Wash., and at a' number of other placea whore work of this na turals. inprogrosB SOUTH STAND SOLD OUT EAGER ANN0UNCE8 HEAVY 8ALE OF SEATS RE8ERVED PART OF NORTH 8IDE ALL GONE. Manager Eager announces that tho old stand on the south side and 'the entire reserved 'section on the north side Is sold out Over 1,000 tickets have been disposed of In Omaha. BARKER ADVOCATION ZOOLOGICAL PROFE8SOR TO LEC TURE ON PHASES OF "ANI MAL INDUSTRY." Profossor Barker Will givo an illus trated locturo In Momorial Hair this morning on "Animals That Produco Disease." Dr. Barker is now associ ate professor of zoology. Ho is promi nont in scientific work, and is consid ered a world authority on parasitology. Ho and, Doan Bessoy will roprosont Nebraska at tho groat mooting of tho American Association for tho Advance ment of Sclent, which will bo held at Washington during tho Christmas holi days. Ills lecturo this morning will bo of popular intorost. Ho will give a gen oral survoy of tho animals that pro duco diseases in men, such as ma laria, yellow fever, and other common plaguos. A portion of his talk will also bo given up to tho lnfluonco of foreign migration on national posts. Tho lecturo will bo of bonoflt to tho entire studont body and will bo highly interesting. STUDENT TICKETS IN EAST STAND WILL BE THROWN OPEN TO GEN ERAL ADMISSION AFTER GAME 8TART8. In roply to frequent inquiries as to tho seats for tho Michigan game, Manager Eager announcos that tho bearers of studont tickets will bo ad mitted to tho east section of tho north stand without additional charge. Since tills section contains moro seats than necessary for the season tickets, it will bo thrown open imme diately before the game to genoral ad mission. Tho girls' section will bo reserved for tho loyal co-eds as In former games. GIRL'S CLUB MEETS TO HOLD A RALLY IN MEMORIAL HALL TO RECEIVE SUG GESTIONS. There will bo a mass meeting of tho University Girls' Club in Momorial Hall at 11:30 today. This Is not a board meeting, but an all-member mooting whero suggestions and ideas will bo received for future club activi ties. Definite plans will bq laid Thore should bo a largo attendance. CONVOCATION POPULAR. Regular Exercises at the Farm Well Attended by "Students. Convocation ab the Farm is hold every Saturday and Tuesday. Strange to say, so many attend that there isn't room enough for them all. Nebraskans to "the Front. At tho national mooting of agricul tural scientists, two Nebraska men took prominent prfrts. H. J. Webber, '89, now a profossor in Cornell, gayo an address on "Cornell Experiments in Timothy Breeding." E. G. Mont gomery, '06, spoke" on "Methods of Studying tho Relation of Water to Plant Production" Professor Mont gomery also expects to 1 eave tho "Farm!' noxt semester to tako a pro fessorship at Cornell. " " GIRLS PRESENTCRANFORB" UNIVERSITY GIRL8' CLUB TO HOLD OPEN HOU8E 8ATUR- DAY IN TEMPLE. Another largo mooting Is planned by tho UnlvorBlty GlrlB Club for Sat urday aftornoon, Docombor 9. Tho leading feature will bo a play, "Cran ford," given through tho courtoay of tho City Woman's Club, by membors of tho club who aro UnlvorBlty alumni. Tho play will bo given in tho Toraplo Thoator and nn Informal reception will follow In tho faculty parlors. Music hall will bo open to those who care to danco, and othor amusemonts will bo provided. Light rofroBhmonts will bo served. No admission is to bo charged, but evoryono must prosont a ticket, which can be procured from mombors of tho club. All Univorsity girls aro Invited and it Is hoped thoro will bo as big a showing as tho former meeting brought out. Formal announcement Is mado that tho "eatings" won't run out this timo. MRS. WILLIAMS TO SPEAK WILL ADDRE83 THE Y. W. C. A. ON THE IMMIGRATION QUE8TION. -At tho regular- Tuesday evoning mooting of tho Y. W. C. A., Mrs. T. F. A. Williams will givo a talk on "Im migrants." Mrs. Williams has mado a special study of tho immigrant prob lorn, so her talk will bo well worth hearing. All girls aro urged to attond. HYDE TO LEAD GIRLS PROMI8E8 TO CONDUCT ROOTING AT THE GAME NEXT 8ATURDAY. At last Nebraska's co-od rooting section is to havo a choer loader. In prelvouB games tho girls' rooting has boon spasmodic and foeblo becauso thoro was no organized effort. "None of tho follows would go over thoro," said Bob Hawlqy. "Thoy wore all scared of so many girls." For tho Michigan game, however, Les Hyde has bravely promised his services. It is said that the efforts of tho girls, combined with those of tho men sitting In tho grandstands, will rival the noise of Hawloy's Howling Hundred. WITH APOLOGIES TO NONE. Yes, wo crumpled up Missouri, And wo did as much for Ames, Wo humbled Kansas Aggies', And wo won somo othor games, And wo wont down to that woodpile And wo smoked tho negro out. Dkl those awful .Tayhawks got us? Say, did we watch but? Thoy kept on a-playin' fumbly And thoy played bo awful ajow, Wo saw 'em loso tho battlo By a score (hat wasn't low. But wo haven't got th swoH head, Though we guess wo won that bout, And It shows for suro that Shonka Was a watch- . In' OUt. ' HARRY BURTIS. SOUTHERN NEIGHBORS AREjVERWHELMED CORNHU8KER8 8WAMP KAN8A8 IN ANNUAL CONTE8T. SHONKA AND FRANK BRIGHT STARS Hell and Delaney Do Good 'Work, But Are 8mothered by Nebraska. Handing Kansas tho worst dofoat that tho JayhawkorB ovor rocolved from a Nobraska team, tho Corhhusk ors Invadod tho K. U. torritory and camo homo victorious to tho tuno of 29 to 0. Kansas novor had a look-in on thrf gamo, being outclassed in ovory de partment of tho gamo excopt tho kick ing of thoir star man, Dolanoy. And during ono qdartor Jimmy Gibson was booting tho ball bettor than tho Jay hawkors' phonom. At no timo during tho gamo did Kansas havo a chanco to scoro, oxcoflt tho chanco that ono of Dolanoy's trials for a field goal would go ovor tho bars. Kansas was playing tho gamo In Nebraska's half of tho flold . during tho latter part of tho gamo, but tho Jayhawkors woro poworloss to advance tho ball consistently through tho strong defpnso of Captain Shonka and his squad of llnomon. Frank Makes First Score. Owon Frank mado tho first touch down sovon minutes nftor tho roferoo's whistlo blow and Ahrons of Kansas kicked off. Gibson wont ovor on a' forward pass from Warnor for tho soc ond touchdown a few raomonts lator. Ernlo Frank mado tho star run of tho gamo In carrying tho ball sixty yards down tho flold to a touchdown, dodging or outrunning almost ovory, man on tho Kansas team. Owen shared socond honors for tho longost carry, going ovor thq goal from tho thirty-yard lino, following a forward pass from Warnor to Chaunor for a long gain. Tho final touchdown damo in tho last quarter, whon' Nebraska carried tho ball to tho Kansas ton-yard lino by tho plunging forco of its backflold, aided by stellar work by Shonka, Har mon, Plorson nnd tho othor linemen. Ernie Frank shot through tho Kansas lino for tho final tally, Shonka and Frank Star. Captain Shonka and Qwon Frank were tho particular stars of tho day, although tho ontlro toam played tho moBt spectacular fotball against tho Jayhawkors. Chauner nnd Lofgron outplayed thoir mon straight through and" Elliott, working with tho two guards, proved a tower of strength In tho center. Anderson did not come up to tho hUBky .Plorson In his work, but ho was far tho superior of any Kansas lineman. Captain Shonka was being watched by tho.Jayhawkor llnomon. So much -was-plaln-from-tho-beginhlng-of -tho game, hut tho big captain was oqual to tho emergency and gave tho Kan- fsans thoir hands full In trying to keep him from opening up holos, -and ho, was a terror to tho Kansas runnors. Owen Frank played tho'gamo'of his life In tho backflold, Owen raced through tho Kansas line, and around their ends with ease, and on returning punts gained many yards on the Kan sas runner, Hell. 'Hell desorvosmore (Continued on page tour.) , f "f $ ' j ; O ttWiA,'i