The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1911, Image 2
.wa nHHHHWMOT iwifi w , . f L Iv?- , fff " &'4feTjjHyr-' TT( ''i' -. i - i- v-aqr" THE DAILY NEBEASKAN SM j't ' ". r THE DAILY INEBRASKAN Owned nnd published by the University of Nebraska through THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD Offlcva, Basement tho Administration Building. Postofnco Station A, Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska. TELEPHONES OajrAuto 1888. Night Auto 3HG, Ed. 1035. Duh, Mgr. 4200 '' THE STAFF .EDITORIAL Sam P. Buck, Editor A. H. Dlnntuoro, Mnnnglng Editor Ralph S. Doud. City Editor V. C. MoConncIl AHsnclato Editor Stuart Gould, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Homor O, Hewitt Hugh Agor Wallaco B. Troup Kenneth M. Snyder R. 8. Buddcnborg J. J.ovojoy Linn L. A. Bcchtor Krcd L. Babcock Harry Burtls Itobcrt II. Flnley Frank Perkins, Staff PhotuKi.iplicr WOMEN'8 DEPARTMENT Marian Swozey Ollvo B. Mann Ruth Mungcr Allco Chambers BU8INES8 Vincent C. Hascnll, Dullness Manager ft C. Buchanan. Ant. Bus. Mrt. J. V. Morrison, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 per year. Single copies 5c Faculty notlceB and University bullotlnB publlshod free. Merrll Roed tAwrenco IToblnnon L. T. Bklnnor O. L. Updogrnff C. F. Andrews Wlnnlfrcd Elchar MUdred Bovlnn Enttrcd at the PostofTlce, Lincoln, Nobr., as socond class mattor under act of Congress March 3, 1879. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1911 AN OBJECT LESSON. As nn object Iobboii m iruo collcgo spirit tho sort that meana ovory thing to collcgo lito nnd colloglato athloticB, wo reprint an editorial from tho Dally Princotonlan. Wo nood Bay no more It Bpoalca for Itsolf: A Victory for Dartmouth. "Anyono who wltnoBBcd tho game Saturday could not fail to havo bcon improBBod by tho sportsmanllko spirit with whicli tho Dartmouth contingent accepted tho ruling of tho officials and with it a defeat which thoy had no roaBon to expect. For with all duo crodit to tho Princeton team, wo can- Pi PHIS GO IN A BODY. Nine Girls Make Trip to Lawrence Entertained by Local Chapter. Nino momborB of Pi Beta Phi, ac companied by thoir chaperono, MIbb Anno Stuart, loft Friday for Lawrence, whero thoy will boo tho gamo. Tho Kansas chapter of PI Phi will enter tain at a danco and tea for thom Fri day evening. Tho Hyde Prlntory, 1331 P St., up-to-date printing of all kinds. Gym Girls Organize. Tho Bophomoro girlB of tho gymna sium department havo organized to Short Vamp in Tan and Black Button and Lace B U D D $3.50 not Bay that wo dosorved to win. On tho dofonso tho two teams were near ly equal! but on tho offense Dart mouth had bottor intorforonco for tho backs, and although thoy wore not enough bottor to warrant their win ning, they at least cortalnly did not .doBorvo to havo tho gamo go agalnBt thom. And whan dofeat was adminlatorod by moans of a play that was nothing short of woird, it Booms almost tho holght of injustice. Wo can best con ceive of tho feelings which tho Dart mouth supporters must havo had if wo imaglno having lost tho Harvard .gamo through a similar clrcumBtanco, and had wo on our part accoptod ono wcok ago on a technicality, without a murmur, wo should indeed havo some thing of which to boast. Wo cannot honestly say that wo re gret having won the gamo. But wo do rogrot very much that wo could not win tho gamo ns a gamo should ho won, and wo again mako an ac knowledgement of ono qf tho host ex hibitions of sportsmanship that wo havo soon in somo time. And this is, incidentally, not only our own per sonal opinion, but tho opinion of tho -wholo Princeton, undergraduate body.'.' promoto better friendship and spirit among themselves. Last night a folk danco was hold in tho girls' gym, which was well attended. All sopho more glrlB wero Invited to come and bring a frlond. Tho ovening was Bpent in dancing. Light refreshments wore served. Of all the many doctors, can you beat this Johnnio Leard, mole doctor, at WoodB', 120G O St. Nuckolls County Reunion. Tho students and formor residents of Nuckolls county will havo a "get together" meeting Saturday ovening in the Temple. Moro than fifty are eligible and a pleasant social tlmo Is expected. Profossor and Mrs. A. A. Reed and Professor and Mrs. Percy B. Barker, formor residonta of tho county, will bo tho sponsors. PRICES SMASHED In Our THANKSGIVING SALE of PENNANTS AND POSTERS Begining Monday we will place on sale at greatly reduced prices all our pennants, posters and leather goods 20 to 50 Off University Book Store 340 North 11th Street GEO, SHAFFER, Prop THE NEW AUTO 3389 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BARBER SHOP SIX CIIAIUS it MO WAITING Best Barber Shop in the Wait CIGARS la Basement O Street Entrance BIANICUIllZfO FLODEEN & BRETHOUWER 129 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb. Every man who cares anything at all about his personal appearance know that only a flrst-claBS merchant tailor can furnish the sort ot clothes that will give him that look of distinction that a well-groomed and woll-drossod man Bhows. At 129 So. 11th Street tho firm of Plodeon & Brothouwor maintains a largo show window that is always filled with a lino of goodB that aro equal to tho display of any tailoring establishment to bo found in tho wost. The prices quoted on theso goods attract attention, and the workmanship and fit is all that could be desired. Horo you can buy tailor-mado goods at hand-me-down prices. 1 Superintendents to Meet. .Tho datos for tho fcponlng of tho ' School of Superintendence and the Summer Session of tho University . hayp boon definitely set. Tho School . of Superintendence will start Juno 10, , and.wjil ctoBotho same day that regls I tration "f or tho( Summer Session com- monces, Juno 14. CIosb work In he ? Sjummpr, Session will begin Juno' 17 and will continue until August 17. "Life" Is offering a novel and money-making plan to men and women who aro working their way through colleges and professional schools. You can find out all about It by sending your name and address on a poBtal to Life's College Studonts' League, 17 West 31st St., Now York City. Farm Professors Away. Doan A. Va Burnett of thp College of Agriculture, and ProfoBBor Pugsloy, director of tho Farmers' Institutes, aro In Ohio, attending a conferonce of agricultural educational directors. Thoy will return to Lincoln tho early part of next week. The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more. Besure to see our linefirst. College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone 48 J. C. WOOD and CO. The Bast Is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 Bell 147 CLEANERS and DYERS Botter Bee Louis Hngenslck about music for that dance. . Auto B-2990, Attention to the Opening of Bert Sturm's New 8-Chair Barber Shop Most Modern, -Sanitary Shop and the Finest Fixtures West of Chicago Mariicuring-Cigars. Unl Students Welcome. 110 South 18th St. .. A f -1 M 4t -i - '3 k ,A' TT ,A-