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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1911)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN "T- J U -- MISS SIMMS SUNDAY NOTED INDUSTRIAL WORKER TO SPEAK AT TEMPLE ON IM- IMPORTANT 8UBJECT. MIbs Florence Simms, industrial worker and national industrial secre tary of tho Y. W. C, A., will deliver an address in the Temple theater, Sun day afternoon, at 4 o'clock. MIbs Simms is a prominent worker, and in vestigator of, industrial conditions among women, having devoted much of her time in studying theso condi tions in largo ciiios with a view to their betterment. Hor subject Sunday will bo "Indus trial Conditions Among Wemen" and will bo of particular interest to soci ology students. Mrs. Lillian Dobbs Helms will sing and Miss Ruth Dakin will play a violin solo. . Mrs. Avery will preside at the moot ing. Try the Y. M. C. A. Antiseptic Bar bor Shop for good, quick service, Home shaving supplies for sale. Razors put in .order. Give Away Books. Professor Chaso has made arrange ments .with tho -publishers of tho book, "For Bettor Crops," whereby every student registered in tho Agri cultural College can receive one froo by Inquiring of the toolkeeper in Ma chinery Hall. Wober's Suitorium, 1100 O Street. j5d.'V' BOVSl Cnt out tho bon bona from now until Christ r r mas and buy hor a diamond ring. If sugar koops going up it will bo dead easy. Any way dome in'atid see what wo havo to offer you in Xmas gifts that plooso. ESTABLISHED 1871 1143 0 Social Calendar. Friday, 8:00 p. m. Union Society, Union Hall. Palladian Society, Palladlan Hall. Agricultural Club party, Mimic Hall, Temple. Chung Chin Hoi, Temple. Folk dance party for sophomoro gym girls, Gymnasium. Beta Thota Pi dance, house. Saturday, 8:00 p. m. Tegnor Society. Students' Debating Club, Medical Society social, Music Hall, Temple. Voroln Germania, Banquet Hall, Tomple. Komonsky Club, Mechanic Arts 106. Alpha Chi Sigma party. Bettor see Louis Hagonslck about music for that danqo. Auto B-2990. Phi Kappa Psi Pledges. Phi Kappa Psi announces tho pledg ing of William O. Cooley of Ellensvillo, Now York. . Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th, " - . H'-'w '".its rfnWIIIII IHIIHLflHwHHMH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbk- . b I BBBBBBlBBBBBBr9BBBflBBBBBBMBBHH"BBBr BBBYBWBWBWBinBWBWBWBWBBWB! bYbmbmbmbmbH t- Jn vflUHfll bbYmm m BfHEvfRllk '.bbwbwbl Nbwbwbwbwexwbwbwbwbwbwbwb bbwbwbwbwbwbwb 'DaiBBM' - r'-4S35f 'twlllBWBBBBBBBBBHHBl bbBbbbWbvbWbi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffBBlBffiffiffVK 2. vIA byKbYbyI ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffHliffiffiffHLvC2rciliBilff mBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbubbbbbbbhbSTiSB CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOUND FOUND Class "N" pin for class of "09." Losor phone. Anderson, Aiito. 37-3 FOUND Cold brooch. Owner call at M. A. 101 and identify property. 37-3 FOUND A fountain pen, with gold bands, engraved with initials and date. Seo NobranBkan manager between classes. 3 -3 LOST h a ft n n n n LOST Fountain pen, olther in library or on 0Btreot; Htorllng; initials R. It. 30-3 LOST An Alpha Thota Chi frat pin, crescent and scimitor. 'Roward if rotiirned to tho Rag ofllce. . tf LOST Bright red Bwoator, lottor "L" in black on front, at Saturday's game with Doane. Return to Rag offlco. " 36-3 EXCHANGED by mistake at Sopho moro Hop, a Walkover pump for Miller & Paine pump. Call Auto 2347. LOST Heavy red sweator on Ne braska Flold during Doano game. Roturn to Jack Best. 36-3 FOR RENT. ROOM and board for two mon stu dents. Modern, reasonable. A. Z. Donato, 1220 S. 39-3 HALLETT 7K" WANTED A room-mato. Tho room is a largo front room, steam heat, etc. 334 No. 13th. TWO largp furnished rooms for rent, second floor, modern house. Auto 4085. 721 So,' 11th St. ROOM in modern house. Phono Auto 3035.. 1310 L St. 3C-3 HochI Der Kaiser! Der Vereln Germania vorsammelt slch Sonnabond Ahend, don 18 Nov. um eln VIortel vor acht Uhr im Tem ple. Frau Heppner Bprlcht. Alio dcutsche Studenton sind horzlich oln goladen. See Lob Hyde when In need of pro grams, menus and othor printing. Palladlan Meeting. ' Tho program at the Palladian Lit erary Society will bo in tho naturo of a debate on coeducation. Visitors aro cordially Invited. George Bros., Danco Programs, Mon ogram Stationery, Motto Cards, The . "DraamOn" Tan Tho hotter things in shoos; shoos that aro oxclusivo in fashion; tbat givo bet tor sorvico thnn usual; a stock groat enough to mako your soloction a ploas uro; with an assuranco of correct At. YOU MEN. WHO are ready for winter; you who want to wait a lit tle longer better come over now and see the new things we've ready f oryou Good plan to study values; start the season right; come to look; to buy; muke yourself at home here; it will do us both good. $3, $4, $5. MEN'S! BOOTERY C. V. ROBERTS I44 No. lath Military Ball Committee. There will be a meeting of tho Mill tary Ball committee in tho CornhUBkor offlco this morning at 11 o'clock. Tho committeo consists of Fred Wirt, Rex Davics, Wayno Carroll, Captain Acker man, and Carl Lord. H. J. NEWMAN, Chairman. flHabw- RENT YOUR TYPEWBITER NOW Any Make :: Any Time 3 MONTHS $6.00 The Largest Stock in the West Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. 1406 O STREET AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre TONIGHT, 8AT. AND 8AT. MAT. RICHARD CARLE In "JUMPING JUPITER" Night. $1.50 to 50c; Mat., $1 to 50c ii i i iii Mon. and Tucb. Nights, Nov. 20-21 THE 8WEETE8T GIRL IN PARI8 I fllP'M U MATINDGSmxcept Monday) aijo LWUULN GVUNINOS AT 8:30 ORPHEUM Kiss ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commencing Mon. Night, Nov. 13 RICHARD CROLIU8 AND CO. RICE AND PREV08T WYNNE BROTHER8 KELLY & WENTWORTH JOHN DELMORE MA80N AND MURRAY FOUR ELLE8 BARGAIN MATINEES 15c & 25c NIQHT8 15o, 25c, 35c and 50c WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to he minute 142 North 12th Street ii 99 Try a lunch at tho Y. M. O. A.' Lunch Room. Cafeteria Flan. CityY. MC. A. . 13lhnndP. cf: i Thornburg ORCHESTRA . Music for all Occasions i ' Studio, 416 So. 17th Auto L8977 . v . J i