TwJTf T V1" 1rt 'ry2r i THK DAILY NEBRASKAN ru? K ki KANSAS FEELS OPTIMISTIC r THE 8TREN0OU8 PRACTICE AND . ' WORKOUT THI8 WEEK HA8 CREATED CONFIDENCE. KanBas spirit towards winning tho -Nebraska gamo has takon a decided ' rlso sinco last Saturday, whon tho do feat by Oklahoma .was staring the Jayhawker supporters in tho faco. Coach Sherwln has boon Working his men strenuous and lengthy prac tices this week and has dovoloped tho Kansas systom of defense to a point far above tho weak opposition put up tp tho Sooners in their attacks on tho . Kansas lino. The secondary defenso vyork of tho K. U. backs will back up j tijp rejuvenated lino and Coach Stiohm's 'huBkles will have to put ; forth mighty efforts to plug a hole for gains'. ' .' ; Line to Protect Delany. jftrho greatest aid to Kansas in hav- inig a stronger lino will bq to protect . tho Jayhawker punting phonom, De . lany, from tho attacks of Captain . Shonka and tho other husky linomen. Deiancy-was seriously handicapped in ' tho Oklahoma game becauso tho Sooner braveB broke through and wore upon him boforo he could got a chance to get his wonderful too into action. With Delaney working right, and with sufficient protection, KanBas will have a great advantage over the Corn huskerB in tho kicking department, as tho youngster is one of tho best kick ers in tho west, Tho light Kansas backfleld, with Its two track men, tho two Woodburys, may show Coach Stiehm'a backfleld some pointors, although the fame of tho Nebraska sprinters, headed by Jorry Warner and Owen Frank, has traveled to Kansas and the memory of tho deeds of other years still lasts in the Jayhawker region. Price Back In the Game. Prico, tho Bpeedy K. U. end of last, season, will bo back in tho gamo for .the first timo -this year Saturday. Price has boon out of official games this year becauso of being delinquent in his studios, and tho addition of an other experienced and speedy man on T the endg. will make tho open offensive and dofonBlvo work 01 tne ivaw Staters much stronger. Nebraska is not meeting any easy mark in tho Kansas gamo. It will be :a gamo to tho finish for tho Missouri Valley title, for if Kansas can bettor Nebraska sho will havo an even split on tho title with Ames. Nebraska can make good her hold on tho title by walloping Kansas and tho Huskies are going down to do it. Johnnie Leard, barber, at Woods, 120Gb'.' GET NEW APPARATU8. Local Weather Bureau Install a New Solar Radiation Machine. Tho local weather bureau office in tho PhyslcB building, has just been Equipped, with a now form of pyrbello moter for measuring tho intensity of solar radiation. Prof. Herbert H. Kim ball, fron tho research observatory at; Mount Weather, Va., 1b hero installing tho 'instrument. Thin la thn Ronnnil instrument, out sIdo of. those? at Washington; and -! wrv J.1 lUi Imnn UnAtt tl AiQunt w earner, luuw o uoou in stalled by tho weather buVeau. , Tho- 'other instrument was' installed at tho weather bureau office, in con nection,,)With vthe University of Wis consin. "' t'' . K)pw about gojnpj to .Kansas? Goodman (sententlously) "It is the UtUejthipa. that troublo us.." 1 .Rbunderr-"Surei It's always, easier tft.flthe.hoHStha.n the keyhoe. Boston t Transcript DR. M'KENZIE TO TALK 1 ! PRE8IDENT OF HARTFORD 8EMI NARY AT CONVOCATION TODAY. Dr. W. D. MacKonzlo, of tho Hart ford Seminary, will glvo a lecturo at Convocation in Memorial Hall at flvo o'clock this evening. Rev. Mr. MacKonzlo is tho prosidont of Hartford Theological Seminary, and is ono of tho eminent mon of this country. He received a long mention in "Who's Who," and is well known among educational and ethical con tors. Tho University Chorus, led by Mrs. Raymond, will sing a number from tho "Creation." Tho chorus presented several selections from this cantata at Convocation a fow weeks ago, and they wore recelvod with great enthusiasm. CATHOLICS MEET IN LINCOLN NATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF RE- LIGIOU8 8ECT TO HOLD CONCLAVE. Tho national organization of tho Catholic Students' Club will hold its convention in Lincoln, November 23d, 24th and 25th. Thoro will bo at least eighteen colleges and unlvorsltioa represented. Tho local club tried to change tho dates becauso of tho conflict with tho Cornhuskor banquot on tho night of tho 25th, but a postponement could not bo effected. THE REA80N WHY. Co-eds Determined Next Year to Make Annual Kansas Trip. Something is holding the co-eds back. Did they want to go to Kansas? Ask then). Did they lack Nebraska spirit? Wait till that Michigan gamo. Won't their mothers, let them? Of courso they will. Do you really want to know tho reason? Peer Into their pocketbooks. Next year tho co-eds will givo a benoflt, ball tho Saturday night before tho Kansas gamo. They will go to Kansas! Then you can toll that a co-ed's heart Is in tho right place. Ted Marrlner, cleaner and presser, s still at 235 No. 11th. Auto 1799. tf Tho dean of tho women's college of tho University of Minnesota says that women should not ohoer at football games or other athletic contests. Sho affirms that women cannot yell in con cert effectively anyhow. C. H. Prey, florist, 1133 O St tf Tho board of regents at tho Unlvern slty of Wisconsin is considering the erection of- a men's dormitory on ac count of the high rent charged by landlords of tho city. . At the Wolverine school tho mar ried studont's nro given tho same j?riyiLeg8asJheJa,cultywlxenJt comes to precedence In. seating and reduced prices at tho BChool functions. .' " - f Tho largest university library in the .United States is that , at,- Harvard, whlob, according to the latest report of its librarian; contains a total of 882,104 bound books and 643,787 pam phlets, making a grand total of 1,425, 891 volumes. 1 It. L. Beatty, a sophomore at Colum bia, .broke the intercollegiate record in the Bhotput when he .made a throw of 40 feet, 2ft inches. -' TESTED QUALITY When you wear a suit of olothos, day in and day out, in all kinds of weather, it has to bo well made to stand tho wear. -' - Adlers' Cdtegfaft Clotfrls give just this sort of service. JTnofcH" Jjas'-gWen Collegian Clothes such an onyikie repufipAI&ng young men. They are very aofciye nWfifncl that'ijrae clothes keep their shape and stylVrjgfLt' through ;jhe hard wear. . ,; , .'F If you don't know Collegian' Cloljnoa, yoju situld get acquainted immediately this fall ' H Come in and try on a suit or ovefcioat. A Prices are moderate, ranging froripi $12.85 '$&26. ' 1 V ., il SEIER & S -; if I IMON . - . . L 1 ft j 1, ; " - r is English Custom Shoes 5.00 FAIR ! . ; v. Wo have just receiyed a shipment of these popular shoes direct from the manufacturerv,in tans and black. I his is the shoe that is-attract- - -ing the attention of smart buyers trnVBeasdn'" " A and because of its popularity has been somewThat hard to get. At present we haye a goodtranee n of. sizes,, but they are not likely; to lastjopg; jDeuer urop in ana iukg a iook ac tnem,. . vn-ob t'.vt . ? s r-MainiPloor' " "& 'i: , i"i;ucil'J jiU I) ym . i W m M Mfrf ' '''tpjfw:?-,':. m iSJjj&&G&2$xm "" l U r rfi5 BFBM&1 BErtw ' ' , T "- Jltf .f t')Mli),?,itJ, 'fanV. Jbiu )li 5,- f 'tql ii& -v pu'j) ')UU We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD REr FRESHMENTS in the city ! r"i JJ!ij'4rr-rt iXM jTjMfil Lii'I'JtfWj vu;i uHJ UU?ll Oysters any ftyW. tswi .owU -t a. i w.f '"SJjfft fir Hwf.i'ai dajl Aua servedatallhours " V 7 - A, 4"1Q ill J ' Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c '. - -., I 'MWK -ilt I .' t."-n. H . X I - - V . ' mm m - j.m B CMtm m T 'w i m " ir-TTgStf 'lmM tmrM "''lW VAii'rl Pr' -5fePT qt?H t You can g&b the "Rag" the rest of -tye sejpnster for "50- 1 r. tf af ? -Sj plu i? vi'i11!""! i:-v.T3'i.l'l' T.- J!..i.iiia..t.r -df - t'1-.-.T- IWWT1 1 tsiiur 1 ft. lo y AfitlDlI yUi' ,!