WiKiMWMW'flmmMi9mmMm m .kmwgfmsaosmratsnasMammammhm ,.h..".'m'' .-"K,yj ,r i ' -'-'--., ,.'"f ',t r,; 'r -. .- - -h .1 , i ltr i -!!.. . -.. , o ' ' T : -;- ' ti. I,' : - ' ' ! THE DAILY NEBEASKAN COLLEGIATE SPORTS By Stuart Gould LINCOLN ACADEMY IS VICTOR OVER AGGIES Lincoln Acudomy'B llttlo band of football Honda HUCcosBfully dofondcd tholr homo grounds agaliiBt tho on slaughtB of Fred Huntor'a husky but groon football olovon from tho Stato Bohool of Agrlculturo In a hot battlo Wodncsday artornoon. Captain Bran non'fl Lincoln band brought in olovon tallloB as a romlndcr to tho Farmers. Tho gamo waB Bpoody from tho atart to tho laat tlmo-call. Tho Acad omy olovon nulled off Kb Intricate plays In too Bpoedy a manner for tho ParmorB and got away with two long runB trlckfl or HukoB, the spec tators wore unablo to Judge. Tho dofonslvo work of tho Farmers waB moro than good, tho two tackles playing remarkable games. On offon slvo tho backs proved a llttlo slow, and hit tho llnp too high to galu con sistently, Tho two onda of tho Agglo orgaul . zatlon woro a llttlo now to tho gamo and found tho Acadomy mou a llttlo faat In roturnlng punts. Tholr for ward pass work was oaally brokon up by tho Acadomy onda. With moro experience tho Stato Farm team should prove a wonder with tho hUBky men Hunter has placed on it. Boo Los Hyde whon In need of pro grams, menus and othor printing. SPORTING jLOQD FOUND FATHER QUINN GIVE8 WIERD DESCRIPTION OF COMING. aOJNTE8T Tho sons of Nobraska have found tholr Bportlng blood at last. Though tho Bport of kings 1b no longer openly pormlttod In tho confines of our fair stato, chlckon fighting Is becoming , rampant according to T. PontluB Qulnn, tho omlnont sporting author ity. ,Tho other night a frlond camo to mo and asked If I would caro to boo a real ovont In the town of Lincoln. Ho took mo by tho hand and led mo through dovlous ways. Wo camo to a dimly lighted room, whore, I am not certain. In It was a crowd of bills trying to hot tho color off of each othor. They were doing It. On tho floor of this palatial placo was a pit about six foot square and sovoral foot doop. Thoro tho battlo took placo. ' It Btlrred my blood to Bee two beauties of tho Spanish typo Btart Into this battlo royal. Ono was called Wolvorlno and tho red bird was named Cornhuskor. They fought for somo tlmo. Suddonly tho red fowl mado a forward 'pasB and got tho Wolvorlno bird In tho oyo. That bo draggled creature took hlmsolf Into tho cornor, to tlo a shoestring prob ably. In a flash tho woBtor.n bird Jumped and promptly waB laid to tho mat with an Injured momber. How--OYflr, Jio Boon recovered and tired the othor gamey by running. away from him. I did not stay to soo tho finish, but tho red and white bird was tho victor to all appearances. George Bros., Danco Programs, Mon ogram Stationery, Motto Cards. How about going to Kansas? Buy. torches early today at the Rag office. Komentkys Meet. Tho rogular Novombor program of tho Komensky Club will bo given Sat urday ovoning, Novomber 18th, In room IOC Mechanic- Arts Hall. In stallation of now members will tako placo at that mooting. Every momber 1b urged to como and bring a frlond. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. tf Mrs. Williams 8peaks. At tho Tuesday meeting of tho Y. W. C. A., Mrs. r. P. A. Williams will speak on "Immigrants In Lincoln." This meeting will bo hold at 5 o'clock In tho Association rooms in tho Tom plo. It's the game we must win. Kansas next Saturday. No'rmal Party. Again tho Normal girls of tho Phys ical Education dopartmont aro to got together for a Jollification on Novom bor 18th. They aro to bo tho guests of Mrs. Bayard, tho mother of ono of tho department girls. Weber'B Sultorlum, 1JL00 O Stroot. First mid-week service of the Uni versity Y. M. C. A., Thursday at 6:50 p. m. Be there! John Bull Takes Off His Cap to the United States. The English know how to make good caps. They know how to weave good cloths, too know better than we do. So we import their cloths but make our own caps put more go, swagger and )auntiness in than the English thought possible. Thats why John Bull takes off his cap to the oneAmerican cap that's better than his the HEIDCAP. J,000 first class dealers in America sell HEIDCAPS and some In England. ivTHB MAN BENEATH 11 LOOKS LIKE A GENTLEMAN Sold by the high' class dealers in Lincoln. FRANK P. lltID & CO. . PHILADELPHIA, PA. For your Steaks, Chops and Quiok Bervlce Visit The New York Chop House Open Day and Night. 1840 O Street h& (thbman BENBATHTLX Will We Beat Kansas? Here' 8 a little list suggestful of something you might need in the face of cold wind which comes tearing across the field into the stands, sending a shiver through you. Heavy Sweater Coats Fur Caps Reefer Scarfs Better come even at the Winning Colors Reversible 4-in-hands, 1 inches wide, in 20 plain color croatlonB of bright, solid Silk Barathea which wcarB exceedingly well. Each 50c l&idge &G&enzel G) J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 Bell 147 CLEANERS and DYERS Sfc iBY THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 per cent Interest ?M an dp $100 Opens an Account With tho First National Bank, Cor. 10th and O. SIMMONS the PRINTER PRINTING ENGRAVING EVIBOSBINC Auto. 3319. 317 South lath St. WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to he minute 142 North 12th Street BR0WNELL HALL Frat and Sorority and Private' Dances only, Elovator Service, 2nd floor Brown ell block, cloakrooms, toj lot rooms HM1 25x100, maplotloor pricos reasonable HOWARD J. HILL BROWNELL BLOOK Boll 8D7 ' Auto 1103 Ocker Engraving Go. Engraved invitation in 48 hounrif necessary Room 316 Browned BIk. Warm Underwear Far Coats Cashmere Hose and bundle up, last minute. Winning Collars Tho Baltic, a cloBo-flttlng, closed front, comfortable fitting, Notch Collar. Also tho PUTNEY, a real now wing In slzo, priced horo two for : 25o CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Street P. J. HALL. Pmfafcnt P. B. JOHNSON, VJce-PrMltUnt W. VT. HACKNEY, JR., Ami. Cuk. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Best Work Lowest Prices Cleaned and Pressed Gents' Suite 1.00 Overcoats LOO Swoators 25 Gloves 05 Neckties : 05 Ladies' Suits 1.50 Jackets 75 Long Coats 1,00 Ono-pioco Dross 1.00 Swoators 25 Gloves v 05 Latest stylo deep collars and cuffs put on coats, coats and jaokots shortened and rolined. Wo remodel waists.skirts and 1-pioce dresses, make them look llko new. Capital City Tailoring Co. UO So. 19th St. Work called for and delivered Call Auto phono L 2275 WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheyt Music 1215 O St. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Sheari OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Yflur Patronigt Solicited IVajl m Bm vi ,A' 'V V 4 (l. l ., A