The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 16, 1911, Image 2
", 1l ' ,r V&?79, ' -' iv .' ,"fJ'"!' " z. THE DAILY NEBBASKAN ff.. T?'!WlWfr'r ' '7IT",'It"rW' t' f HH THE DAILY INEBRASKAN Owned and publlnlied by the University of Nebraska through THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD Offleea, Basement the Administration Building. Postonlco Station A, Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska.' I 11 rii 11 ir i - - i i . i i i i ii ' i i ii .1.1 i TELEPHONES Day Auto 1888. Night Auto 3146, Ed. 103S. Bus, Mgr. 4398 THE STAFF EDITORIAL 8am R. Buck, Editor A. II. Dinsmoro. Managing Editor Ralph B. Doud, City Editor f. O. MoConnoll ASBoclato Editor Stuart Gould, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Homer O. Howltt Hugh Agor Wnllaco B. Troup Konnoth M. Snyder R. S. Buddonborg J. Lovcjoy Linn L. A. Bcchtcr Fred L. Babcock Hnrry Burtls Robert H. Flnley Frank Perkins, Staff Photoumpher WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Marian Swozey Ollvo B. Mann Ruth Mungor Alice Chambors Mtrrll Rood Lawronco Robinson L. T. Skinner O. L. Updograff C. F. Andrews Wlnnlfred Elchar Mildred Bavins BUSINE88 Vincent C. Hatcall, Business Manager C C. Buchanan, Asat. Bus. Mgr. J. V. Morrloon, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 per year. 8lnglo copies 5o Faculty notices and Unlvorslty bulletins published free. Entered at tho Postonlco, Lincoln, Nebr., as second class matter under act of Congress March 3, 1879. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1G, 1911 THANK8 TO AME8. A freshwater collogo to tho cast ward, whoso football toam was lucky enough to catch our champions on an off day, has taken upon ltsolf to as sumo tho position of montor to us. Wo aro rofroslFGu dally with now light lot in upon somo dlsgracoful opisodo connootod with tho pilgrlmago Into into tho wlldornoss about contral Iowa. Wo certainly approclato thoso ef forts and tho spirit in which thoy aro made. Wo havo novor soon anything finer, savo tho courtesy oxtended to Coach Stiohm during tho game, and Former Nebratkans Wed. Tho marriago of Miss Ethol Burkott and Dr. Marion Foro Russell will oc cur on Thursday, November 23rd; Miss Burkott is woll known in Univer sity circles, having graduated from tho School of Music In'lOlO. She 1b a momber of Kappa Kappa Gamma. Bottor see Louis Hagenslck about music for that dance. Auto B-2990. Freshman Hop Meeting. There will bo an Important meet ing of tho freshman hop commlttco this morning at 11:30 in room 112 of University Hall. Plans for tho com ing first year social affair will be completed. Military Flannel Shirts Blue, Grey, Tan BUDD 1415 0 150 tho sportsmanlike attitude of a portion- of tho spectators. Tho rogrotablo aspect of the affair, howovor, 1b that wo are forced to realizo that only a few of tho more cultured and flno-gralned of tho stu dents aro responsible for those sym pathetic outbursts. Wo mot quite a number of other follows ovor there whomwofcol certain aro ontiroly in capabloof fostoring or voicing such sentiments. To tho fortunato few, howovor, wo extend our congratulations. Such spirit as thoy have shown would bo a credit to any backwoods prop school. Wo realizo how young, small and In consldorablo Nebraska is among tho colleges of this conference and are glad to attract tho notice of any other institution, oven Ames, Somo day wo oxpect to grow larger and moro worthy, but we scarcely hope to attain AmeB' class. No, Let'a show the boys where we atand. Torches on sale at the Rag office. Get one and boost for Nebraska. Old Alumnus Here. . Frederick E. Clements, '83, was on tho campus Friday and Saturday." Mr. Clements la now professor in botany at tho University of Minnesota. tjelp break the Kansas hoodoo! , Registrar's Notice. Tho Registrar's office has a number of articles that have been found on tho campus and have been turned in there. .Tho' list includes fountain IjjenB, pocketbooks, bloves, eyet glasses, oto. KANSAS ODE. Tho Uttlo poem bolow waB written by a Jayhawker beforo our Ames gamo. Ho gave It to us on Ames, but ho has another guess coming on Sat urday's game. Ho will find that wo aro "watching out": A Warnln' for Nebraska. (With Apologies to J. W. Riley.) You crumpled up Missouri An' you'll do as much for AmeB; You humbled 'Kansas Aggies, An' you won some othor gameB; But there's someone In tho woodpilo 8awln' hard without a doubt An tho Jayhawkors'll got you Ef you don't wotch out! Thoyro a-playin' kind o' fumbly, But thoy'ro takln' of it slow; ' You'll see 'em win their battles .-Though tho score Is kind o' low. So don't you got th' swell head Walt a bit boforo you shout For tho Jayhawkers'll get you, Ef you don't watoh H, W. Chalkloy, in Kansas City Star. Girls Go ,to Kansas. .Tho following Nebraska co-oda have decided to go to Kansas to see' tho game: Carolyn Hanzlik, 1912; '"Lucy Keif or, 1913; Ireno Neal, 1914; Elsie Moore, 1911; Eula Bates, 1912. Baker's .Cafe serves cakes all day. Also. everything else In season. Sorv. Ice first class. JLt-tt LOOK! LISTEN! Thanksgiving is coming. You want that new suit? All right. Come in and have your measure taken and take a vacation on what you save by buying our clothes. $15 O'coats DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS 1218 O STREET WATCH FOR THE NEW FOLSOM Bakery and Cafe We cater to Students trade. 1325 to 1331 N Street The moment you put on clothes made to your meas ure, you see the vast differ ence between merchant tailored and ready made. Our way costs no more.' Besure to see our line first College Tailors College View, Nebraska Phone -4-S SJitJtfy u&lzsm- & $$. h&i k8 M mti m$2& ms RICHARD CARLE Who, Comes In "JUMPING JUPITER" At Thi Olivtr-Fri. Sat. and Sat. Mat. Nov 17 i i 'J A " " "" m. . w ',it,'-ri