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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1911)
' Vyr3tt;rMF ,,w v&rr XEbe 2)atl? IFlebraeftan VOL. XI. NO 38. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN THURSDAY NOV. 16, 1911. Price 5 Cents. ,W!PVIW'''P,."','f"t i1"'1 4 r VARSITY GROSS-COUNTRY TEAM LEAVK FOR KANSAS QUINTETTE OF 8PRINTER8 IN GOOD 8HAPE FOR BIG MEET. fIRST CINTEST IN THE YALLEY The Race Is to Be Run at the 8am o Time Kansas-Nebraska Game Is Being Played. Nebraska's croBB-country toain, compoacd of Anderson, captain, Swan- son, Boggs, Kennedy, and Kales, loaves, tonight for Lawronco to com poto In tho first Missouri Valley run. Tho course will bo flvo miles in longth, and partly over hills. Missouri, Nebraska, Amos, Drake and Kansas aro cntorint teams. A medal will bo given to tho winning school and Individual prizes to tho first four men. Dr. Clapp will accom pany tho team. BIG RALLY AND TORCHLIGHT PARADE TO SEND CORNHUSKERS TO KANSAS MI8S SIMM8 TO SPEAK. Prominent New York Worker to 8peak on Important Question. Miss Florence Simms of Now York city will Bpeak in tho Templo theater Sunday afternoon, Novombor 19, at 4 o'clock. Her subject is. "Industrial Conditions Among Women." MIbb Simms is an authority upon this subject, as sho had charge of the special investigation "concerning de partment store workers In tho United States, and has helped to develop tho industrial department of the Ameri can associations. Sho is now tho na tional industrial secretary of tho Y; W. C. A. The Young Woman's Christian As sociations of Cotnor and Wosloyaa Universities will Join in this meeting. Mrs. Lllliah Dobbs Helms will sing. Mrs. Avery will preside over tho mooting. Footballltls, with complications of cross-country enthusiasm, has hit Lincoln today and will materialize in tho biggest rally and torchlight pa rado and send-off that Nebraska teams have known In long years. The Cornhusker football and cross country teams leave tonight at .10:15 on .tho Missouri Pacific train forKun sas City. As a token of tho loyal spirit of Nebraska which will go along with the gridiron and cross-country men, Nebraska will hold a rally at 11:00 o'clock thlB morning at which every studont of loyal spirit will yell. The team, Coach Stlohm, Coach Rathbono, tho cross-country men, Dr. Clapp, Fred Hunter, Manager Eagor, TJr. Condra, and probably Sjd Collins and other prominent men connected JAYHAWKERSJJONFIDENT WHOLE TEAM IN FINE FETTLE READY FOR CORNHU8KER8 SATURDAY. STUDENTS STIU COINS PROFE880R ENGBERG'S INFLU ENCE FELT BY ONE MORE DELINQUENT. And still tho-procession continues. Another studont was expelled yester day for cheating. If school lasts long enough tho stu dont body will bo seriously deplotod. ROSS WRITES NEW BOOKS FORMER NEBRA8KA TEACHER PUBLI8HE8 WORK ON THE CHINE8E. Professor Ross, formerly professor of sociology at Nebraska, has just published a new book called "The Changing ,Chineso."Tho book. Is t at tracing much attention, because' "all tho descriptions aro interpreted from a sociological point of view. w Professor Ross-is now at "tho Uni versity of Wisconsin. Get in line tonight. Get a torch and make a noise for Kansas. Kansas feels confident that If sho can not defeat tho Cornhuskers next Saturday Bho will givplhom one of tho beBt battles of this Season. Tho Jayhawkors feol that tho NobraBka squad has, gone stala frqm tho brll HaAt start made" In tho first of this year's squabbles. With Ahrens at center, tho Kansans aro suro they havo a lino that can successfully withstand tho Nebraska bucking machine. AhronB has boon playing good and consistent football and has the team well In hand. Stro'ng Kansas Punters. Hell will play at quarter following up his playing of last year and will enter into the contest with tho Scar lot and Cream In tho pink of condi tion. In case Dolaney Is laid out, Hell will take his place, Delanoy is one of tho most wonder ful kickers in tho Missouri Valley, being a phenom when it comes to booting tho plgBkln. The Jayhawkors will depond'upon him for most of tho ground gaining Saturday. If Kansas University wins this battle-royal tho credit will undoubtedly bo given to Delaney and his great punting. with Nebraska's athletics, will bo present. Threo thousand students will take part In tho big torchlight parado. Torchos aro now on salo in tho No braskan office and tho man who stays at homo will bo awful lonosomo. A march will bo made to tho North western depot whoro tho Missouri Pa clflo loaveB, and thoro tho real glad hand will bo extended to tho athlotos. Bo there. Not at ono event, but at both. Perhaps thoro aro reasons you can't go to K. U., but thoro Isn't any reason In the entlro gamut of argu mental gab why you, and every Btu- dent of this school, cannot bo on hand to aid in tho rally and tho parado. It won't be a sad affair and won't cost you money. It's fun and you will' never forgot It. Put It down and bo on hand for both ovents bo a real Nebraskan. INSTITUTE FOR Y. W. 0. A.i UNIVERSITY WOMEN ARE IN VITED TO ATTEND . 3E88ION8. TWO TEAMS TRAVEL SOUTHWARD TONIGHT FOOTBALL AND CR088-COUNTRY MEN TO KANSA8. LEAVE VIA MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY Both 8honka and Anderson Lead the Bunches Ready to Win for Nebraska. All University women Interested In any department of tho Association Workers' Instltuto (held by tho City Y. W. C. A.) aro urgod to attend. This institute, which will bo hold from November 17 to Novombor 20, is attracting wide notice, and is of more than loqal Importance Flvo national secretaries, each an export In her own department, will bo here from Now York. Programs may be secured in tho Y. W. C. A" rooms In tho Temple. In connection with this, University women will note that Miss Florence Simms, national industrial secretary, will speak in tho Temple theater, Sunday afternoon at four b'clock. Miss Simms is ono of tho visiting sec retaries, and her address will be full of Interest. How about going to Kansas? How about going to Kansas? Unclaimed Mall at the Postoffice, Two hundred letters havo boon placed on- tho advertized list this month by- tho postoffice authorities of Station A. As this sub-station han dles university mail, it would bo well for students who have not received expected letters to look for their names on tho list. Help break the Kansas hoodool fs dj ; I u u u Q i i jf 1m U iy l g V U d fv ?l v Tfv v 7v '7v 7 v 7v 7v v 3Jf TfP 7ft " " fr ? 7ft 7 7ft & . . & ariiuiHi. iu nnnaA) The special train to Lawrence for the Nebraska-Kansas game leaves, tomorrow night at 4 o'clock via the Union Pacific railroad- no w. r. Bieiiiuii i uuuer wic j oircci viaaucif inc cny IICKCl w office at Eleventh and O 8treets. . The fare, round trip, la $7.60, exclusive of berths. Berth fare, tourist, la $1 each way; standard, $2.00. " ' Specjal coaches are provided for the co-eds and Miss Alice En- sign has charge of the reservations,' ' $ Starting on tho trail of tho Jay hawkors. tho Cornhuskors leavo to night for Lawronco, Kansas. ' Tho last gamo In tho Nobraska list of Missouri Valloy gamos will bo played with tho Kansans, Saturday at tho homo camp. In company with tho football squad gd Captain Louis Anderson and his cross-country brothors to compoto In tho first annual Missouri Valloy cross country run. Tho run will bo flvo miles in longth, all tho Missouri Val loy conforonco schools and a numbor of outBido schools boing roprosonto'd. Pointed for Jayhawke. Couch Stiohm's mon havo been drill ing for two weeks in preparation for tho campaign for tho scalp of tho Jay hawkors, and tho K. U. olovon will havo to show real football strongth to beat tho CornhUBkors of this year. Nebraska Is going after that cham pionship titlo and after it hard. Tho full squad of twonty-ono mon is making tho trip, and tho big coach will probably mako various shifts In tho lineup as tho gamo proceeds. Tho rogulars will start tho contest, Horn bergor boing back in his old placo at center and Elliott at guard. Line Is Strong. Captain Shonka and his four big brother Hnemon havo risen far abovo tho many hard words passed upon tholr ability as a stonowall early in tho season and tho Una today stands as tho best first dofonso machine in the Valloy and tho offensive pbwer of tho. big players is fully evident when ono of tho light backs can plungo through tho" wide holes mado by Shonka and his teammates. Tho back field has Improved much on its open play sinco tho Ames game, and Kan sas will find them better drilled in this department than two weeks ago. Tho team will go to Iwronce by way of Kansas City. Runners Are Fit. Captain Louio Anderson and his follow cross-country fiends- havo boon keeping vory silent, and cutting lots of time off tho first flvo miles made by tho quintet some weeks ago. Thoyv aro going down to make as strong a bid for tho Missouri Valley cross country titlo as tho fotball team is for the title of tho gridiron champs, and tho five from Lincoln will make it hot running for the others at least. Tho mon who leavo tonight aro tho following: Shonka, captain, Chaunor, Pearson, Hornborgor, Elliott, Harmon, LofgrenO. Frank, E. Frank, Gibson, Warner, Purdy, Potter, Racoly, Rus sell, Mulligan, Swanson, Anderson, Froltag, Ross, Elwell. Cross-country Five Captain Ander son, Kennedy, Boggs, Swanson, Cales. U Uf Of ,U ,U s t ,U fe U 1U J U J U JL- U Ag ij J Us n W C l l l ! 1 n l f "ft 7p f " f f fr fr fr Take a trip with the team. It will do you good. i ? i :il 4 VJ -i f . I m GET A TORCH AND JOIN THE GANG i -a