THE DAILY NEBEASKAN - J I f . .,i .i .. ' M NHS I rHYUUTS TUESDAY F, CANDIDATES FOR GLEE CLUB TO ISfSfR GIVE VENT TO THEIR VOCAL Wlfe ' ' 1 SB 4Mr COLLEGIATE SPORTS By Stuart Gould U" !fr H FEELING8. X& JVMl s v jt?4mf W, r it u- "A ' , - JAYHAWKERS WEAKENING ON LINE DEFENSE PLAY University of Kansas', Nov. 13. In tho ninth annual Btrugglo botwoon tho Soonors and tho Jayhuwkors, Captain Capshnw bootod a neat goal botwoon tho poBtB, In tho 'iirflt two minutes of play and KaiiBaa waa defeated by a scoro of to 0.- Tho Jayhawkor lino was erratic. At tlmoB it brucod when tho Okla homns wcro at tho Bhadow of tho KaiiBUB goal, but their playing at other Union wnB ragged and InconslBt ont. Tho lighter Sooner mndo tholr first downs at least ten times. The work of tho Oklahoma back Hold was tho best that has boon scon on Mc- Cook Held this season. In Capshaw, Courtrlght, Rood and AmbuBhor, Bon nlo Owoiib hns a wonderful scoring quartotto. FnBt, hard runnorB, thoy aro equally good on defoiiBo and of- fOUBO. Dolanoy, who It was hoped would wlq tho game for Kansas by a drop kick, failed to sustain his former rep utation and fulled in three attempts ,at goal. Tho high wind and tho In tonso cold are probably tho causo of this, but there 1b no question that In all his kicks tho leaking of tho lino caused him to hurry with disastrous roBults. In tho llrst quarter Captain AmmoiiB of tho JayhawkorB waB thrown upon his shoulder which was Injured sev eral days ago and ho waB taken from tho game. Today ho cannot use his arm and It Is feared that he will be unablo to play In tho game with Ne braska noxt Saturday. Just what significance tho result of tho game with Oklahoma has is not fully known, oxcopt that tho Kansas lino is most undopondablo. Coach Shorwln absolutely refuses to discuss tho probabilities of tho Cornhusker gamo and this week Is again bringing his mon back to football fundamen tals. What changes will bo made, If any, aro unknown. Tho KanBttB Btudont body refuses to bo downcast by tho defeat last Satur day, and nro all oxpecting that th"o JayhawkorB will make tho Cornhusk ors tnko tho bitter dose when tho two toamB moot. NO DECISION ON PICTURES QUE8TION OF MOVING PICTURE9 OF MICHIGAN GAME STILL UNDECIDED. Tho project of taking moving pic tures of tho Michigan gahio is still hanging flro. As yot nobody in au thority has announced tho' decision reached by tho University. Sovoral alumni clubs havo spoken of pushing tho matter, but at prosont nothing dofinlto can bo learned, Tho wholo mattor appears to do pond on tho showing that tho. team makes noxt Saturday at Lawronco. If tho chances of a Cdrnhuskor victory over Michigan aro at all promising tho onUro discussion will change from "who ought to toko tho pictures" to "How much will wo have to pay for the privilege," for a film showing tho flrBt victory that Nebraska has over had over Michigan would bo worth a good many hundred dollars. It Is possible that "Dog" T2agor may ar range to tako tho film himself for use In advertising tho big contests dueln 11)12, but as yet ho has not announced his Intention of doing so, Help break TEhe Kansas hoodool t VARSITY MAKES SEVEN TOUCHDOWNS TUESDAY FIvo,. touchdowns on tho freshmen and two' on tho scrubs were amdSBed by Montor Stiehm's huskies Tuesday night In tho Bocret practico of tho week. Tho scrubs mado ono on tho Cornhuskers, tho first touchdown tho Irregulars havo over made on Ne braska. With the freBhmon team playing tho Kansas offonslvo plays tho Ne braska lino proved that it waB fully capable of solving tho puzzles of the Jayhawkor organization. Russell Crosses Varsity Goal. Tho Varsity suffered tho first touch down that tho scrubs havo been able to make on It all year, RuBsell going over for a straight football touch down after tho ball' had boon steadily marched under tho Varsity goalposts. In return tho Varsity mado two on tho scrubs. Forward Passes Frequent. Forward passes were played to tho limit by tho Nebraskans, long gains being mado by them under tho prac ticed hands of the speedy backs and ends. Other plays wont off with clock work precision and a snap and dash that proved too much for tho usually stubborn defense provided by tho Freshmen. Two of the touchdowns wero made by tho perfect defense of tho Cornhuskers carrying n man right through tho wholo freshman team. Ernie Frank pulled off ono In this wise on tho kick-off. Captain Shonka and his lino broth ers proved stonewalls of defonso and terrors In oponing wagon wide holes in tho opposition. Try tho Y. M. C. A. Antiseptic Bar ber Shop for good, quick service. Homo shaving supplies ' for sale. Razors put In order. How about going to Kansas? REV. M'KENZIE C8MIN0 PRESIDENT OF HARTFORD SEMI- NARY TO SPEAK FRIDAY EVENING. Rev. W. D. MacKonzlo, president of Hartford Theological Seminary, will speak at tho Friday evening convoca tion In Memorial Hall. Tho chorus will sing a selection from "Creation." Rev. MacKenzIo Is ono of America's foremoBt 'men, and has received a write-up In "Who's Who and Why." Ho has spoken here In former years and should bo greeted Friday even ing by a crowd that' will fill Memorial Hall. Hotter see Louie Hagonslck about music for that danco. Auto B-2990. NEW PLAN IN LIBRARY THE REGULAR PATRON8 TO BE GIVEN PREFERENCE OVER SPONGER8. A plan has boon suggested whereby only students who aro using library books will bo given seats in tho library, Study t rooms will bo provided for other ' students who aro studying their own text books. With tho advent of mldrsemostors a seat can hardly bo found" In the library. This congestion Is Increased by tho unusually cold weather, as gtudonts aro not ablo to stay outsldo. Tuesday ovenlng the first try-outs for placeB on tho Cornhuskor Oloo i Club wore hold in tho music hall at tho Conservatory. Tho try-outs were private only one person being heard at a time. For this reason a largo number wore compelled to wait until Wednesday evening for tholr oppor tunity. A larger gleo club is being picked thlB season, so thoro-iB a much better chanco of making a placo than thoro has boon for a number of yoars. Tho number of old mon back is propor tionately small. All tho places on tho club aro open, though the fow old men have better chances of making tholr places than do lnoxporlonced contestants. In case of a close decision, tho younger clnBsmon will bo given tho preference, for a large number of freshmen nnd sophomores on tho club this year will mean a much stronger club next year. December 8 Nebraska-Iowa Debate. Baker's Cafo servos cakes all day. Also everything else In season. Serv ice first class. 16-tf How about going to Kansas? Medics Meet. The Medical Society will hold one of Its enjoyable meetings Snturday night at 7:30 In tho Music hall at tho Temple. All medics aro urged to at tend and bring their lady friends, and tho ladies are urged to bring tho gentlemen. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. tf Take a trip with the team. It will do you good. WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Street BROWNELL HALL Frat nnd Sorority and Private Dances only. Elevator Service, 2nd floor Brown ell block, cloakrooms, toilet rooms Hill 25x100, maplo floor prices roasonablo HOWARD J. HILL BROWNELL BLOCK Bell 807 Auto 1103 Try Our Luncheonettes They are always the best. We serve hot and cold drinks all winter long. LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN South WestCor: 14th O John Bull Takes Off His Cap to the United States. The English know how to make good caps. They know how to weave good cloths, too know better than we do So we import their cloths but make our own caps put more go, swagger and j'auntiness in than the English thought possible. Thats why John Bull fakes off his cap to the oneAmerican cap that's better than his the HEIDCAP. J, 000 first class dealers in America sell HEIDCAPS and some in England. THB MAN DBNBATH IT. LOOKS LIKE A GENTLEMAN Sold by the high class dealers in Lincoln. FRANK P. Iltll) & CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Stroeta P. J. HALL. PmMent P. B. JOHNSON. Vic-PrWnt W. W. HACKNEY, JR., Ant. Ch. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Best Work Lowest Prices Cleaned nnd Pressed Gonts' Suits $1.00 Ovorcoats 1.00 Swoutors . 25 Gloves 05 Neckties 05 Ladies' Salts 1,60 Jiickota 75 Long Coats 1,00 One-piece Dross 1.00 Sweaters , 25 Gloves 05 Latest stylo tleop collars nnd cuffs put on coata, coats and jaclcots shortened nnd relined. Wo remodel wnists.sUirts and 1-piece drosses, make thorn look liko new. Capital City Tailoring Co. HO So. 19th St. Work called for and delivered Call Auto phono L 2275 WALT Stands for the latest and best in Sheet Music 1215 O St. THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK- 4 per cent Interest r or "pqs" $1.00 Opens an Account With tho First National Bank, Cor. 10th and O. I THR UAHnnkinATuiT J -!-- itu u uuiiiiM n V