THE DAILY NEBRASKAN GOBURN PLAYERS COMING FAMOU8 ARTI8T8 COMING TO LINCOLN TO PRE8ENT 8HAKE8PEARE. Misa Emma Coburn, representing the Coburn Players, called at tho ofllco yesterday In tho interest of her com pany. Tho Coburn Playors prosent tho plays of Shakespeare and tho classic drama, and como to Lincoln highly recommended. This company will present throo plays which havo boon selected with tho advico of sev eral of tho Univorsity professors. Thoso plays aro as follows: Novem ber 24, "Taming of tho Shrew;" No vember 25, matinco, "Romeo and Ju Hot;" Novombor 25, evening. "Mac beth." Tho Coburn Players appear annually beforo tho foremost univer sities and collogcs of tho east, wost and south. Prices for a single porformanco aro $1.60 to 25 cents. Transferablo series tichots admitting to all throo plays may bo obtained at a price ranging from $3.60 to $1.25. Many students and facnlty members will take advan tago of this lattor arrangement. See Los Hydo when in need of pro grams, menus' and other printing. PERIODICALS 8UB8RIBED FOR. Y. M. C. A. Adds Thirty Publications to Its List of Magazines. Tho Tomplo Y. M. C. A. has sub scribed for about thirty of tho best periodicals and magazines and sever al daily papors. Arrangements have SflV BO"V&! ut out i r r mas and buy hor a diamond ring. If sugar kcops going up it will bo dead oasy. Any way como in and soo what wo havo to offer you in Xmas gifts that ploaso. ma 7. HALLETT " been mado for country papers from many Nebraska towns. With this material tho Uni. "Y" will have one .of tho best supplied reading rooms in tho' city. Tho membership of tho Y. M. C. A. is now about 165 and this number will undoubtedly bo greatly increased by tho campaign soon to open. Bookman Bros., 1107 O St., do Elec tric Shoo Repairing while you wait. Take a trip with the team. It will do you good. DELINQUENT 18 DROPPED. Student Who is Conditionally Regis tered Leaves University. Professor Engborg reports that one student who waB put on probation at his registration has not conformed to tho conditions specified, and con sequently has withdrawn from tho University. Ted Marriner, cleaner and pressor, is still at 235 No. 11th. Auto 1799. t( HERE'AND THERE. Maud Birkby, 1911, of Nebraska City is visiting at the Kappa Kappa Gamma bouso. Lylo Young, ex-1911, of Broken Bow, is staying at tho Delta Gamma house. Georgiana Davis ex-1911, has re turned' to Omaha, after spending a few days at the Pi Phi house. All students should visit the "Col lege Inn Barber Shop at 127 North 12th. S. L. Chaplin, Prop. Professor Jones of the English that ho will go to Lisbon, Spain, to study In their archives next summer. It's the game we must win. Kansas next 8aturdy. tUi oe I jSH&nA a You can look all over town the moat careful search will reveal no clothes that excel our Kensingtons. We would be the last to deny that there are many lines of good clothes. But some are better than others and we in clude Kensingtons with this seledt minority.. Choicest fabrics, new est styles, perfect fitting qualities that's why they're better. $20 to $40. MAGEE & DEEMER Lincoln Aurora Red Oak tho bon bons from now until Christ- mil AT CONSERVATORY ACCEPTS POSITION WITH SCHOOL OF MU8IC COMES WELL RECOMMENDED. On account of tho Increased number of voice pupils in tho School of Music this year, it has become necessary to secure another teacher. Mr. S. Ca mlllo Engel of Now York city has been engaged to take tho position. Mr. Engel studied at tho Royal High School, Budapest, tho Vienna Conser vatory, and with Humperdlnk. He has had twelvo years' experience with tho conservatories and as a private in structor in Now York city, and num bers among his pupils Georgo Grosch, Royal Saxon Court, and Chamber Singer. His work on "Tho Bol Canto" has received warm words of praise from such eminent singers as Jean Do Roszko, Mary Garden, Herbert With orspoon and others. Mr. Engel begins work at the School of Music this week. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. How about going to Kansas7 Former Nebraskans Wed. The marriage of Harry P. Letton and Ethel KIrby of Springfield, 111., w.111 take placo Saturday, November 18th. Mr. Letton graduated from, tho engineering department of the Uni versity in 1909, and is a member of Kappa Sigma. Will Letton, 1913, will attend the wedding. George' Bros., Danco Programs, Mon ogram Stationery,' Motto Cards. Phi Gam Initiates.' The .Phi Gamma Delta fraternity announces that they have initiated Richard Stout of Lincoln and Herbert Bushnell of Lincoln. CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOUND FOUND Class "N" pin for class of "09." Loser phone Andorson, Auto. 37-3 FOUND Gold brooch. Owner call at M. A. 101 and Identify proporty. 37-3 FOUND A fountain pen, with gold bands, ongraved with Initials and dato. Seo NobranBkan managor between claBBOB. 3 .3 FOUND A pair of ladles' kid gloves. Owner call at Nobraskan ofllco bo twoon 10 and 11. 34-3 LO8T TAKEN by miBtako. ladloB' suodo Bhoo at Sophomoro Hop. Ploaso return to Lincoln hotel and ex change. 37.1 LOST Bright rod sweator, letter "L" in black on front, at Saturday's gamo with Doano. Return to Rag ofllco. 3G-3 EXCHANGED by mistako at Sopho moro Hop, a "Walkover pump for Mlllor & Paino pump. Call Auto 2347. LOST Heavy red sweater on Ne braska Field during Doano game. Return to Jack Best. 36-3 LOST Alpha Delta Phi pin, star and crescent, on Monday. Flndor please return to Nobraskan ofllco. Ro ward. 34-3 FOR RENT. WANTED A room-mate. Tho room Is a largo front room, steam heat, etc. 334 No. 13th. TWO largo furnished rooms for rent, second floor, modern houso. Auto 4086. 721 So. 11th St. ROOM In modern houao. 1310 L St. Phono Auto 3035. 36-3 WHAT DO YOU NEED TODAY In our line of Pnrojihlota, Programs, Monua, Woddluir Stationery and nil kind of Commtirciftl nnd BUtlonery PrlntinR. Van Tine Printing Company 128 N. 14th St. Roltnblo, Prompt Auto31T7 We serve the purest and best HOT and COLD RE FRESHMENTS in the city VPRINTIHO) Student's 3-Course Lunch 15c (7e2hlT' RENT YOUR TYPEWRITER NOW Any Make :: Any Time Vi:, 3 months $6.00 ':J' The Largest Stock in the West Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. . 1406 O STREET 'Wi"Wiwi fWP Mrf-ni fi 'Dwtp AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre Tonight and Thursday Night VICTOR MORLEV In "THE GIRL I LOVE" Orch., $1.50; Dal., $1.00; Gal., 60c Frl., Sat. -and 8at. Mat., Nov. 17-18 RICHARD CARLE In "JUMPING JUPITER LINCOLN ""TvWoiW.""" ORPHEUM lletl 030 Ante loan ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commencing Mon. Night, Nov. 13 RICHARD CROLIU8 AND CO. RICE AND PREV08T WYNNE BROTHER8 KELLY & WENTWORTH JOHN DELMORE MA80N AND MURRAY FOUR ELLE8 BARGAIN MATINEE8 15c & 25c NIQHT8 15c, 25c, 35o and 50o HERPOLSHEIMER'S GAFE Dinner Ui30 to 1:30 Ig Supper 5i30 to 7:30 LdL Also Cafeterian StyU HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry 44 Try a lunch at tho Y. M. 0. At Lunch Room. Cafoteria Plan. City Y. M. C. A. 13lh nnd P. Oysters any style. Fancy SANDWICHES and SALADS served at all hours GHT7$l7y