The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1911, Image 1
4 Qhe 3)ath IFlebraeftan VOL. XI. NO 37. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN WEDNESDAY NOV. 15, 1911. Price 5 Cents. ' S y H LiI DR. AVERY COMPLIMENTS NEBRASKA ALUMN CHANCELLOR PLEASED WITH TREATMENT BY "GRADS." PRAISES UNIVERSITY Of WASHINGTON CARRIER HEADS OMAHA CLUB PROMINENT BASKET-BALL 8TAR IS TO HEAD THE NEW ORGANIZATION. Makes Study of the Western School Systems and Sees the Results of Nebraska's Example. JONES ATJONVOCATION FINISHES LECTURE ON MOROCCO EXPLAINS SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STRUGGLE. Chancellor Avery returned from a very successful two weeks' sojourn throughout tho northwest Monday, and expresses himself as having on Joyed his trip thoroughly. One of tho striking features of his trip was tho p'romlnent nnd enthusias tic part Nebraska alumni took In giv ing him a cordial greotlng. Tho chancollor was very enthusiastic In his comment on tho Nebraska alumni. Ho found them to bo an eminently clean and ofllclent aggregation of peo ple who wore steadily and surely forging to tho front In all lines of activity. In every community where a Ne braskan was to bo found, ho occupied a position of prominence and respect. For tho most part they have become prosperous and maintain an activo Interest In civic affairs. Studies School Systems. Tho chancollor made a study of tho school systems In tho west and was favorably Impressed with tho progress that is being mado along educational linos. Ho said much of this has been learned from NobraBka, and that today wo will have to look to our laurels to maintain our envl ablo position in tho collogo world. Praised Washington University. Chancollor Avery gave tho princi pal address at the fiftieth anniversary celebration of tho University of Washington. Ho declares tho univer sity to bo a great institution both in equipment and faculty. In Presi dent Kano tho school has an ldoal loader, careful, yet progressive, un assuming, but commanding in his in fluence. There aro several Nebraska , men on tho faculty and eoupled with tho hoBt of friends that ho Iiob in Seattle, the chancllor was made to fool at homo throughout his stay thoro. Students from Omaha and vicinity mot Tuesday morning in Memorial hall to form an organization known as tho "Omaha Club." Tho avowed purpose of this organization Is to draw from the metropolis many Btu- dents who now go annually to east ern schools or to neighboring state universities. Social functions nnd po litical schemes are strictly barred from tho actlvitls of tho club. After several lengthy discussions upon tho purpose and proposed lines of activity of tho organization, It waB decided to elect a temporary presi dent who should appoint a constitu tion committeo and set tho date for another meeting. Short addresses by Ralph Doud and Stuart Gould brought clearly before the mombors tho pi n of campaign. Among other things the club proposes to levy upon each member a nominal assessment which shall be used to send Borne university speaker to tho Omaha High School at Commence ment time. After the nomination of Boveral candidates, Sam Carrier, '13, was unanimously elected temporary presi dent. A second meeting will bo held in the near future, at which time a constitution will bo adopted nnd tho organization completed. Tho club lias mado a propitious start and expects many now mombors up on tho udvont of its permanent foundation. Profossor Guernsey Jones com pleted his talk on Morocco at Convo cation yesterday, with a brilliant dis cussion of tho nations Involved and tho probable outcome of tho ullua tlon. Last week, he discussed tho Import ance of Morrocco, her condition, nnd her relation to tho countries of Europe. Yesterday ho completed tho lecture.' Ho oxplalnod tho power of Franco in Morocco, hor allianco with England against Germany and tho extremity of tho -situation--oven threatening world war In tho fu:uro. Italy, though naturally covetous of tho province, has no legal claim upon It, and. has no chanco agulnBt Franco, already Invested. So Franco will prob ably be granted full possession. TORCH LIGHT PARADE TO SEND OFF TEAM BIG DEMONSTRATION PLANNED FOR THUR8DAY NIGHT. BIG RALLY THURSDAY Cornhusker8 to Be G(ven Good Send- Off by Loyal 8tudents The Band to Go. Four hundred torches will be on sale at the Rag office Thursday morning. Do you get tho full Import of that? There is going to bo a sond-off for tho team that will not bo forgotton In Nebraska football history for long years to come. Tho Cornhuskor football and croBB country teams leave for Lawronco, Kansas, to tacklo tho braves of Coach Shorw'ln. Saturday. Tho annual foot ball gamo botwoon tho Kaw coflogo and Nebraska will be hold thon, and on tho samo day tho Cornhuskor run ners will moot tho toams of various colleges of tho Missouri valley in a cross-country dnsh of flvo miles for tho Valley title. Torches for Sale at Rag Office. The llnnlB of tho interclasB sorleB1 Tiip innocents liavo arranged that are postponed Indefinitely, aB thoUorohes Will bo on sale In tho Rag . ii. t t i t ...!.. nfllnn Vnn nnn nmn In nnv Mmi yumo uulwuuii uiu jiiiivuiu Jicuuumy INTERCLASS GAME POSTPONED LINCOLN ACADEMY AND STATE FARM TEAMS TO PLAY IN STEAD TODAY. MANDOLIN CLOB ASSURED WORK ON ORGANIZATION PRO GRESSINGOMAHA PROFES SIONAL TO DIRECT. RETURN FROM (MADRON ' DELEGATION FROM THE AGRICUL TURAL DEPARTMENT RE PORT A GOOD TIME. Tho delegation from tho Agricul tural dopartment havo returned from Chadron, whoro they havo boon hold ing a "short-course" in connection with tho Agricultural Extpnslon Bureau. With Miss Gertrudo Rowan In charge of tho woman's work, Mabel Daniels In charge of tho girls', and Howard Gramllch of tho men's, a very succoBsful session rosultod, and a good Impression was mado upon tho people of tho wo'Btern part of'tho state. Tho cooking demonstrations and exhibits spoke well for tho homo economics dopartment, and tho girls of "poly- BCl." Tho Mandolin club Is progressing and tho promoters aro well satisfied. A meeting was hold last Thursday night at the Delta Upsllon houso and an excellent practice was given. There aro fifteen men enrolled, all having unusual muBical talent. Tho promoters of tho club aro very eager to see all men who play on mandolInB, guitars or other stringed Instruments. Special attention is to bo given to all playing tho guitar, for thoroaro still somo responsible posi tions "open. Tho club has been promised Uni versity backing and 1b to bo run on tho samo plan as tho Gleo club. Fran cis Pottor of Omaha has boon con tracted to manage tho club and agrees to produce an oxpGrt crowd of musi cians. A mooting of tho club has boon ar ranged for at tho Sigma Nu houso, 517 South Eleventh street, on Wodnosday night of this week. All Interested In string instruments of any kind aro urged to attend. and tho State Farm toams will have possession of the Hold Wednesday af ternoon. An oxciting contest 1b prom ised, for both tho Academy and tho Farm havo had largo squads trying out for thoir teams. Fred Hunter, tho coach for tho Aggies, has had forty or more men to work with, and promises an awe-inBplrlng aggrega tion in tho combat with tho Academy. Ho haB not glvon out 1i1b line-up. Twenty men turned out for tho Academy squad and their coach, Westover, thinks ho had produced a record-breaking team out of UiIb ma terial. The team as played Wednes day will bo: Barney. Gollatly Right End Mercer Right Tacklo Cast Right Guard Beck, G Right Half Anderson Center Burson Left Guard DoWoeso ' Left Tacklo Apple Loft End Klopp Loft Half Brannon Quarter Calhoun Full Tho gamo will bo called at four o'clock and a small admission of twenty-flvo conts will bo charged to defray tho expenses of tho gamo. office. You can came in any time Thursday and have one for a vory small sum. Nobraska Is going to send off both hor athletic teams in a mannor that will mako every man of each toam sure that he Is going to do well his share of winning both theso ovonts for NobraBka. Kansas Is tho ono block in tho path of Nebraska's Missouri Valloy title, aB It is admitted that tho Cornhuskors outplayed tho Ames team at Amos. Wo aro going to wallop Kansas in a manner so she will know that a band of real Cornhuskers viBited Lawronco this year. Rally Thursday. Thursday, at 11:00 o'clock, thoro will bo a rally at which ovory No braBka rooter 1b wanted, and wanted badly. You are a rooter or should bo one, so don't bo conspicuous by your absence. v"' Bo at that rally and you will bo told when and whoro to gather for tho torchlight send-off. Tho team will bo present at tho rally, as will Louie An derson and his cross-country Mara thoners. N Nebraskan Elected. At tho recent election of Kimball county. Claudo L. Aldon was elected county superintendent and William T. Young was elected county survey or, both of tho class of '08. NEBRASKANS 'RECOGNIZED RICHARDS AND BENEDICT AP POINTED TO RESPONSIBLE P08ITIONS AT ILLINOIS. Help break the Kansas hoodool Charles R. Rlhcards, former dean of tho College of Engineering, has been appointed to tho athletic board of tho University of Illinois, Mr. Bruco Benedict, '01, formerly of Lincoln, has bcon appointed director of shop laboratories In tho Depart ment of Mechanical Engineering, at a salary of $3,500 a year In the samo university. BAND TO GO TO KANSAS' SPECIAL TRAIN FOR ROOTERS Nebraska's band will accompany tho special train and her rooters on tho special train which leaves Lincoln Friday. Forty mombera of tho band will mako tho trip, Nebraska and hor rooting band havo a reputation In tho Missouri Valloy list of collpges and Indeed In tho col leges far outBldo of tho Valloy Con ference. That means much for Ne braska prestlgo. Tho band Is going down to tho Jayhawker camp to help win that gamo and It will bo "Just )lkq homo on Nebraska field with hun dreds of strong rooters .behind tho' musical gang. TORCH LIGHT SEND-OFF ON THURSDAY J 1 S 4