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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1911)
"ty rsv a- Ji& "' V "TTiV -w,, w fTUjjqr' THE- DAILY NEBEASKAN MORE OFJAR STORY COLLEGIATE SPORTS By Stuart Gould PROFE380R JONES DI8CU88E8 ! MOROCCAN TROUBLE AT CONVOCATION. NEBRASKA HUMBLES DOANE IN BLINDING BUZZARD Tho CrotanH came to Lincoln luBt Satuprday and went homo aftor play ing froozo out for over an hour. No braska put thorn- away with a ncoro of 27 to 0. Tho gamo waB certainly ono of tho coldolff ovoTplffyod upon Nobraaka Gold. The cold was bo Intonso that ovon tho mental facultloH of tho play ers wore dulled, but tho gamo was ono of tho best played gamoB aeon this yoar. It was marked by absonco of fumbling and "boofa." Tho chllllnoaa of tho day provontod any Nqbraaka girls from allowing up through about twonty-llvo Doano co od rootora managed to atlck tho squab bio through. TUo roat of tho rooting bunch waB aa bad a froBt ns tho day. AGGIES PLAY FOOTBALL PRINCIPAL HUNTER DEVELOPING GOOD TEAM AT THE FARM SCHEDULE PLANNED. Prod Hunter's Aggies play Lincoln Academy Wednesday at 3:30 on Ne braska Hold. Much good football ma torlal exists at the farm, but owing to lato registration small chance has boon given to dovelop UiIb to Its best efllcioncy. Tho FarmorB havo two gamoa schodulcd aftor WednoBday'a Cotnor noxt Saturday and Aurora High School on Thanksgiving Day. Beckman Bros., 1107 O St., do Elec tric Shoe Repairing while you .wait. Oklahoma Trims Kansas. Oklahoma trimmod tho. KanaaB oloven 3 to 0 last Saturday. Can No braslca bottor that bcoio? Nebraska can. but she wants hor rootora along to help. Tho rooting band of tho CornhuskorB will mako a mark In Kan Baa Jhat will bo thore for yearB. 8oo Los Hyde when In noed of pro grama, menua and other printing. Holmes Elected. Searlo F. Holmes waB elected aBao clato editor of tho Dally Nobraakan at a mooting of tho Publication noard hold Saturday. Palladlans Meet. Tho Palladlan Literary Society was outortalned Friday evening by Mr. and MrB. Frost, alumni mombora, at tholr homo on Thlrty-flrat and Hoi drogo atroeta. Entortalnmeut was fur nished In the form of clovor gamoB representing or roforrlng to animals. Also each porson waB given tho namo of an nnimal and partners wore found by matching brokon animal cookies. A jolly good tlmo Is reported. Prof. Guernsoy Jonos will flniBh his discussion of the Moroccan situation at convocation this morning. Last Tuesday ho gavo a talk on the real significance of the war, aBide from tho importanco of Morocco Itself. Ho dlB cuaaed tho vital Intoreat of France and England In tho matter. Today ho will explain reasons for annexing Morocco, and will dlacuaB the probablo effects of tho war upon tho equilibrium of Europo and the world. . "Life" la offering a novel and mone-maklng plan to men and womon who are working tholr way through colleges and professional schools. You can find out all about it by sending your namo and addresB on a postal to Life's College Students' Loaguo, 17 West 31st St., New York City. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. tf Mr 8. Uhl Recovering. Mrs. John Uhl, wife of "John," who for many years has been janitor of Momorlal Hall, has boon very ill for 8overal weoka and only recently baa hor health so far Improved that "John" fools like jollying tho drill boya again. Try the Y. M. C. A. Antlaoptlc Bar ber Shop for good, quick aorvlce. Homo shaving auppllos for sale. Razors put In order. fin J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 Bell 147 CLEANERS and DYERS c -&r John Bull Takes Off Ills Cap to the United States. The English know how to make good caps. They know how to weave good cloths, too know better than we do. So we import their cloths but make our own caps put more go, swagger and jauntiness in than the English thought possible. Thats why John Bull takes off his cap to the oneAmerican cap that's better than his the HEIDCAP. 1,000 first class dealers in America sell HEIDCAPS and some in England. ITun LiAvrnmtnimini M xiio nvtn unrinMin .m iTHB MAN BENEATH LOOKS LIKE A GENTLEMAN Sold by the high class dealers in Lincoln. FRANK P. HtlD & CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. You Like to See Nice Clothes We are sure most men are enough in terested in their looks to take some pains with the things they wear. Being well dressed is a sort of duty a man owes to himself, his family, his friends and his business it pays all around. Especially when it is so easy to get the right things to wear, Easy in price, easy in convenience you can step in here any day and in thirty min utes be put into clothes that will put you in a class by yourself, so far as clothes go. You will get fabrics that are all wool and as fine as are made rich imported weaves from England, Scotland, Ireland or the fine American products. You will get styles and fashions that are approved in all the fashion centers of the world. You will haye no local mark in dress. You will be clothed as well dressed men all over the world are clothed. You can have all this starting as low as $10.00 and ending at $40.00. Armstrong Clothing Co. GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS v vl