'- --U THE DAILY NEBRASKAN CLASSIFIED COLUMN FOUND "g MID-SEMS BOTHER STUDENTS ENQBERG TO NOTIFY THE DELIN QUENTS EARLYONE LAW YER OUT LA8T WEEK. Mid-semester examinations aro now In. Grades will bo turned In to tho Delinquency Committee and will bo acted on beforo tho Thanksgiving va 6atlon bo that any ono on whom Pro foBBor Engborg'B ban Ib to fall will not bo troubled by a roturn trip to And his standing. Professor Engborg has roported tho suspension of a faw student last Fri day for cutting classes and general inattention to Delinquent Committeo notices. Green's Sanitary Barbor Shop, 120 No. 11 th. Here and There. Marguerite Stewart, 1912, attonded tho toachors' convontibn, in Omaha fast w66k. Ruth and Mabel Sterne havo re turned from Grand Island, whoro they spent Sunday. MIsb Harriet Wilson, of tho main library, spent Sunday at hor homo in Ashland. Miss JElyoBsa Stewart, '12, spont Sunday in Crete. Miss JesBio Cullyr '12, visited old frionds hero over Sunday. Miss Cully is teaching in tho high school of hor homo town, Loup City. Miss Edna Hewitt, '10, from Crete, was visiting frlondB ovor Sunday. Miss Ruth Mungor, Dolta Gamma. WE WANT Ia kouA o HIT in niir iu iiutu u ii lu wmi wear and enjoy the who was absent from school tho lattor part of last wook on account of sick ness, was able to rcBumo hor work Monday. Miss Ann Miller, '10, visited In Lin coln Saturday. MIbs Eva Ptacok, '10, spont tho week ond at hor homo in David City. Dolta Chi fraternity gave a danc ing party Saturday ovonlng. MIsb Sarah Harrington, '11, who has boon sick with typhoid fovor for the past six weeks is roported somewhat botter. Miss Harrington has been teaching in tho high school at Mars, Iowa, whoro she was taken 111. Sho Is a member of Alpha Omricon 11 sorority. Miss Porn Davis of Noligh was a guost of Miss Vivian Cloavors ovor Sunday. Miss Davis was in tho uni versity last year, but 1b teaching now near Boyd, Nebr. Sho is a member of Alpha Phi sorority. MIbs Amy Arnold gave a dancing party Saturday ovening at hor homo on South Twenty-sixth street In honor of hor friend, Miss Ethol Hilton, '11. Twenty guests were present. All students should visit tho "Col lego Inn Barbor Shop at 127 North 12th. S. L. Chaplin, Prop. Seniors, Notlcel -If you want your cap and gown be fore Thanksgiving, you must order this week at The University Book Store. By Order of the Committeo. Better see Louie Hagonslck about music for that dance. Auto B-2990. Teaching 8chool. Miss Grace Shallenberger, daughter of ox-Govornor Shallenberger, is teaching school in San Tource, Porto Rico. Ted Marrlner, cleaner and presser, is Btlll at 235 No. 11th. Auto 1799. 't v (mi leal fa A I XtSKV S-frrnnnnri W(' 'T j" "n" i'd h For fall chills we pre scribe a new overcoat. .Our late Kensingtons can not be excelled in any respect. Scotch cheviots and tweeds original weaves in the latest colorings every one made from pure selected wool. Until you have seen this exceptional stock you are not prepared to buy. $15 to $40. MAGEE & DEEMER Lincoln Aurora Red Oak YOU llntiar. FULK """" furnisher and Hatter Winter. 13250 Baker's Cafo servos cakes all day. AIbo everything elso in scaBon. Sorv ice first class. lG-tf HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner JJi30 to 1:30 ),, Supper 5:30 to 7:30 iOL Also Cafeterlan Styls VICTOR MORLEY At the Oliver FOUNDA pair of ladies' kid glovos. Owner call at Nobraskan ofllco bo twoon 10 and 11. 34-3 LOST LOST Bright red sweator, lottor "L' in black on front, at Saturday's game with Doano. Roturn to Rag offlco. 36-3 EXCHANGED by mistake at Sopho moro Hop, a Walkover pump for Mlllor & Palno pump. Call Auto 2347. LOST Heavy rod sweater on Ne braska Flold during Doano gamo. Return to Jack Best. 36-3 LOST Alpha Dolta Phi pin, star and crcBcont, on Monday. Findor please roturn to Nobraskan ofllco. Ro ward. 34-3 FOR RENT.. WANTED A room-mato. Tho room is a largo front room, steam heat, etc. 334 No. 13tb. TWO largo furnished rooms for ront, second floor, modem house. Auto 4085. 721 So. 11th St. ROOM In modern houso. 1310 L St. Phono Auto 3035. 36-3 December 8 Nebraska-Iowa Debate. WARTHON'S Original, Electric, Shoe Repair Factory Always reliable and up to the minute 142 North 12th Street WHAT DO YOU NEED TODAY in our line of Paraphleta, Proarnmu, Monnv. Weddiuff BUtionorr and all klndn of Commtiroml and BUtionery Printing. VanTlne Printing Company 12B N. Uth 81. Rollnblo, Prompt Anto34T7 tfklNTHW LWC9lll-WIL Wed. and Thurs. Nights Lib Oliver Theatre Wed. and Thur. Night, Nov. 15-16 VICTOR MORLEY In "Itlb. UltfL I LUVJb" Orch., $1.50; Dal., $1.00; Gal.,' 50c t?-l Q. mI 0 M.4 M... At 40 FrL Sat. and Sat. Mat., Nov. 1718 RICHARD CARLE In "JUMPING JUPITER" J LINCOLN MAmEoXpAnn,?oy,a,a- ORPHEUM R'tfSSui ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commencing Mon, Night, Nov. 13 RICHARD CROLIU8 AND CO. RICE AND PREV08T WYNNE BROTHER8 KELLY &. WENTWORTH JOHN DELMORE MA80N AND MURRAY FOUR ELLE8 BARGAIN MATINEE8 15o & 25c NIGHT8 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean . OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FROHT Your Patronage Solicited HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry a 99 Try a lunch at tho Y. M. O. A. Lunch Room. Oafotoria Plan. City Y. MCA. 13lh and P. in the La Salle Theatre, Chica go, Musical Comedy Success -J1 M-'m