', "'' ",' l"" "t ' - jagy yy: lSSS j i I m THE DAILY NEBEASKAN -M f" ' I fr- If rS I ca i j i ? : Or f$b 'V- w I e. 'rt ?NV v r THE DAILY INEBRASKAN Owned and publjiihod by the University of Nobroka through THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD OmcTB, Basemont tho Administration Building. PoBtonlco Station A, Campua, Lincoln, Nobranka, TELEPHONES Night Auto 3145, Ed. 1036. Bus, Mgr. 4200 Day Auto 1888. THE STAFF EDITORIAL Sam R. Buck, Editor A. H. Dlnumoro. Mannglng Editor Ralph B. Doud, City Editor F. O. MoConncll Assocluto Editor, Stunrt Gould, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Homer O. Hewitt Hugh Agor Wallnco B. Troup Kenneth M. Snyder R. 8. Buddonbcrg J. I-ovcJoy Linn Li. A. Bcchtor Prcd L. Bnbcock Harry Burtls Robert H. Flnloy Frank Perkins, BtnfT Photographer WOMEN'8 DEPARTMENT Marian Swozcy Ollvo B. Mnnn Ruth Mungcr Allco Chambors Merrll Rood Lawrenco Roblnnon L. T. Bklnnor O. L. Updograff O. F. Androws Wlnnlfrcd Elchar Mildred Bovlns BU8INE88 Vincent C. Haicall, Business Manager 0. O. Buchnnnn, Anst. Bub. Mgr. J. V: Morrlcon, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 per year. Single copies 5c Faculty notices and Unlvoralty bullotlna published 'frco. - Entered at tho Poatomcc, Lincoln, Nebr., na second cIiisb matter under act of Congress March 3, 1870. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1011 CRIBBING. In tho columns of yostorday's No braaknn wns a nows itom recording tho fact that a co-ed, following tho oxamplo of an an uppor-class friend, had boon dlacovorod plagorlzlug. ThlB brings up again tho much mooted question of student government. Studont government has boon found successful In tho oxtromo at Prlnco- ton, Wisconsin and a fow other of our great unlvorsltlos. It has boon found n falluro at many moro, wo bollovo. Tho reason Is hard to got at. It sooms to us that as a plain bviBlncsB proposition, cheating In class work or examinations Is InoxcuBablo. Although abstlnonco from fomlnlno caresscB Is not one of ' tho require ments of tho competition, young Mr. Bonnott assorts ho novor kissed a girl oxcopt thoso In his own family. Do you qualify? If so como to tho Rag ofllco, wo would llko to look you over. Llkowlso wo havo a standing prlzo of ton conts for tho person who gets by with It. FRENCH DEPARTMENT GROWING, Two Additional Instructors Are Added to tho Faculty. Tho French department In tho Uni versity haB boon strengthened by tho addition of two Instructors, 'Miss An- ENGLISH DERBIES VEL OUR SOFT FINISHED AND SCRATCH-UP HATS,ALWAYS, 1415 O 250 BUDD Tho penalty for choatlng Is ordinar ily lmmodlato oxpulBlon with a diB honorablo dlschargo, from tho univer sity. Such a punlahmont casts a cloud ovor a groat many of tho years of a young man or woman's life. It Is a stigma that Is hard to romovo, and It falls not only on tho culprit, but upon his parents and his frlonds. Tho penalty for flunking an exami nation or a courBo Id simply that of ro-roglstratlon and taking another trial tho first tlmo that courso Is pre sented. Which sooms tho moro buslnoBB-llko, leaving out of consideration all ques tion of right and wrong to tako a chanco at cribbing or copying, with expulsion as tho ponalty for discov ery, or to- mako a clean, honest guoBB and flunk Jlko a gentleman or lady If you havo guessed wrong? Wo can seo but ono answer to that question. Wo do not bollovo in cribbing of any sort, bocauso in tho flrBt placo It Is unfair to yourself, your instructor and your frlonds, and In tho second placo bocauso it Bhows a lack of human In telligence as to what Is and what is not worth a rlBk. To crib is to use exceedingly bad judgment dra and MIbb Cora Swift. Miss Andra is a graduate of tho university, being a mombor of tho class of 1907. Sho spent hor tlmo slnco hor graduation In teaching &t Kingfisher College, Ok lahoma. MIbb Swift is a graduate of Ann Arbor and spent last Bummer in Paris, whoro sho was a student under cele brated professors. Tho retiring toachora are doing well. Miss Emma S woozy, who taught here last year, Is now in chargo of tho French work at tho Lincoln High School. Boston, Mass., No. 5. (Special.) Having passed his twenty-first birth day witfrout having used "cuss words," touched drink, or indulged In tobacco, Howards TJ. Bennett has boon present ed r handsome gold" watch. The watch 1b given from a fund estab lished by Charles D. Rood for tho pur pose of "encouraging good habits. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. tf SOU3A. The Reason Why There is a reason for everything. Come in and let us explain to you the reason ft we can build you a $25 Suit or O'coat for 15 O'coats JRit Guaranteed DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS 1218 O STREET Attention to the Opening of Bert Sturm's New 8-Chair Barber Shop Most Modern, Sanitary Shop and tho Finost Fixtures Wost of Chicago Manicuring Cigars. Uni Students Welcome. 110 South 18th St. FLODEEN & BRETHOUWER 129 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb. Every man who cares anything at all about his personal appearance knows that only a first-class merchant tailor can furnish tho sort of clothes that will glvo him that look of distinction that a woll-groomed and well-dressed man shows. At 129 So. 11th Street tho firm of Flodeon & Brothouwor maintains a largo show window that is always filled with a lino of goods that aro equal to tho display of any tailoring establishment to bo found In tho west. Tho prices quoted on these goods attract attention, and tho workmanship and fit is all that could bo doslred. Horo you can buy tailor-made goods at hand-me-dowa prices. WATCH FOR THE NEW FOLSOM Bakery and Cafe We cater to Students trade. 1325 to 1331 N Street GEO, SHAFFER, Prop THE HEW AUTO 3380 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BARBER SHOP CIGARS SIX CHAIRS ll MO WAITING Best Barber Shop in the West la Basement O Street Entrance MANICURING Auditorium, November 11th. Sousa and his band havo returned from their tour of tho Antipodes and on their way east they will stop hero long enough to glvo two concerts at tho Auditorium on Novombor 11th. Tho famouB conductor and composer deolares that ho has had an enjoyable trip, but ho assorts that if hiB reputa tion depended only on marches and if ho wub asked to go around tho world playing marches ho would step out ahd jotiro. "I have mado some roputation from tho standpoint of versatility and progress," says Sousa, "and to follow tho traditional lino Is not for mo. I flatter myself I havo built up a new Instrumental composi tion that can comparo with tho best Bymphpny orchestra in tho world, and I would never agreo to confine myself to ono kind of composition or ono composer, ovon though that composer bo myself," J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 ' Bell 147 CLEANERS and DYERS G-&n" Nov. lO, 1911 The Laracolra Sophomore Hop Hagensick's Orchestra Tickets $1.25 You can get the "Rag" TC . m. the rest of the semester V ?'0 CCIltS - vV Zi A