The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 10, 1911, Image 6

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TjTJLHIC' '-I ' i"yijyjyMi''"'IMI'llJi'u-g-g
By Stuart
"Dog" Eager, our gonial and busy
Jlttlo managor, haB begun to toar his
hair and gnash his tooth. Soata for
J.I10 Michigan gumo aro not going llko
hot pancukoa any moro, but aro a lit
Uo ulow.
With tho ontlro south stand scats
put on buIo thoro aro sovoral hundrod
Boats in tho contor of tho flold for
Halo and Kagor wants to got thorn all
sold as soon as posslblo so as to
jiguro how much monoy Nebraska is
going to muko out of tho gamo.
Whoa tho BcatB for tho gamo first
wont on salo it lookod as If thoro
wotild bo a promlum on all good seatB
in both tho grandstandB, but Eagor
iloclaroB that ho can oaslly Boat 7,000
ir poBBlbly moro pooplo at tho gamo.
'robably boforo tho dato of tho gamo
haB approached too cloaoly almost all
tho roBorvod soatB will bo gono.
Will NobniBka Flold be abandoned?
Thoro 1h a rumor that our lovol
groen pasturo miiBt bo loft for cowb
to browso on and tho entorprlBlng
roalty agontB to cut into lots, como
tory and otherwise. Yes, tho pride of
"Dog" Eagor'B heart 1b on tho vorgo
of an unnatural doatli and tho whole
school will fool the loss of groundB
bo near tho university.
Up to tho tlmo of going to press
no oxuet Information could bo ob
tained from tho unlvoralty athletic
authorities, but upon Investigation It
was found that a section of tho flold
near tho north grandstand is in fact
watorlogged for somo unoxplalned
Evory day a largo crowd of football
playors and onthusinsts aro to bo
found on tho spot discussing tho sad
calamity with a groat shaking of
hoads. Tho common opinion is that a
spring has broken undornoath tho
flold or a wator main has a hole in it.
Our gonial managor Is greatly dis
turbed at tho thought of a wator
loggod football Held. Tho prosont
stato of affalrB cannot last much
longor, for most of "Dog's" blotting
papor is gono.
Say, If you don't bollovo Michigan's
toam is a doad ono, road our bear
Btory from tho Wolvorlno camp. It Is"
a work of art.
If you think it 1b a cinch to wrlto
ou a difforont typewriter, try It your
solf. Romombor, tho Michigan gamo will
bo a mighty flno tlmo to havo your
friends soo our bunch.
Wo could wrlto aomo bear stories,
but tho printer is afraid of boars.
1 Did you go out. to boo tho toam play
tho froahmon yoatordoy?
Watch tho animals today. Nebras
ka Field. Yes, a real grizzly.
What has happened to that Inter
sororlty football league that somobody
sprung? Did It dlo a rfatural doath or
was It chokodT
Michigan's chances of annexing tho
Missouri Valloy tltlo seem to bo grow
ing slimmer each gamo. Last Satur
day, with Coach Yost in tho oast, tho
WolvorinoB allowed tho Syracuse
olovon to play them to a tlo, putting
up a most Bad oxhibltion of how foot
ball should not bo played. Tho game
started with a rush, Michigan making
a touchdown at tho very outsot of the
playing. Then they laid down com
pletely and seemed to bo killing tunc
moro than playing football.
Tho offensive work was particularly
glaring. Tho men forgot tholr signals
and tholr positions. Tho team was
ubsolutoly unable to gain on lino
plungoB by Thompson or Wolls. It
did not got away with a single for
ward pass and was frequently penal
ised for holding and offsido work
Tho poor showing may bo credited
fc the Bwltch In tho lineup before the
game. Only four men played their
poHltioiiH and tho rest had hardly had
time to got acquainted with tho ncv
Yost has now returned and is ex
pressing his dissatisfaction with tho
team as It Is now by continually shlf'.
Ing it. Ii Is thought that he contain
plat 08 another big chango before tie
Cornell game. Ho refuses to predict
tho outcome of the coming games, but
says a reversal of form Is due.
Gym Classes Dismissed.
On account of tho teachers' conven
tion in Omaha today, there will be no
gymnasium classes all day.
Try the Y. M. C. A. Antiseptic Bar
ber Shop for good, quick service.
Homo shaving supplies for sale.
Razors put In order.
Election day produced many em
bryo politicians from tho Unl. Thoy
didn't glvo a whoop who was elected,
but wanted to make kale to get to the
Kansas game.
George Bros., Danco Programs, Mon
ogram Stationery, Motto Cards.
Say, won't it bo somo swell doln's
to hear that Rooting Band again.
Well Dressed Men
Make no mistake. The best dressed men
who are to be seen in Lincoln to-day are
wearing our high class, ready-to-wear
clothes. Suits and Overcoats, $15 to $40
The Home of Good Clothes
1325 O St
Nebraska will probably meet Doano
with a lino and backileld plentifully
Bprlnkled with scrubs, although Coach
Stiohm is making no predictions as to
what his lineup will be.
Doano is rumored a little weak this
year and Stiohm wants to save his
regulars as far as possible to have
thorn in tho finest of shape for the big
gamo with Knasas tho week following.
Kansas is putting forth all Kb efforts
to havo an eleven ready to wallop its
ancient Cornhusker enemies and Ne
braska's squad will want to be in
good condition when It linos up
against tho Jayhawkors at Lawrence.
Coach Stlehm's band of substitutes
is no bunch of Blouches in tho football
world, many of them coming up to al
most flrBt team calibre. The lino will
probably hold more first team men
than tho backflold. Stiehm has de
veloped two complete backflelds In
this season and can shift them as
Russell and Elwell have been show
ing up as speedy halves in tho work in
open play this year and probably both
of these men will got in for a good
part of Saturday's gamo. Ernie
Frank, who has been playing at quar
ter this week, will probably general
tho team while Warner restB for part'
of tho game.
Doano college football field Is still
silent as tho grave as to what man
ner of eleven the Cretites will bring
to Lincoln. Doano threatens to como
down to Nebraska Field in a solid
body to root for Its team, and tho
Cornhusker rooters will havo to turn
out in force not to be downed In
throat work.
Soo Les Hyde when In need of pro
grams, menuB and other printing.
All Souls' Church, Unitarian
H and l:2tH Sts.
Sunday, Nov. 12, 10:45 Subject: "The Nature of Idealism.'
fleeting of Students' Liberal Religious Union at 12:00.
All Young People
You can get the "Rag"
the rest of the semester
John Bull Takes Off
His Cap
to the United States. The
English know how to make
good caps. They know how
to weave good cloths, too
know better than we do. So
we import their cloths but
make our own caps put more
go, swagger and jauntiness in
than the English thought
Thats why John Bull takes
off his cap to the oneAmerican
cap that's better than his
1,000 first class dealers in
America sell HEIDCAPS
and some in England.
Sold by the high class dealers
in Lincoln.
are Cordially Invited
for 75 cents
9 . . I