mmmmmmmmmmammmmt,'ni'itm'iumm,itnmii hmhium mmmmmfmmMtmitm 111 riWhyrirrrrrr-i tri THE DAILY .NEBBA8KAN THE DAILV NEBRASKAN Owned and published by the University of Nebraska through THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD Offices, Basement the Administration Building;. Postofllco Station A, Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska. JDay Auto 1888. TELEPHONES Night Auto 3146, Ed;vl03C. Pus, Mgr. 42QH THE STAFF EDITORIAL . Sam R. Buck, Editor .A. H, DInsmoro, Mnnnglng Editor Ralph 8. Doud, City Editor F. C. MoConncll Associate Editor Stuart Gould, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Homer O. Hewitt , Hugh Agor Wallaco B. Troup Kenneth M. Snyder R. S. Euddcnborg J. Lovcjoy Linn li. A. Dcchtnr Fred L. Hnbcock Harry Burtls Robert II. Flnley Frank Perkins, Staff Photnjrnpher WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Marian Hwozoy Olive n. Mnnn Ruth Mungcr. Allco Chambers Merrll Roed Lawrcnco Robinson L. T. Skinner C. L. Updegraif C. F. Andrews Wlnnlfrcd Elchar Mildred Bovlns BUSINE88 Vincent C. Hsicsll, Business Manager , .0. C Buchanan, Asst. Bub. Mgr. J. V. Morrlton, Circulation Mgr. Subscription 12.00 per year. Single copies 5c Faculty notices and University bulletins published free. Entered at the Postofftco, Lincoln, Ncbr., as second class matter under act of Congress March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1011 THE. OMAHA CLUB. Tho editor 1b not from Omaha, but ho is highly in favor of tho Omaha club If It pursues with any dogroo of vigor at all tho laudablo object that was in tho minds of its founders. If wo aro roliably Informed, tho full back on tho present Dartmouth col logo team is a young man who has lived all his life in Council Bluffs, but who is spending his second year at an eastern collogo for somo reason or another. Tho captain of tho Navy team is a boy from Brokon Bow, or a nearby town, and a boy who might havo boon equipped, most progressive university within a radius of soveral hundred miles. Let it bo our aim to lot her light shine abroad; to make her name a thing of meaning, and memborship in her student body a thing to be eagerly desired by every collcgo-bont man and woman in that territory. "Nebraska firat everything else second." That should bo our motto. Lot ub all got together and PUSH. Tho only use wo hdvo for tho hammer is to batter down such fences as havo already boon erected on our preserves by' poaching colleges. Politics among tho freshmen at Wisconsin havo reached such a high stngo of modernism that tho various SWEATER GOATS Jersey in the new French Collar Heavy High Collars, also 1415 0 BUDD 250 secured for Nebraska undor advan tageous arrangements. During tho prosont year a largo number of tho best young mon and women of the stato havo gono east to comploto an education Blmply because thoy aro, or think thoy aro, too fa miliar with Nebraska, and consider it an Inferior placo in somo particular or ohor. Tho unknown and speculative pos sesses a great attraction to tho nor mal young mind. Mystery has Its en chantment. Wo westerners Imagine wo would llko to spend a few years in tho east at' a school whoso ago antedates that of tho Louisiana Purchase, forgotting that ago does not necessarily makb strength. Thoso whb havo gono before us bring baok great tales. Thoy aro forced too. No porson of prido "would admit that he or sho had boon bq fool ish as to make a mistake and keep on making it, yet such aro often tho facts. There aro any number of tho touted schools of tho east that can not show half as efficient faculty or facilities as tho Urilvorslty of Nebraska, yot every vnnr hooh Ur ggta of our col legians transferred to foreign Holds on nothing but a pure brand of hot air, and onco led aBtray, nothing can re trieve them. Let us, then, by all means have an Qm&ha club, a Kansas CJty club, a Denver club, a St. Joseph club, and whatever other clubs we need to get' Nebraska as firmly established in her rightful territory as It Is fitting sfie .should be. Nebraska is tho largest, best candidates for ofllco carry thoir voters to tho pollB In automobiles. A freshman In tho University of Michigan narrowly escaped death as tho result of Injuries from tho explo sion of a bottle in which ho was gen erating hydrogen gas. This should servo as a warning to tho chemistry students of Nebraska, who aro now performing tho dangerous experiment with hydrogon. Columbia, with an enrollment of 8,000 studonts, loads all American uni versltieB In numbers. , A trip to Honolulu 'has bcon ar ranged by tho Mandolin club of tho University of California. Throe per formances will bo givon at tho Royal Opera House. Thoyjvlll sail for tho Island December 16,""nnd will return Jnnuary 3. THE ETERNAL QUESTION. Ho looked into her doop blue eyes, HIb face was twlngo1. with pain. His heart 'rose up Into his mouth, And then sank down again. How oft. In thoughtless, ovll hour?. From duty did ho roam! But surely sho would pity him, So far away from home. At length with courage resolutb, Ho got right down to biz. And hesitatingly ho asked, "Say, did I flunk that quiz?" Dally Illlni. The Hydo Prlntory, 1331 P St., up todato printing of all kinds. EnglishCustomShoes 5.00 pair -. .. We have just received a shipment of these popular shoes direct from the manufacturer, in tans and black. This is the shoe that is attracting the attention of smart buyers this season and because of its popularity has been somewhat hard to get. At present we have a good range of sizes, but they are not likely to last long. " Better drop in and take a look at them. Main Floor vzuu JtikORE Uni boys are wearing our clothes this season than ever. It 's because we de liver the goods. It's because they save by buying here. Nobby Suits and Overcoats $l$.W Palace Clothing Go. 1419 O Street t 99 Try a lunch at tho Y. M. O. A. Lunch Room. Cafeteria Plan, Cily X M. C. A. 13th and P. (fRlitTlw) WHAT DO YOU NEBD TODAY In our litis of Pamphlets. ProKTsms, Menus. WedaW Stationery and all kinds of Commerofal nnd Btationsrf . VaaTine' Printing Coipm 128 K. 14th St. Bollnble, Prompt Auto3iT7 t A i r () M .Tt I -I