B J A WVW Jfci tam4 .,,. 1 ,1, ,(l.i).. f SUHWhaasaMM THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ,. it f ; I f r'-i H i! WDM'EN' AT' FOOTBALL GAMES "Co.Edt" Should Express Enthuplmnj at Gridiron Contests, Say Some Educators. A fow dayB ago MIhb Idn Gomstock, doan of worn on at tho Unlvorslty oil Minnesota, following a football garad at which tho co-eds niado conBldorablo1 demonstration, declared that "women! Hhould not cheor nt football gnmoa.' It 1b unwomanly. Thoy should con lino thctiiBolvcB to tho singing of col lege songs and waving of their col logo Imnnorfl." OnlnloiiB on tho subject from col lego authorities and othors of coodu cnilnunl inutltuttoim vary. In some InstuncoB tho contention of Miss Com stock 1b uphold, in othors opposed, and In others no spolcnl opinion Is ex pressed. Tho coeds or Uutlor col lege, In Irvlngton, don't bollovo It un womanly to give vent to their feel ings at a football game. One girl, who evidently expressed tho footings of a majority of them, exclaimed: "Go to a football gamo and not havo a, right to cheor! Why you might as well try to hold a sowing clrclo and attempt to keep tho women from talk ing. Wo girls can't holp It whon wo 'yell' at a football gamo. Wo couldn't keop from cheorlng ovon If wo tried ovor so hard, and I wouldn't think much of tho girl who didn't. I can't boo how It can bo construed unwom anly to choor at a gamo." PETE FRANCIS, Hft3R5iemkV sV One of Yale's Best. Ty Cobb Despairs. Yot thore must bo momenta whea tho great Ty Cobb despairs of maid lng a winning baseball team all by Ullll8 2lf. j, Soo Los Hyde whon In nood of pro grams, menus and other printing. Political Advertisement. DEMOCRATIC 8TATE TICKET. Judges of Supromo Court: James R. Doan, Brokon Bow; Willis D. Oldham, Kearnoy; William L. Stark, Aurora. Railway Commissioners Clarence ID. Harman, Holdrogo. RogontB State University: John B. Miller, Lincoln; Charles T. Knapp, Lincoln. Democratic County Ticket. Judges Third Judicial District: Frodorlck Shophord, Lincoln; Ray mond J. Abbott, Lincoln; Sterling P. Mutz, University Place. Clork District Court: Charles G. Adams, Lincoln. Treasurer: William McCormlck, Lincoln. County Clork: E. A. Vandorlip, Bon net. Sheriff: L. A. Simmons, Raymond. County Judge: Henry A. Moior,' Lin coln. Commissioner, Third District: John Flynn, ro-olcction. Superintendent qf Public Instruction to fill vacancy: Miss Mary B. Larsh, Hickman. Surveyor: D. P. Weeks, Lincoln. Coroner: E. L. Troyor, Lincoln. Tristoo Sanitary District No. 1: J. H. Oleason, Lincoln. Pollco Judge, City of Lincoln: Charles C. AdamB, Lincoln. Justice of tho Poaco: Georgo G. Beams, Lincoln. Polls open 8 a. m. to G p. m. Wo point with prldo to all the can didates on our ticket, and ask tho pcoplo for tho moBt rigid scrutiny, and promise for them a zealous regard of their various offices in administer ing for economy and fair treatment to tiro taxpayers' interest. Tho record mado in tho office of County Treasurer McLaughlin and Commissioner John Flynn will be per formed In all. Why not try It? Wo Invito your support for tho oleanest and best ticket over offered In tho county. WM. B. HESTER, Chairman. C. H. HOHMANN, Secretary. NO MORE COUNTY FAIRS. Historical Pageant Takes the Place of the Worn-Out Custom. Tho days of tho County Fair are ovor. This event, which usually comos In November, will be given this year tho first of tho second semester. A historical pageant is to take its place, and everyone will got his money's worth. MIsb Drake, of tho Y. W. C. A., is responsible for tho change. NEBRASKAN MARRIED. Miss Cora Hardy Wedded to T. E. Cal vert Thursday. Tho marriage of Cora Hardy to ?. B, Calvert took place last Thursday. Mrs. Calvert graduated from the Univer sity In 1882, and belonged to the Kap pa Kappa Gamma sorority. Political Advertisement, Political Advertisement. VOTE FOR A NEBRASKA GRADUATE STERLING F. MUTZ t. ' " ' FOR DISTRICT JUDGE Political Advertisement. Political Advertisement' sHPT '(.'.. ; .';-' . 'V'l BBBBBBBBBBBBr jSIBBBBBBBJ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhbphjui" h BBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBBBBmBBBBBTV JHiKBBBBBBBBBBj fHBofeKsKTaBHII BBBBBBBBBBBBKilBBBBBBBBBBBBBw'tvBBBlBHBJBBBBBBBBBM BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBp-r- JHVJ .iJT W 3 jH H 4saaaLiv)' - - 'asaaaaaaaaaaaal & 1K -:;saaaaS ilaaaaaaaaaamVPlaaaaaafl ijr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm Clarence E. tlarman V Democratic and Peoples In dependent Candidate For StateRailwayCommissioner Favors A strenuous defence of the two cent passenger rate law. A complete physical valuation of Railway and Public Service Corporation Property. No Discrimination. Special Privileges tp None. QEO, SHAFFER, Prop THJB NEW AUTO 3389 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BARBER SHOP BIX CHAIRS ti MO WAITING Beat Barber Shop in the West CIGARS la Baiement O Street Entrance MANICURING) Jt Try a lunch at tho Y. M. 0. A. Lunch Room. Cafeteria Plan, CltyV.M.C.A. 13th and P. fSSl tfRIHTIM; WHAT DO YOU NEED TODAY Projrrnm8, ,Monns. Wedding Stationery and all kinds of Commorolal and Btatlonery Printing. VanTlne Printing Company 128 N, Mth St, Rollnble, Prompt Auto3477 J. C. WOOD and CO. Ths Best Is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 " Bell 14? GLEANERS and DYERS G'ftgp iS T'l; -i 4M &