qfc A.rT . .y,rtw.fr4 Ix'.'i '-t'JT l- -THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ' 5,13- . -yijft- fi A ,1 r is ; ifl f ! COLLEGIATE SPORTS By Stuart Gould GROSS COUNTRY TEAMS TO BE CHOSEN MONDAY A croBH-country run will bo held noxt Monday at 4:15, Htnrting and fin ishing at Twelfth nnd 8 streets. Tho route will bo east to S and Fourteenth, north to Vino, east to Sixteenth, north on Sixteenth to tho fair grounds, four lapB on tho track and back over same routo. Tho tryout will probably dotermlno tho Nobraaka teams for tho Missouri Valloy conforenco moot to bo hold in Lawronco on tho morning of our gamo with K. U. Also tho men will bo so looted for tho Chicago conference run at Iowa City on November 25th. A largo squad has been out daily and havo been doing hard work. Bo sldoa tho mon of last yoar'a team, thoro is a largo amount of vory good now material. Nebraska's Chances Good. In tho run to bo hold at Iowa City, NobraBka has won four tlmoB in tho last bIx years. In tho 1910 contest tho CornhUBkora were disqualified on account of ono of tho team falling to finish because of a twisted kneo, al though up to that time Nebraska was scheduled to win tho run. As thoro 1b ovon moro promising material to work with this season than last, tho dopo is that tho scarlet and cream will como homo victorious. This run la to como off on tho same day as tho Michigan gamo and our sympathies will bo with tho boys who cannot soo it. City Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, best service, no long waiting, fine hair cut ting and style, 2Cc. South ond of basement. Seniors Meet Lincoln Academy. Tho Senior football team will meet tho bunch from tho Lincoln Academy Monday afternoon at 3:30 on Univer sity Field. Baker's Cafo Borvos cakoB all day. Also everything else In season. Serv Ico flrBt class. 16-tf Autolng to Ames. Porry Smith took a "car load to Amos yesterday In his big-six Stevens. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. tf 8HINGUARD8. Tho team took a delegation to Amos but tho Bportlng staff is all hero. Wo don't like to crow, but tho bat tloshlp NobraBka has tho footbalf championship, of tho navy. Nebraska and her goat-gottlng teams aro becoming to bo tho bogoy of tho Valloy schools. Iowa has started her wrestling sea son with a big squad on tho mat Thoy havo started to seo that tho Corn huskers do not walk away with tho champship of the western collogo wrestlers. Wober's Suitorlum, 1100 O Streot. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A- Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited THE FIRST SAVINGS BANK 4 per cent Interest fain on diposiu $100 Opens an Account With tho First National Bank, Cor; 10th and O. Ocker Engraving Go. EngraVed invitation in 48 hours if necessary Room 316 Brownoll Blk. For yourStoaks, Chops and Quick Service Visit The New York Chop House Open Day and Night. 1840 O Streot WATCH EOR THE NEW FOLSOM Bakery and Cafe We cater to Students trade. to 1331 IN Street POR A Good Job of Cleaning and Pressing., - TED MARRINER 23S North Elkinth Straet AUTO 1700 -:- : BELL P-1009 For Students Exclusively Laundry coupon books for cash at a big discount $5.00 Books, $4.25 $3.00 Books, $2.60 $2.00 Books, $1.75 All work guaranteed We call for and deliver 326-342 South 11th Street Both Phones Globe Laundry Co. Telephone your order for a Book or call at our office STYLE AND PIT The two most essential things about a suit You don't get either in ready-mades. LET US MAKE YOUR NEXT SUIT. SUITS $15 OVERCOATS Tailor made suits at less than hand-me-down prices Suits delivered one week from the day we take your measure DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS 1218 O STREET OBO, SIIAFFKU, Prop THE NEW AUTO 3380 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BARBER SHOP six CIIAinS it NO WA1T1NO Beit Barber Shop in the Weit CIGARS In Basement O Street .Entrance JKANICUHINQ J. C. WOOD and CO, ThtrBastlrAlways-the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 -Bell 147 CLEANERS and DYERS c Mv;?rBV Attention to the Opening of Bert Sturm's New 8-Chair Barber Shop Moat Modem, Sanitary Shop and the Finest Fixtures Vesv of Chicago Manicuring cigars. Uni Students Welcome, 110 South 18th St. ) nmmrrvn?trimmmm wi 4