" -t .1 ihiimi mmmmm W $ V 'W- '& '"l" i'i.i.ii'- j- lI.jh .i.pi J , " in THE DAILY NEBRASKAN . fi THE- OAI)UV INEBRASKAIN Owned nnd publlulicd by the UnlvorBlty of Nebraska through THE STUDENT PUBLICATION DOARD OfllcoB, nasomont tho Administration Building:. 1'oBtofIlco Htatlon A, Campus, Lincoln, Nobraslcn. OUR TELEPHONES Night Auto 3HG, Ed. 1035. Bus, Mgr. 4200 Day Auto 1888. B" THE 8TAFF EDITORIAL 8am R. Duck, Editor A. II. Dlimmore, Managing Editor Ralph S. Doud, City Editor P. C. MoConncll Associate Editor Stuart Gould, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Homor O. Howltt Hugh Agor Wallnco B. Troup Kenneth M. Snydor R. 8. Buddenbcrg J. Lovcjoy Linn L. A. Bcchter Frrd L. Bahcock Harry Burtla Robort H. Flnloy Frank Perkins, Staff Photographer WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Marian Hwozoy Ollvo B. Mann Ruth Munger Allco Chambers Mcrrll Reed La wren co Robinson L. T. Skinner C. L. Updcgfaff C. F. Andrews Wlnnlfrcd Elchar lllldrcd Bevlns U8INES8 s Vincent C. Haacall, Business Manager C. C. Buchanan, Asst. Bus. Mgr. J. V. Morrlcon, Circulation Mgr. Subscription 12.00 per year. Single copies Bo Factilty notices and University bulletins published free. Entered at tho Postofnco, Lincoln, Ncbr., au second class mattor under act of Congress March 3, 1870. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1911. TRUE 3PORT8MAN8H1P. Coach Browor of MIbbowI, 1b a true sportBinun. May Ills kind alwayB prodomlnato In athlotlcB ovorywhoro, colloglato and othorwlBo. Aftor bucU a dofoat as tho Tigers rocolvod at tho handB of tho Corn hUBkorB, many a coach might havo put up a calamity howl, and havo on doavorod to hint at somo unknown oxcuso. , But not bo, Browor. In a local pa- por ho 1b quotod as follows: "Nohraska beat us beoauBo thoy had a heavier team and bettor playora; our men woro poor on tackling; tho TO HAVE NEW DIRECTORY. Student Almanac Goes to Press Mon day Many Improvements Installed. Tho 1911-1912 Student Directory gooB to proas Monday. Thoso who havo changed their address, or have failed to glvo their phono number, may got them put in by attending to it today. Tho dlroctory this year will bo as comploto as it possiblo to mako it. It will roBomblo last yoar's directory, but Bovoral substantial improvements havo boon made. Tho book has boon compllod by Harry Ankony and Dean McBrion. SHOE Ladies' $4.00 and $5.00 Grades. Tans, Patents, Swedes, Velvets ALL THE NEW DOPE SAT F $2.50 ZlLJLwJLril AND $4.00 Budd 1413 O St. lino hold poorly, tho backflold was slow in gottlng started and thoy woro ub out. Tho Tlgors soomod to blew up In tho last two quartors; no, thoy didn't lay down I don't think any of our mon will do that. But thoy los.t somo of tho glngor that was In thorn at llrst. Nebraska is four or five touchdowns bottor than wo aro any day in tho wcok." Tho man who takos dofcat in that mannor is a crodit to himself, to any team, and any collogo. Ho is a true typo of tho collogo athlete. Baker's Cafo sorvos cakos all day. Also ovorythlng olso In season. Serv ice first class. 16-tt Tho salo of tho book will bogln not lator than tho twentloth. A very nom inal foo will bo mado to help cover exponsos. Tho Hydo Prlntory, 1331 P St., up-to-dato printing of all kinds. Novelty at Wisconsin. Wisconsin Is to havo a now fall sporting ovont. A flvo-mllo 'handicap opon to all students, will bo hold Sat urday, Novombor 11, at Camp Ran dall. On Novombor 28 tho annual tur koy raco will occur. Tho run will bu over a throo-milo courso with tho ,start and rtnteU on tho campus. Tho winner will got a turkoy; tho second man a gooso; tho third a chicken, and tho fourth an ogg. Don't Want Men.. According to a notlco Issued by tho physical director, men will bo barred from seeing girls' basketball games at Drako University. Tho custom of hot allowing "tho storner sex to see tho fair co-eds play has boon followed at Nebraska for sovoral years. Y. W. C. A. Entertains. Tho Y. W. C. A. is planning group parties for now students for Saturday afternoon, Novombor 4, to bo hold at difforont homos in tho city. All new students aro invited, regardless of whothor thoy aro association mem bers, or not. Any who havo not re ceived Invitations by Thursday, aro roquostod to report to Miss Drake, In tho Y. W. C. A. rooms in tho Tom-plo. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 Nq, 11th. Black Masque Meets, Tho Black Masques meet today at 11 o'clock In tho Administration building. Beckman Bros., 1107 O St., do Eleo trlo Shoe Repairing while you wait. m CADET TANS at $3.50, $4.00, and $5.00 sold by Beckman Bros. 1107 O i i l Electric Shoe Repairing While You Wait $J522 $ 0 Suits and Overcoats are won ders. Every element desired. Style, fit and quality is there. If you want to look like $35 Come and put one on. Palace Clothing Co. 1419 0 Street You Could Not Wish For Better Underwear THAN 'MUNSING A to3W illl yUih$k We carry complete lines for cTWen, Women, Children ft Sw m mti& Nov. lO, 1911 0 Tine Ltiiacols l Sophomore Hop HagensicR's Orchestra Tickets $1.25. ' W A ij . va