MfMVMHwMrtartmAn-i . wwwwiwii nrt i imi 'Wmt-'j 'jui MNvfBWMMfWi;iifipiH fiia i ma w -,' n ! i ) if 'i. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN STUDENTS $25 Suits and Overcoats COLLEGE 15 STYLES MADE TO MEASURE Come in and look over our stock EVERYTHING THATS NEW Give Us a Trial DUNDEE WOOLEN MILLS 1218 0 STREI5T STIFF WORKOUT AGAINST FRESHMENAG6REGATI0N In Bplto of tho drop In tho thormom otor thoro wuh no lot up In football practice on NobraBka Field yesterduy aftornoon. Coach Stlohm'B men woro put through signal practlco and scrim mago all tho moro brisk for tho ley wind that blow across tho Hold. On tho VarBlty, Mulligan and McKeo woro put at onds, Purdy and RusboII at halvos, and Gibson at full, whllo Owon Prank and his brothor, Chauner, Lof gron and Harmon of tho regulars, had a Uttlo signal practlco all their own. Juat to keep off Jack Frost. Few Injured In Camp. Purdy Is bolng tried out at half, his natural poBltlon, so that In case of, Injury to oltnor or mo irann uoys in tho noxt two gamos, tho Iobb of Race ly will not bo so koonly felt. Purdy can tako a half, whllo GlbBon replaces him at full back, Racoly 1b moro ser iously Injured than at first appeared, and will bo unablo to don a suit for at loaat a weok. Jorry Warner waB also unablo to put on a suit this uftornoon and IiIb placo was takon by Potter. Hybrids Beat the Scrubs. Tho UBual practlco gamo was In dulged In with tho hybrid lineup and tho scrubs, which roBUlted In favor of tho hybrldB, who Boemod to work oxcoptionally well. Purdy at half showed up especially well, his dodg ing, twisting ruiiB netting several touchdowns. Cornhusker Luck Is Over. There woro no Borlous Injuries, and It sooms as If poBBlbly tho CornhuBkor stroak of hard luck, which has laatod noarly a wook la about ovor. Cap tain Shonka was limping slightly, but as usual, did not lot it intorforo with his play. Ho waB up and down and around tho flold much fuBtor than sev eral who own two good logs. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Best Work Lowest Prices Gleaned and Pressed Gents' Suits M.00 Ovorcoats 1.00 SwoatorB 25 Gloves 05 Neckties 05 Ladi08l SllitSlT-rrrrvm nT-.Y-.T-r 1,50 Juckots ...-. 75 Long Goats, k 1,00 Onopioco Dress 1.00 Sweaters .25 Gloves 05 Latest style deep collars and cuffs put on coats, coats and jackots shortened and rolined. Wo remodel w nists.skirts and 1-pioco dresses, make thom look liko now. Capital City Tailoring Co. 1IO So. liOth St. Work called tor and delivered Call Auto phono L 2275 BR0WNELL HALL Frut and Sorority and Privato Dunces only. Elovator Sorvico, 2nd lloor Brown oil block, cloak rooms, toilot rooms Hall 25x100, maplo lloor prices reasonable HOWARD J. HILL . BROW NELL BLOCK Boll 807 AutollOU CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. J. HALL. PrlcUnt P. B. JOHNSON, Vic-PlcJtn. W. W. HACKNHY, JR.. Ant. Ch. Mentor - Comfort Union Suits They lit snugly wHhout'giving that "tmndlod up" fooling. Thoy yiold to ovory movomont of tho body without straining or crnmping you. Men who know comfort wear Mentor, and men who wear Mentor, know Comfort. A union suit does not have the latitude of fit possessed by shirts and drawers. It must fit cor rectly or there is no comfort in it. Silk and Wool Mixed Montor Comfort Union Suits $5.00 Throad Lislo Moroorizod Flesh Color Union Suits $5.00 Superfine Cotton Moroorizod Flesh Color Union Suits $8.50 Puro Wool, tbreo-fourth longth drop soat, closod crotch $3.50 85 por cent Puro Wool Anklo Longth Union Suits JB.00 75 por cont Puro Wool Anklo longth medium weight $2.50 75 poi cont Puro Wool Anklo longth heavy weight $2.50 Supor weight Egyptian Cotton Union Suits $1.50 Heavy woight Egyptian Cotton slighlly Jleocod : $1.50 Ecru and Gray Egyptian Cotton slightly Uoocod 81.00 lion's Dop't. Just ono stop insido tho Furnituro Entrauco. Rtidge &, Gtienel Company 7 HERPOLSHEIMER'S GAFE Dinner U:30 to 1:30 C Supper 5:30 to 7:30 LOK, Also Cafeterlan Style Hot Wades with Maple Syrup, JOc Ocker Engraving Go. Engraved invitation in 48 hours if necessary Room 316 Browned Blk. MONTGOMERY and STONE AND COMPANY OF 85 . aPr 'V J . ''y jf-Tk. .jJEBBBB88ABBBal&BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTBBBFTMBBBn. .vjf v.- A 1 .tfr r f FfJt r 'Jir bW MfjBBflR9iRBBBHBRsBBBBBBBBBBBBKEBr'-V?BBV'm. jl W vSft JcflBB U i v iJvX" w j)r m s,M ;,4fcAi0iIT r l I ' .1 " 1 SBi " "e ' Y't ivxw! K ' v v X T4 1 ivj tJym wjf1 OK. ?W J?!?vX Jr ff'aW tfiJ I Ik f -? - - BBBBBBBBBBBbB BB yZ &i$9rj&,V' 4?tywfi2r tJW !& BBaBBaBBaBBaBY j e3 FtBBBBBBBBMBBKlff58 '"0'li T U J: V B B Im IIkIbBI l Ur ( & y " ""jCr"i A i"X" (Ti f tS t P iJBbBB it SaBYBBaBB i "V At THE OLIVER, itf Matinee and INlgHt, Nov. -4 V t: