THE DAILY NKBBAiKAW THE DAILY INEBRASKAN Owned and publlshod by tho University ot Nebraska through , THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD Oflfccs, Basement the A'dmlrilstratlori Building. , ' ,y y N Postotnco station ,A, Campua, t.lnconrrNobrnskn. TDay Anto"1888." TELEPHONES ' NightAuto SHSpEd. 103lT. Bus, Men 4200 THE STAFF EDITORIAL Sam R. Buck, Editor A. H. Dlnsmoro. Managing Editor Ralph S. Doud, City Editor P. C. McConnoll Assoclata Editor Stuart Gould, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Homor O. Howltt Hugh Agor WallacVB. Troup Konnolh M. Snyder It. S. Buddcnborg J. Lovojoy Linn ' h. A. Bcchtor Prod L. Bnbcock Harry Burtls nobort II. Flnley Frank Perkins, Staff Photographor WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Marian Swozoy Olivo B. Mann Ruth Munger Alice Chambers Morrll Rood Lawrences Robinson IvT. Bklnnor C. 1j, Updegrnff C. F. Androws Wlrmlfrod Elchar 11 lldrod Bevlns BUSINE88 Vincent C, Hascall, Business Manager C. C. Buohanan, Asst. Bub. Mgr. J. V. Morrlton, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 par year. Single copies Bo Faculty notices and University bulletins published free. ' Entered at tho Postotnco, Lincoln, Ncbr., as second clues matter under act of Congress March 3, 1879. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1911. VALUE8. Porhaps at no tlmo In all tho al leged "sovon BtagoB of man" la tho Individual judged so strictly on his inorlts as during his collogo days. Not that yfo oufd'tia'vyou, bollovo that ovory man in collogo gets oxact ly what ho doaorvoB officially, ono way or tho other. Thoro aro just as many peas In pumpkins jobB In collogo as anywhoro oIbo tho difference is that in collogo If a man is a pea, ho begins to rattlo in his placo a wholo lot moro qulcly than in lator lifo. Wo know each other too woll horo, or at least wo LEAVE8 FOR THE COA8T. Chancellor Avery Makes Extended Trip In the West. Chancellor Avery loft Lincoln yoa torday morning on a two weeks' trip through tho west, Hia principal work' whilo away will .bo tljo delivery of ono of tho important addresses at tho soml-centcnnlal celebration of tho Unl vorstly of Washington at Soattlo, on Novombor 7. Ho will also mako ad dresses before clubB of Nebraska alumni at Doiso, ortland, Spokano and Donvor. I Qoorgo Bros., Danco Programs, Mon ogram Stationery, Motto Cards. TAN BUTTON FOR MEN S2" 1-415 O quickly become acquainted. A "four flusher" is persona non grata to tho collogo man. Wo aro liko all healthy humans, at times lmpotuous, and at othor times wo aro foolod. But In tho long run "Tho ovll that men do lives after them, tho goo'd Ib oft intorrcd with tholr bones." Bakor's Cafe servos cakos all day. Also ovorything olso In season. Serv ice first class. . 16-tt J0NE8 AT CONVOCATION. Dr. Guornaoy Jones delivered a storioptlcon lecturo last Friday even ingiat tho Tbmplo theater, on tho sub ject of "England," at five o'clook con vocation. Ho allowed somo oxcollent pictures of England and Ireland, including a number of beautiful views of tho in terior of Westminster Abbey. Tho rustic views in hit collection wore jUso good, boing something not ordi narily seen in lectures of this typo. Soo Los Hydo when in need of pro grams, monus and othor printing, T p nf 1 l , IS 71 T tS t u t R The final meeting of the repor- $ torlal staff of the 'N'ebraskan, be fore the assignment .of regular k departments, vvj(l.,!be held Wed- nesday at 11 o'clock at the Rag jt K office. All applicants for posl- tlons. as well aM'Veular reDort- era, must attend ta meeting or $ else see the city editor before. ?jt tliat time. . ' ii i L& tL aV a! U 1 L 1 U L Lf J V ;ri R T flv 4 JT 1 l City Y. M. C. A. Barber Shop, best aorvlco, no long waiting, flno hair cut ting and stylo, 25c. South ond of basomoht. Lawrence Speaks. Dr. W. W. Lawronco will 'speak at tho regular Tuesday evening mooting at 5:00 o'clock, in tho Y. W. C. A. room. Anyone who has hoard Dr. Lawronco knows that his talk will bo ono of intoroBt BLAZEK'8 special pictures for stu dents, 75c and $1.75 per dozen. 1306 O St 80U8A AND HIS BAND. , When Sousa and his band, arrived in Vancouver from, Now Zoajand oh September 17, thoy began tho"last lap of their tour around tho world. This tour, whioh 1b unique in thp annals of military bands, began in Now York last Novombor and included various parts of America and Canada. On tho day before Christmas tho band sailed for England and played their first engagement in London, January 2. , Sousa and his men thon embarked for -South Africa, and, -after giving fifty concorta thoro, thoy procoodod to Australia and Now Zealand. Boforo returning to Now York, whero thoy aro duo at tho ond of tho year, Sousa's band will fill a number of engage ments on the Pacific Coast and in tho south and southwest. Sousa has com posed a now march, whjch will bo In cluded In tho new programs ho has prepared for his roturn to America. Arrangements havo been mado for his appearance her.o on Novombor 11, at tho Auditorium,. Thirteenth and ,,M streets.--Adv. CADET TANS at $3.50, $4.00, arid $5.00 sold by Beckman Bros. 1107 O Electric Shoe Repairing While You Wait Try a lunch at tho Y. M. O. A. Lunch Room. Cafeteria Plan. "cityY.M.C.A. ftkMO. Imintiim; UlKOlM-NEBRj WHAT DO YOU NEED TODAY In onr line of Pamphlets . Progrnnu, Menus. Weddlar Stationery and all kinds of Commercial and BUtlonerr Printing. VamiHiPriRtiRiCMyiiif 121. Uth XI. Reliable. Prompt Auto3477 GKO. SIIAFKn, Prop THE RKW ' ABTO 3388 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BARBER SHOP BIX CUAIHS ti NO WAITING Best Bnrber Shop la the West OIGAIIS la Basement O Street Entrance MANICURING I J. C. WOOD arid CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Atito 1292 ' BellU CLEANERS and DYERS c:wv." lfe " ' ' ? ssi" T $$&$ Hf'4MS kt '1' vbsss H ' ' &?ijg$r'Pt&?, TW1 sBSSSSSSSSSS. fe i LsV. -BSSSt' ?v VWtA Kitly J 5 t sbbbbbbKbbVs '' asssV"V'P: fe v-I I - aaaaaaaaaaaHBssKsk: " .BSSwPfc,-., tlwrv j Ui .'VsLsssssssssssssssssssssssH ' BVP vijfeSsiv IM PrsLssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssVV'aV V ,rW&M:iH& HsLssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssP1"! 4J'-M BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsssssssssssssW S kf-zK BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBK::. - &&$& ' - 1SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSM "ttVsS T xTi iXjBBBBBBrT-IfC j rk, sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssal, Wffi I yilBissssssaBsWz!r !ry i . BeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemWci4LLsssssEzSe1 S $ bbbHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV r jsssssssmf'v BSSBSSBSSSaBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBWt 51&-S ?" fBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsW t li ssssSBBBBsV'aaeeeeeeeeeeeobw it . BBBBBBBsmi'N BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBW',,BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSB-$4 ' SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSK BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSljSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSF itiifjt ISSSSSSSSSSSSSSBTll S- LssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssVI Wm ytomA' sLsssissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssTI Mlaaeeeeeeeeem- -.-1 eaelBBBBBBVaeeeeeeeeeeeVi-i;'::vaea BX'ecBflH90Bf ' BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSLbbbbbbbbbbI $ sssssssssssssssLssssfsBBBBBBBBBSu li1 'bBBBBBBBBBbIS1! BBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBSBBBBBSm ?! sssssssssssssssssssssikS BssssssssissssssssssssssssllTssssssTissssssssssKra 9hH9 assssssssssssssssssssssKI-.i 4 " BsHBBBBBBBBBBBKsBBBBBBil'm aksLssssBBBBl sLaVasHw vm?) M&S&tti BSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSH aeeeeeeeeeesHKBHICSmHH aeeeeeeeeeeW. 4 IsIsk''-' tt LsssssssssssscsssssssssssssssH ssssssssHHiH ' eaaaV' XSSMute BSSSsflsBSSSSSSm BBBBBBLHBBmSBBBWi WsBL f -'0 IslaBlaHEssssssssssssLLHslLLmi PM BSSSSSSSSSSSSSlSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSlWsSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSlBSSSSSSttlr'eiSSBSyl laaflBLLHsLHBBBBLHLieaaam ssW mki HrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKrr. BBikBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi -SlSBSJSSllJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBSBBBSB Walier De Leom and RalpH Bell in " The Campus 99 At the m t - O ti VER--Toiiig'ht . As a special inducement to the students of the University, for this musical comedy of college life with a company of 4& headed by Walter De Leon and Miss "Muggins" Davids, for parties of ten or more, the fl.50 tickets will be soldfo $1.25, and the $1.00' tickets for 75c. Mr. D Leon, the young autho is a college graduate, and for this reason much interest has ben aroused among the students. ' ' , L It. ir. V- Wt TTC jJ, j-ju