THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE DAILY INEBRASKAIN Owned and publlnhod by tho University of Nebraska through THE 8TUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD OIllccH, Basement tho Administration Building. Fostofllco Station A, Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska. "Day Auto 1888. TELEPHONES Night Auto 314G, Ed. 103G. Bus, Mgr. 420(1 THE STAFF EDITORIAL Sam R. Buck, Editor A. II. Dlnsmoro, Managing Kdltor Ralph S. Doud, City Editor P. C. McConncll Associate Editor Stuart Gould, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Homer O. Hewitt Hugh Agor Wallnco B. Troup Konnoth M. Snyder R. S. Buddcnborg .T. Lovojoy Linn L. A. Bechtor Fred L. Babcock TIarry Burtls Robert II. Flnloy Frank Perkins, Staff Photographer WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Marian Swezcy Ollvo B. Mann Ruth Mungcr Alice Chambers Morrll Reed Lawrenco Robinson L. T. Sklnnor C. L. TJpdcgraff C. F. Androws Wlnnlfrod Elchar" Ullilrcd Bovlns BUSINESS Vincent C. H.iscall, Business Manager C. C. Buchanan, Asst. Bus. Mgr. J. V. Morrlton, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 per year. Single copies 6c Facility notices and Unlvorslty bulletins published free. Entered at tho Postofllc'e, Lincoln", Nubr., as second' class matter under act of Congress March 3, 1879. ""SATURDAY , OCTOBER 28, 1911. THE UNI AND SCRAPS. Everyono knows thut class flghtB tiro not approved of by tho faculty of tho University of NobraBkn. By class lights wo Indicate disor derly free-for-alls occurring on tho campus during class hours. Thoy disturb classes, tho tempers of tho Btudonts and tho whole trend of Unlvorslty buslnoss. Thoy result In damage to goods, chattolB and wearing apparel also, that Is not to bo sneezed at, Tho par ents who havo to pay for these, do not highly approve of fights for that reaBon. RIFLE CLUB MEETS. Discuss Plans For tho Year and Pre pare For Big Rifle Contest. Thursday ovenlng after drill tho Rifle club met In convocation hall. It was found that tho club owed an as sessment of flvo dollars to tho Na tional Rifle association and to pay thiB an amount of flFfy cents was lov ied on each mombor. Plans for tho coming year were talked over and It was agrood that only hard practlco would bring honors to Nebraska's shooting squad in the National Rillo association contest to be held some tlmo in January. As an Ladies' Shoes 2,50 2.95 4.00 and 5.00 values Sample and Cancellation BUDD Upstairs AIbo tho roporta of such affairs aro Bolzod upon eagorly by tho sensation al newspapers and spread over tho country, leading to disorders among tho Btato high schools In ondeavors to omulato tho admired collegian. Thus a fow desultory wrestling matches on a collogo campus may evolvo no end of trouble for a great many moro persons than would appoar on first thought. Ilonco tho wlso men who think ahead, do not approvo of class fights that aro disorganized and arlso at hours when Unlvorslty dlBcipllno Is Infringed upon. Toward tho regulated lnterclass wars, howovor, tho view 1b far differ ent. In thoso affairs tho collogo as ono man, says "Go to It and got a bloody nose." It 1b fun for tho participants pro pared for what fato may bring, It Is fun for tho faculty, many of whom would onjoy doing such things to some of tho warriors, and It Is fun for tho spectators, most of whom havo "boon there," and can sit congratulating themselves that their foolish years havo waned. additional help, tho University is in stalling a new rlflo range in tho base ment of ono of tho buildings, and has a now equipment of Indoor rango rifles which will bo hero in a fow days. Tho Hydo Prlntory, 1331 P St., up-to-dato printing of all kinds. Bakor's Cafo serves cakes all day. Also everything olae In season. Serv ice first class. 16-tf BOTANISTS TO INVOICE TREES. Dean C. E. Bessey has put his class In Systematic Botany at work on a census of the trees growing in tho city. Ho hopes soon to bo ablo to givo tho number of trees now growing In Lincoln, and to havo them classified according to spocloB. This is tho first tlmo an actual count of trees has been tdkon hero. Agents for The Spalding Gym Shoes EloctrlcShoo Repairing whllo you wait BECKMAN BROS. 1107 O Street UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited Attention to the Opening of Bert Sturm's New o-Chair Barber Shop Most Modorn, Sanitary Shop and tho Finost Fixtures Wosl of Chicago Manicuring Cigars. Uni Students Welcome. 11G South 18th St. 3 ROR A Good Job of Cleaning and Pressing. - - - TED MARR1NER 233 North Elttventh Street AUTO 1709 -: -:- BELL F-1009 OBO, SHAFFER, Prop THIC DEW AUTO 3380 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BARBER SHOP SIX CI1AIKS it NO WAITING Best Barber Shop in the West CIGAI18 In Daaemeiit O Street Entrnncc DIANIGUIIING FLODEEN & BRETHOUWER 129 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb. Every man who cares any tiling at all about his personal appoaranco knows that only a first-class merchant tailor can furnish tho sort of clothes that will give him that look of distinction that a woll-groomcd and woll-drosBod man shows. At 129 So. 11th Street tho firm of Flodoen & Brethouwor maintains a largo show window that is always filled with a lino of goods that aro equal to tho display of any tailoring establishment to bo found in tho west. Tho prices quoted on these goods attract attention, and tho workmanship and fit is all that could bo desired. Horo you can buy tallor-mado goods at hand-me-down prices. Georgo Bros., Danco Programs, Mon ogram Stationery, Motto Cards. jit lt 3k 3k 3k 3k 3k '4k. 3k 3k 3k. 3k 3k 3k 3k 3k 3k. (,3k NOTICE TO VOTER8. ' Today is the last day of regis tratlon for voting in the coming election. ' ' C. E. To Sing Esperanto. Next Sunday morning the songs used in tho Christian Endeavor con vention sorvico will bo rendered in Esperanto, which Is tho now interna tional language. The mooting will bo. held in tho auditorium and a special choir in which somo University Btu donts may appear, will lead the song service. J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 Bell 147 CLEANERS and DYERS c &Si2,BY 31 FOOTBALL Fairbury Hig'li School vs. Temple Iligli School NEBRASKA FIELD Friday, 3:30 Adm. 25c Democratic Club Elects. The Democratic club elected officers Wednesday afternoon and decided to meet Tuesday ovoning at tho Lincoln hotel to hear from tho various candi dates. J. P. Itahn, tho newly elected president, will . preside, and several local candidates for election will ad dress them. Rare Drugs $1 Safety Razors Fountain Pens, Etc Don't fail to call and see the $50,000 World's Fair at Seat tle 1909 Gold Medal Prize, Gem Collection, now on display. Student's Lunch 15c