,1" 1 " , mm -4 . i ' j - I v &;. ., u' A .&-".- r . "ir . ,r iu . t .". wV rinitiTV ninrn imiupt rfluuLii nuixo . mniinoi FINALEXAMINATIONS LAST YEAR'S iENATE 'hULlNQ IN TEFfECT tft8, SEMESTER. PROFESSIONAL ((HIKES AfFCCTED College! of Law and Medicine Will Find It Difficult to Conform to New Rule. STATE CONVENTION MEET NEBRASKA CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR CONFERENCE ON AT OITY AUDITORIUM. AVith rtild-Bomeatot-B oloso at hand, tho. attention of UnlVoralty studonta 1b cailocl toa ruling madoby tho Unl verelty sonato last May relatlvo to nhal examinations. Tho, rulo adopted at -that Umo was as follows: "After Soptombor, 1911, soBfllons of class work of tho socond somostor shall hold rogularly until Tuosdayvof Com' . moncomont..Wook. ..SomoBtral or final examination In an Bomcator, If hold, shall bo during tho last olass bob slonB." ' . Rule, Effective In January. This rule will first go Into effect next January Tho first, semester ' qIobos January 80th, and registration will follow tho next four days, but tho praotlco of holding final examinations during that tlmo will bo done away with. According to, tho rulo, oach In structor has tho option of giving an examination, but suqh must bo con fined to tho closing session of his course. . Registrar' Rutledgo Is of tho opin ion that as a result of this now sys tem, tho 'memorable two or nipro; noun final examination 1b now to bo con- sldorod a thing of tho past Ho also Btatos that, registration, will bo con fined botwoon "VodnoBday ancl Satur day, thoroby cutting tho period ro sorved for that purpo'so from five to four days. This has boon-fouml pob slblo in view of tho fact that tho au thorities will, not liavo to ally for tho tlmo formerly taken, up by tho finals, ,, Will Affect Laws and Medici. " Somo! discussion has arlBo'n as o tho effect the ney rulo will have uponl tho professional colleges, tho Law and Medical Colleges In- particular. Both Dean Hastings and Dean Wollcott wore Intbrylowod by Nobraskan re porters and nolthor doalrod to com- . mlt their respective faculties on tlio subject. Tlio formor was of tho opln- ion ,that; some ohango would bo mado huth system now. inyoguo In tho taw School, but "was not surd as to the nature of tho change. At tbo prosent time tho school is a mombor of tho Association of American Law SchdolB,and as such must live up to one of Its provisions requiring final examination in all subjects. Just hpw tho local, ruling is to be 'harmonized with this requirement is a mattor of future determination. Medics Hard Hit. .JDean WoUcott felt that It would work hardship upon tho medical stu dents to deprive them of tho training and experience derived from a thor ough and lengthy final review? In order, to prepare the graduates for tho stato board , examinations, the Medical School has always maintained a thorough system of examination of its own, and hence is reluctant to fol low strictly tho provisions of tho sen- J ate ruling. To quote the Dean, "It is just,'-like' sending the Varsity up to Minnesota without giving them a week of preliminary practico." Ho was of tho opinion, however, that , some arrangement would be devised hereby satisfaction, would., be gjVen lq all parties, . ;"'"r . , . LHousehelel Arts Club Meets. . -'. ' ThV Household Arts clubVwlll-?eet ".at the hone of Miss' Louise Guthrie Vat MO Soutk Twenty-ievemth "street! Jtiir&yf , OotoWc58, t ;.... . V Tho Btato convention of tho Nebras ka Christian Endeavor union is meet; ing in Lincoln. Tho registration last night had reached a mark of somo what ovor a thousand and officers of tho state organization aro oxpectlng a total onrollment of oyer two thou sand delegates. Ovor a hundred Uni versity of .Nobraska students aro al ready, registered as roprosontatives of their church at homo. Tho Christian Endeavor movement, bolng Interdenominational as It Is, haB socletios in churches of almost ovory creed. Prpsbytorlans, Congfogationj allsts,' DlBciplos churoh, Baptists, Ro formed, United Brothrcn, Evangolioal and one or two other churches are represented at tho,. Lincoln conven tion. There aro a few Methodist churphos alBo, which have C. E. ,so--ctotTes. Tho meetings of the Lincoln conven tion will bo hold at tho Auditorium and at tho FlrBt Christian church. Tho convontlon headquarters havo boon opon6d at tho. Christian church... Mako your dates early with Hagom sick's1 Orchostra. Auto 2990, tf m. !tinvKrM?Wm 1 1 iiii fi wfps. NHraF wR is ' ' , r fiWis tkfdX:ot satisfaction' in finding' yovt have bought some thing really better than you expected io For HARVARD MILLS ruiskei UNDERWEAR Well illustrates this point In good underwear 'you want to obtain fit, finish, fabric, wear. " And these you wjll dia- cover in the fullest me'Sr ur'e in the above mention-,-edline, whether it be for slender, medium or stout . -. people. Vsts, Drawers, Tights and Union Suits , ' both Women and Ghilderi are being featured this week-l5ya. Spicial Window Display Ht. 10 RUDGE & GUENZEL GO. 11th and O Street .4 vfr . .. VT1 iHk xrtlTTV JT . Mmmm - 'TaiTLi-iiir ".i-jii,r-- '-J5 i mWmmm '.' ., s .--M -;skatafflSi!i tmma. ''iML w& 4ifr' r' ,.ct.'.i y s ". . ' 4Mr ' 'i r i ".-, A .tfi ,it -i-.V tf fi ...:f.i.-f-Ji-,if.;NTB4 f -i w- uk MAYER ' -J ' I it j w- C'8;'' ft" ... R.r K-.' t- nriftu . VT.tf ! n 4 The most modern and attractive of all ready-to-wear clothes ; """''' ri- rrf . W, X " 1 TT rt.7 ,r' .. ' "" .' .'. 'fl'Wl "ior loung AYAen ana men wno &tay xoung. ' . - :, i- i . of every, description. . . ,. , "'y? ;4 r4s ' i!fwmT'T'9-wwrriTw cravats oiu3oiovesunaerweu&...vv,tj - ym - '"ikt.lASL.v. f - - v. "! nm" f z . .. wmxtmmxxt i .' i every men?s wear necessity of .quality 19 here, priqed reasonably.;; !f iS 'Y "The highest taste or requirements are both ' ' w ; V? . readily satisfied in this establishment.""' --V-;..'.,;':. ..g4S , . -. .- ; : fy:-' V-K'r rift Sii its and vOvercoats $ 1 0 to ;$45 ,. :.'. V " ... ??"!&':? . - w , '' .- -s -Taf- ,- , -V-.- -t r" l) 10th & 0 nyi a VFn nnrvc (I' - ' u irnif i& ml 'W. . V- f ' ..'", -5-' " '" -." b. k..h 4-h. mm-w -mjm mmmr -.h Vs.bja 'b. v .." '...ir-i;ftV -,i;.- T r'&f4i&$gtf ,,4" 'b - J 'J .- S"".-S . -' fi ."" 'jn J , ..L -' Ffr "-.- (.-. '-K .v .1