HI DAILY WKBEA8KAN l- AVERY LEHVE8J0B PACIFIC NEQRA8KA'8 CHANCELLOR TO BE QUEST OF UNIVER8ITY OF WA8HINQTON. , 5 Chancollor Snmuol Avory will begin a two wookB' spoaking tour of tho woBt Monday, whon ho will leave for BoIbo, Portland, Seattle, Spokano and Donvor, to addroas assoolatlons of No . braaka alumni. At Soattlo ho will bo ono of tho two principal spoakers at tho soml-contonnlal colobratlon of tho University of Washington. "Solonco and ProgrosB" will bo tho BUbJoct of Chancellor Avory's address, which will bo dollvorcd November 7 at Soattlo, and which with an addrosB by Prosldont Jamos H. Baker of tho UnlvorBlty of Colorado, will constl .tuto tho actual colobratlon program of tho annlvorsary of tho founding of Washington Stato University. To Visit Alumni Clubs. Tho vlBlts and addrcBses to tho var ious associations of Nebraska alumni in .tho woBt will bo mado by tho Chan cellor both going to and returning from Soattlo. Ho will not roturn to Lincoln until about tho mlddlo of No vombor. An Invitation for tho Chancellor to addroBB tho Woshlngton soction of tho American Chemical Socloty, of which ho Is a mombor, has boon oxtended by Albort Jacobsjon, city chomlst of So attlo, Who was an lustruqtor In chom iBtry at Nebraska sovon yoars ago. INTERCLAS FOOTBALL SOON GRIDIRON SQUADS LINING UP UNDER VARIOUS LEADERS. Overcoats for Young Men There isn't a store in the state that has taken more pains to be RIGHT on overcoats than this HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES. Suits and overcoats $15 to $40. FARQUHAR i 325 St. PERMANENTJATES SET COMMITTEE ON 8TUDENT ORGAN- IZATION DRAFT TENTATIVE PLAN8. Intorclass football starts soon with a rush. Tho schodulo haB not as yot boon arrangod, but tho Sonlors will play tho JunlorB, and tho Freshmen will try tholr lyck against tho Sophomores. Tho winners In thoBO two matches will clash In tho final gamo. Tho SonlorB havo been out ovory day under tho coaching and leader ship of Sam R. Buck. They will hold a mooting at tho Ibrary today at flvo o'clock and will oloct a captain. Tho upporclassmon aro determined to up hold tho honor of tho Sonlors who won last year. Tho toams will bo. managed by Ran dall Curtis, Sonlor; H. A. Black, Jun ior; V. Beck, Sophomore, and Tiny Gollatly, Freshman. All men who wish to try out for tho toams aro request ed to see thoBO mon at onco and glvo them tholr names. Thoy aro trying to got tho sorlos played off aB rapidly as posslblo. Last year tho cold weath or Interfered with tho gamoB and put an unasked for snap In tho players. Soo Los Hydo whon In noed of pro grams, menus and othor printing. At a mooting of a commltteo com prising tho presidents of tho Y. W. and Y. M. C. A., tho Innocents, and tho Black Masques, tho cdltorB In chief of tho Cornhuskor and tho No braskan, and othor upporclassmon and womon, tentative dates woro arrangod for tho County Fair, University Night, tho Cornhuskor banquet, tho Dramatic Club play, tho events of Junior Week, and tho Sonlor Play, which will bo submitted for ratification to these various organizations, and then kept froo to them alone, by the faculty commlttoo on social affairs, under Miss Allco Ensign. Arranged by Miss EriBlnn. Tho commltteo was called together by Miss Ensign with a view to .secur ing tho help of tho general student body in directing and concentrating tho attontlon of tho students upon such affairs as should appeal to tho Bchool as a wholo, and which mako for tho development of all-University social progress. Tho permanent dates will bo announced later. fRAIERNIIIES AND SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET AUTO 3228 BELL 234 GEO, SHAFFER, Prop THE MKW AUTO 3380 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BARBER SHOP BIX CIIAIHS it NO WAITING Best Barber Shop in the West GIGAIIS In Bnsenicnt O Street Entrance MANICURING ;l BLAZEK'8 special pictures for stu dents, 76c and $1.75 per dozen. 130C O St. Sophomores ask your fellow classmates what's doing tonight at 7:00. TJt t$ 3ft 7jv "3v 3fv ?v ?! P" ifv "jr ?C V " V Nebraska Engineer Succeeds. Another Nebraska onglneorlng grad uato Is coming to tho foro. M. P. P. Costollo, C. E., '06, will havo chargo of tho classes In drainage and Irriga tion and In highway engineering at Iowa Stato College. Catholic Students Meet, Tho Catholic Students' club will hold tholr first danco of the season next Friday, November 3, in tho Mu sic hall of tho Tomplo. Jones' Or chestra will furbish tho music. FLODEEN & BRETHOUWER 129 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb. Every man who cares anything at all about his porsonal appearance knows that only a first-class merchant tailor can furnish tho sort of clothes tha will glvo him that look of distinction that a well-groomed and well-dressed man shows. At 129 So. 11th Street tho firm of Flodeon & Brothouwor maintains a largo Bhow window that Is always filled with a lino of goods that aro equal to tho display of any tailoring establishment to bo found in tho west Tho prices quoted on these goods attract attention, and tho workmanship and fit is an tnat couiu do desired. Hero you can buy tallor-mado goods at hand-me-down prices. C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 O St. tf Republicans Meet Tho republican voters of tho Uni versity will hold a smoker at tho Cap ital hotel tonight at 7:30, 'and will bo addressed by tho county and city can didates of tho republican party. FOOTBALL, Fairbury High School vs. Temple High vSchool NEBRASKA FIELD Friday, 3:30 Adm. 25c or Attention to the Opening of Bert Sturm's New 8-Chair Barber Shop Most Modern, Sanitary Shop and tho Finost Fixtures West of Chicago Manicuring Cigars. Unl Students Welcome. 110 South 18th St FOR A Good Job of Cleaning and Pressing. - TED MARRINER 238 North E;isnth Street AUTO 1700 :-, -:- BELL F-1009' Hats Something new in " 1 1 English Derbies M and .Scratch ups . 3155 ' ' t n -vi 4iJ j ,; l