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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1911)
Ji'C),i'.. V'V if- iV ube alls IRebtasftan "MMiBlH VOL. XI. NO 24. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN FRIDAY OCT. 27, 1911. Price 5 Cents. & )' k: K y r $ U S - ! . A r .A NEW- BUILDING FOB COLLEGE OF LAW TENTATIVE PLAN8 NOW BEING DRAWN BY ARCHITECT8. COST EIGHTY-FIVE TIIIUSAHD DOLLARS Much Needed Addition to Campus In Process of Realization - Assured. Tentative plans for a new building for tho college of law of the Univer sity, are now being drawn by Ben linghof and Davis, tho state archi tects. President O. S. Allen of tho Board of Regents and Chancellor Sam uol Avery of tho University, have au thorized the work on tho plans, which will possibly bo considered by the rogonts at a special mooting to bo held November 25, or else at tho reg ular mooting scheduled for Decombor 12. The proposed now building' will probably bo decldod upon Chen and preparations for Ub orectlonSnay be gin Immediately thereafter. To Cost $85,000. As now planned, it will bo three stories In height and will cost $85,000, tho amount appropriated by tho last legislature. Its location has not yet beon decided upon. Tho t6p floor will be given over to tho law library, while tho second and main floors will consist of locturo and class rooms, with an auditorium- largo enough for law college assemblies. STUDENTS CHEER AT RALLY CHANCELLOR AVERY AND FORM Eti TEAM 8TAR8 MAKE 8TIR INQ ADDRE88E8. , Preparations to show tho Show Mo crowd from Columbia, Mo., wore bo gun yesterday morning when two thousand Btudonts attonded a football rally in Momorlal hall. Tho mooting was addressed by Chancellor Samuel Avory, who complimented tho spirit shown by tho team after tho defeat at Minnesota, but urged them to win an actual as well as a moral victory rsiSSSkiiSSSSJSJrsfSSfkSfS (Continued from pago 4) GJRLS TO HOLD PENNANTS BLACK MA8QUE8 TO DECORATE. GIRLS' 8ECTION FOR GAME 8ATURDAY. Tho University girls' section will bo Improved Saturday by tho offorts of tho Black Masques. A largo scarlet "N" will bo formed by tho ubo of red ponnants In tho co eds' section. At various times during tho gamo tho red "N" will bo changed to a whlto one. ' Lotters have boon sent out by th'o (Continued on pago G.) SOHOMR BANNER PLANTED E ON SPIRE OF UNIVERSITY HALL The scarlol and gray wavo on high. During tho woo still hours of tho night somo stealthy BophB stole into Uni versity hall and by a series of dodg Ings and ascents found themselves out In tho open on top of tho old building. No ono knows just who did it or how they got thero, but In somo mys terious manner the colors of tho soph omore class this morning float from tho tower of old University hall. It was a daring stunt. Somoono might have beon hurt, but so far no remains of tho noble sophs have been found. Tho colors wero sighted oarly to day by a squad of Freshmen, but at tho time tho Dally Nobraskan goes to press no trouble has occurred. Some freshmen thought that a squad should attack tho streamers and tako them down, but tho older and wiser ones counselled that possibly it would bo moro manly to just laugh at tho sophs. Olympics enthusiasm Is at fovor heat and it is gonorally thought that Saturday will see a big class scrap, possibly much more strenuous than in years past. TIGERS ARRIVE TODAY READY FOR HOT FRAY MI880URIAN8 DECIDED TO QO IN FOR VICTORY. WILL BE A FIGHT FOR FAIR Coach Brewer Looks For a Tlo Score at Least Many Seats Sold for Saturday. Missouri's band of striped Tlgors arrives in Lincoln today ready for tho fray with tho Cornhuskors of Nebras ka. Missouri is coming up to win, tho dopo from tho Tiger camp for tho past woek Indicating that thoir team is moro 'than just good, but Coach Stiohm's elovon fools fully proparod for tho man-eaters from tho south, Missouri Confident. Coach Browor is confldont that his team can at least tlo tho Cornhuskors and tho studont body at Columbia Is Just as sure that their Tlgors will trim Nebraska, 6 or" 12 points. Strango, but Nebraska ddesn't colncldo with oither of tlioso opinions. At practice each day Montor Stiohm has gono after his mon steadily and remorselessly, bracing up tholr lino, showing thorn now plays and gonor ally keeping vigilant watch on tho progress made, FlndUig faults is easy but the big coach is really pleasqd at (Continued on pago 3.) VMMkiMKilHHOri&&iTSktt Wg$WmBmmAYJ. J ,SMf Win ii"' HfflBMfci T iT HiiiHKlHHK22BSjKi B2E& Hlllllllllllllllllllllllllllfl&Li39x;i RRuTIBuMBBilllllllllllllllllDF'?'' - HBsjjffiHras JtSLTrTifZ&l 1L. 'l WW Ernest Frank, rhb. - ' "- S 'iffy 5T 'jT5 4l y , Uk TTwMMhtfc Wfe jBbbbbbbbbbbHP CORNHUSKERS Jerry "Warner "qb. r BrfHiBiHliHKiliiHiil illllllllllllllHMlllllllllllllSziililllllilH 'fkkkkkkkWFkRkLmkW H Hl if kVkkkWt- KK m HKH '. , 4Bt , kkkWt kkkKkkWajEMkm.' 49fBkTkkkW JimMBms&kT kkWnBgM&m&a&mM -. &lEM&M mwkkkWKit&&M;-?PVmSn Patft'?WIWMBiKMS BfPJjflPBSiHMI K&f iili' Jra9295BfciP&ttfHI Ml WiTiiVHWk BanTa-M rTBW' 1 1 krftiB WfwkrtmkmklkBkkmkmkkWkmkkkkwkWkwkBkkkkkkM laBSgWBPQjpjPgBBSMPJBBBEBBBBBBBBB HIHHIIHHilBBBiiiHHHIIIlliHlBIBBHiliiiililiHIiiHiiiliiv Leonard Purdy, fb. SPEEDY BACK Owen Frank, Ihb. FIELD "1 jry-i. i in imiiw 'l i -5 a I ki El ; -! z 1 1 . -(I I