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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1911)
v 111 i I I f:' f&t"Hi&T'7''V" "W ? 5 , THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN ft f V I. COLLEGIATE SPORTS By Stuart Gould STIEHM TRAINING MEN HARD IHER GAME With two mon badly disabled in tho scrlmmago practice of Tuosday tho Varsity wont through twenty mtnutos of apoody work with tho freshman and scrubs WednoBday, piling up a twenty to nothing scoro on them. Two Mon Hurt. Jorry Warnor and Ilacoly, two of tho most needed of tho CornhuBkorB aro in bad shapo and aro obliged to take practico easily for a fow days bocauso of injuries to their heads ro oolved TuoBday. Potter Is filling In all tho quarterback work whllo War nor rosts up and Racely is taking a comploto roBt, not appoaring in his place at half at all Wodnosday. Teams Puts In Hard Work. Tho team, howovor, wont through a stronuouB day's work in spite of tho Iosb of thoir team matos. Tho work of tho linomon In oponlng up tho holos noodod for tho backflold Is Im proving and Coach Stlehm folt much hotter at tho ond of Wednesday's practico than ho has for somo timo. On dofonBlvo work tho big coach is 'working hard to build up tho work of tho contor of tho lino, instilling into tho mon thoro tho old prlnclploB of a charging dofenBo, ho played so well hlmsolf on tho Wisconsin Unoup. Sidney Collins, InBt year's big con tor,, was out on tho field last night, assisting Coach Stlohm. Game Today. Today ,tho Varsity moots tho Fresh man squad in a rogular game of four quartors, and If tho Froshmon aro not Btrong enough to hold the 'HuBkor band, tho scrubs will bo used also. All tho regulars will got Into tho game and- tho students will bo ablo to soo In what shapo thoir team 1b going to bo whon It linos up against tho Tlgors. YOST IS BUSY AND BIG SQUADJEVELOPS FAST Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 24. Michi gan is in tho best of condition and Bees overy proBpect of complotlng tho best season In the history of Wolver ine football. Tho return of Shorty McMillan to tho game put a now life in overy player on both Varsity and scrub toamn. Tho practico took on a snap and a vigor that had been hlthorto lacking. McMillan 1b undoubtedly ono of tho boBt of WoBtorn quarterbackB this year. On him dopends much or Mich igan's success. Plcard and Shorty have both "boon playing at quarter and both have been making good. How over tho chances aro that McMillan will play in all tho hoavy games. "Hurry Up" Team. At first tho heavy schedule somo- ,what dampened tho spirit of tho team but now all is flno in tho Yost camp. Tho toam has felt its strength and is in tho field for practico with old timo Wolvorlno spirit. Tho continued work by tho coaches for a "Hurry Up" team is beginning to show rcBUlts. Tho teams In practico games are thrown together with tho remark, "Got in thoro, this nln't no friendly game." Michigan men at tho Minnesota game have brought back tales of.tho prowess of tho Cornhuskor eleven and promise that tho game Thanksgiving will bo one of tho hardest and boBt games on tho Michigan schedule. HAROLD HAVILAND. CROSS-COUNTRY IN VALLEY LONG DISTANCE MEN OF CON. FERENCE SCH00L8 TO COMPETE. SHINGUARDS "Everybody boost, wo must boat Nobraska" has become Amos' motto. Can Ames do It? Nobraska is to tako part in a Mis souri Valley Conforonco' croBB-country contest this year. During tho past month a committee appointed at tho last mooting of tho conforonco, of which Dr. Clapp was chairman, has been corresponding with tho schools undor thoir control with tho idea of holding a joint meet this fall. Re cently tho lasft'of these was heard from favorably, bo this meet will un doubtedly bo hold. Nebraska Favored. Several of tho schoolB favor Ne braska as a placo for holding tho meet, but as it is to bo pulled off on the 18th of November whon tho whole Interest of tho Missouri Valley will be centored on tho Kansas-Nebraska gamo to be held at Kansas, thero Is a possibility that It will be pulled off in conjunction with that event. Invitation to Outsiders. Several of tho schooJs have op pressed a desiro to have somo of the outside schools participate, and if this will be dono thero will be olght or ten schools represented, making it a meet of' national importance. Nobraska is nlso to have a team at tho Chicago Conforonco contest to bo hold at Champagno on tho 25th of November. As tho Cornhuskor team has shown up well for the lastNfour yoars, overything indicates a good chance to bring the cup to Nebraska. DO YOU REALIZE THAT Theso are the mon that make this paper possible? The subscription price isn't a drop In the bucket. They help us; we must help them. PATRONIZE THE MEN ON THIS LI8T Tho College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trado solicited. S. L. Chaplin & Co. 127 N. 12th.. Black Masques Meet Today. Thero will be a Black Masquo meet ing today at 11:30 o'clock in tho ad ministration building. Mako your dates early with Hagen sick's Orchestra. Auto 2990. tf ALICE NIELSEN CONCERT AROUSING INTENSE INTERE8T READY f OR TENNIS fINALS TATE TO PLAY GOODBODY OR FLORY FOR INDIVIDUAL MEDAL. Tho tonnls slnglos tournament draws to a close and tho pooror raqn havo boon put out with duo regularity. Flory, Goodbody, Andrews and Tate broke into tho Boml-flnals after much hard work. Tato won tho match in tho semi finals from AndrowB by a score of 6-0, 6-0. This means ho will havo to "moot in the finals olthor Goodbody or Flory. NEWMAN INJURED. Former Dental Student Accidentally Shot at Aurora. Thoro's a gamo today, You aro missing lots of good football by not attending practico games and indeed the dally practico. DON'T FORGET THAT RALLY. BE THERE. And Missouri will bo hero Saturday. Busy day for freahlos. Not a murmur from Kansas Unl Blnco tho Agglo game. Brace up, you Jayhawkers! Got money? Well neither have we but we bought a rootor's hat. Say, did you soo tho Chocolate Sol dier? Well bo did tho rest of us, so lot's talk football a whllo. Dr. Wright Newman, -who graduat ed in dontlBtry last Juno and was practicing at Aurora, will lose tno sight of his loft oyo as tho result of bolng shot, whllo out hunting Sunday near his homo. Two othor hunters mistook Now-, man's decoys for real ducks and shot from bohlnd tho doctor's blind Just ' as ho turned around whon hearing thom approach. Myrl Swanson, a for- -raor. Nebraska student, was in tho blind with Dr. Newman. A specialist Is now endeavoring to aaVe tho doctor's oyo, but tho task Is considered hopeless. Newman Is bo- . lng treated In Omaha. BLAZEK'S special , pictures for stu dents; 75o and $1.75 per dozen. 1306 O St Oh! Ain't It grand. A special din nor, a special section, and antiseptic rooting horns for tho girls. GIRLS' TENNI8 DRAGS. Tho Girls' Tonnls tournament Ib bo- .Ing played off too slowly. Dr. Walker wishes that all the preliminary matches bo played this week, so that tho finals may como during pleasant weather. It is probable that (ho courts at tho Country Club will bo used for the finals. Foresters Meet. Tho Fores'try club will meet Friday evening, Ootober 27, In Room 2, Ne braska hall. . f Alice NielBcn, the American prima donna soprano, who has mado such re markable strides In nor grand opera career during tho past flvo years, is to sing at tho Oliver theater on tho 2Gth of October and will bo assisted by four members of tho Boston Opera company. Interest in the approaching concert is becoming keen and thoro Is overy indication that It is to be one of tho important musical affairs of tho season. After her early succoss abroad in serious opera, Nielsen ad vanced with amazing rapidity to a position of eminence, and in her ap pearanco with such distinguished art ists as CaruBO, Riccardo Martin, Des tlnn and Melba her abilities impressed public and critics equally. In under taking her first extensive concert tour of the United State's and Canada, Niel sen is declared by authorities to meas ure to tho standard demanded by ex acting prosent-day audiences. Her voico is roported o bo more boautiful in quality than over, and her stylo broadened. Adv. They Will Treat You -Right BANKS First Savings Bank Central National Bank BAKERIES , Folsom BARBER SHOPS Chaplin First National Bank Green's . Bert Sturm Roy Wardo BOOK STORES Co-op University Cleaners Tod Marrlner J. C. Wood & Co. Lincoln Cleaning andDyo Work. Weber CLOTHING Armstrong Clothing Co. Farquahar , ,. -. y Flodeen & Brothouwer Magoo & Doomer Mayor Bros. Palace Clothing Co. "1w5;y UJU1QI OC UIUil11 " .',. RINTHUy UICOUI-HIIU WHAT DO YOU NEED TODAY Id our lino of Pamphlets, Programs, Henna, weaaintr Stationery and nil kinds of Commercial and Stationery criming. v VanTlne Printing Gomany 128 N. 14th St. Reliable, Prompt AntoM77 COAL Whltobreast CONFECTIONERY Lincoln Candy Kitchen DRY GOOD3 Miller & Paine DRUGGISTS Moior Drug Co. Riggs FLORISTS C. H. Froy FURNISHINGS Armstrong Clothing Co. Budd . Fulk Magoo & Doemer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Co. Speler & Simon HATTERS Armstrong Clothing Co. Budd Fulk Mageo & Deomer Mayer Bros. Palace Clothing Cc Speler & Simon JEWELERS Hallett Tucker LAUNDRIES Evans MUSIC Walt OPTICIAN ' Shean . -atf' r i H..AV. Baker's Cafo serves cakes all day. Also overything else In season. Sorv ico first claaB. " . 16-tf HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE . Dinner JJt30 to J30 Zr Supper 5:30 to 7t30 JL Also Cafctorlan Sty Hot Vaflea with Maple Syrup, SOc PHOTOGRAPHS Blazok PRINTERS Georgo Bros. Hyde Prlntery Simmons Van Tine , RESTAURANTS Bakor's Cafo SHOES Beckman Bros. Budd Men's Bootory Mayor Bros. Miller & Paine TAILORS Flodeen & Brethouwer THEATERS Oliver Orpheum . TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Excl . v 1 ii.r -.' 1 ; - U.: PL "iflWi&jW-'ittn'