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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1911)
"W THE DAILY NEBRASKAN OFFICERS SCHOOL SOON NON-COM MU8T PA88 8TRICT TEST BEFORE APPOINTMENT- MERIT 8Y8TEM ADOPTED. CLASSIFIED COLUMN At THE THEATRES fr AGENTS Qlvo mo your trado. R. Clark, stu dont agont Yulo Laundry. Auto 5744. Ilif ill .f- - II u 'H Instruction jvyilL Boon bogin prepar atory to tho J examinations for non commission ofllcor appointmont8t Tho courses 'will bo taught from Dccombor 4 to February 22. In tho appointments not only tho marks mado in tho ex aminations will be considered, but also tho domorits to tho applicant's credit, hiB probablo efilcioncy and tho mark received in tho drill master's work. Early Compet Interest. ' Interest is bolng aroused in tho com pany competitive drill to bo held in tho latter part of tho year for tho Omaha Cup, which is no wheld by Company I. In tho contest this year tho number of demerits received by tho individual mombors of tho com pany, received for absence or other wise, will bo considered in tho award ing of tho prize. For this reason aw ful penalties aro promised tho fresh man who skips drill, by his captain. Guns Issued. Tho first year cadets were issuod guns this wook nnd ovory ovening from 5 to 6 p. m. Twelfth stroot lit erally swarms with aspiring freshmen who aro learning how to "Order Arms" without smashing their toes. Tho military department announces that horoaftor in making recommen dations for commissioned officers only 'thosomon will bo considered who 1 1 JL Something new in E" II t HQTV English Derbies rwl.1 I I ll I II jo ..L " FURNISHER and HATTER IIUIU and Scratch ups 1325 0 street havo been non-commissioned officers in the Nebraska cadet regiment. Tho Hydo Printory, 1331 P St., up-to-date printing of all kinds. HERE AND THERE. Miss Mabol Daniels, '12, spont Sun day at her homo in Bancroft. Miss Irma Gibson, '12, spont Sunday at hor homo In Fremont. A. M. Oberfeldor, bettor known as "Ohl." vlfdtml clfiRHOR Prldav. .7 Vorno Bates and Los Welch havo eturned from Now Brunswick, Now orsoy, where thoy attondod the Delta psilon convention, as delegates from tho local chaptor. Margarot Gilbert, ox 1913, of York, Nebraska, spont Tuesday at tho Delta Gamma houso. Harry Minor, a member of last ear's football team, who is now con- octed with tho Rod path Leoturo Bu- eau, visited at tho Delta TJpsllon ouso. Geo. Fradenborg, of Qmaba, member tho law firm of Baldrlgo, Ddbord d Fradenborg, visited at tho Alpha eta. Chi houso yesterday. Thco. Hansen, ox 1911, of Fairbury, ibraska, spont Tuesday at tho Kappa ppa Gamma houso. . L. Batos, leader of last year's nd. and a member of tho senior play st; camo to Lincoln Saturday. Fraternity Tablets, Uni Stationery, erman JUay Jfostcards, at The 318 Regular magnets in at tractiveness our fall suits and overcoats. Garments that possess character and harmonize with ycur personaity. This is a fall of newness there are new weaves, new colors, new styles. Our Kensjngtons em body them all in addition to that they fit. $20 to $40. MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street Cecil Cobb, 1912, has returned from Harlan, Iowa, whero sho spent Sun day. Catherine Nyo, 1913, wont to Kear ney to spond Saturday and Sunday. Harold Swan, '15, was oporatod on for appendicitis Sunday morning. Ho is reported to bo recovering nicely. Seats may bo reserved for Alice Niolson Opera Co., today. 19-3 New Botanical Magazine. Dr. Beasoy has announced that ho will toko orders for tho Sportophyto, the only humorous botanical magaztno in exlBtonco. The periodical is pub lished in England under the auspicoB of University College, and has already met with decided bucccsb. Goorgo Bros., Dance Programs, Mon ogram Stationery, Motto Cards. Miss Thomas Injured. Miss Thomas, who has beon in charge of tho Law Library, sprained hqr ankle yesterday and will bo kept from her work for a few days. Dur ing hor absence, Miss Wilson of the main Library, will H her placo. Unions Give Party. The .Union Litorary society will hold their annual Hallowo'en party Friday night, atEpworth Lake. park. Co-Op N, llth'St. BOARDING GOOD tablo board, f3.50 per wook at 1320 S St. 205 L08T LOST An Alpha Phi pin. Return to Rag ofllco. Roward. 23-3 LOST Heavy gray oVorcoat. Hung on Library gato Monday aftornoon. Return to Rag ofllco. 22-3 LOST A. T. O. pin. Flndor please return to Rag ofllco. Roward. 20-3 FOR RENT. ROOM FOR RENT pno room In all V modorn house, 1310 L St. Auto 2722. 2C-3 TWO good all modorn rooms for ront, 1320 S St. Reasonable. 20-5 FOR RENT Nicoly furnished front room for two ladlos. Strictly mod orn houso. Phono Boll 2203. FOR RENT One back room, furnish ed, strictly modern. 6. 538 So. 17th.' Auto 1768. FOR RENT Ono largo furnished room. Strictly modorn. $10. 537 So. 17th. Outo 1768. Car loaves Tonth and O stroots at 7:20. Como out. A good tlmo is as sured. "Johnny" Lcard has movod from 127 No. 12th to Woods Barber Shop, 1206 O St. Ho doslres to boo al his old frionds at his now location. 14-5t Nebraskans td Marry. On Thursday, October 26, tho mar rlago of Hazel Fall, ox 1912, of Beat rice, and Carl Schafer, will take placo. Miss Fall attended University for a, couplo of years,, and belonged to tho Delta Gamma sorority. C. H. Froy, florist; 1133 O St. tf YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE AT u RAG RENT YOUR TYPEWMTER NOW Any Make -V 3 MONTH? $6700 The Largest Stock in the West V? Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Go. 1406 O STREET Oliver Theatre 8at. Mat. and Night, Oct. 28 LYMAN H.HOWE Travey Festival Coronation of King Edward V, Austin Flood. Japan. Colorado. Many Others. Mat., 25c & 15c. Night, 50c, 35c, 25o Monday NlQht, Oct. 30 THE VIRGINIAN I HI Pill U MATINEES (Hxcept Monday) 3IJ0 LMUULn DVUNIN03 AT 8)30 ORPHEUM Hell .S ADVAHCED VAUDEVILLE Anto Week Beginning Mon. Night, Oct. 2& LEANDER DE CORDOVA & CQ KARLEMMY AND HI8 PETS CARLTON HANDER & MILLI88 PAULINETTI & PIQUQ 8TUART & KELLY MACRAE & LIVERING BARGAIN MATINEE8 15c & 26o NIGHT8 15c, 25c, 35o and 60o TONIGHT Oliver Theatre 8:15 ALICE NIELSEN OPERATIC CONCERT COMPANY 5 BOSTON OPERA STARS 5 rl An Evening of Optra SEATS 50c TO $2.00 NOW OH SALE Tn THE i t'f r? . ,i .-. .,.A:: ( :: Any Time s 1 I n. -