The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 26, 1911, Image 1
r.r -y---VTr.nry-,Jr. -,,... .;.T..rf., Ibe 2)ail$ IRebraefcan v t VOL. XI. NO 23. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN THURSDAY OCT. 26, 1911. Price 5 Cents. T r FRESHMEN DETERMINED TO WHIPJOPHOMORES WEETING8 BEING HELD TO COM PLETE THEIR ORGANIZATION. BLOOD TO BE SHED SATURDAY Plans Now Completed for the Big Lower Class 8cramble To Be Exciting Combat. Froshman and Sophomore havo but two moro days to prepare for tho big event of tho first semester, the an nual Olympics Day. The combat this year promises to be one that will bo long remembered in Olympic annals, both armies having spent some weckB of training and preparation in order to be In fit shape to get tho enemy's angora. Freshmen are More Numerous. The underclassmen outnumber tho vainer Sophs slightly, but tho greater experience of both tho class as a wholo and of tho Individual members of tho smaller band, it Is thought, mako up for this deficiency.' In addi tion tho Sophs have an added advan tage in tho fact that they have boon organized for a week longer than the Freshmen. Tho froo-for-all Is the event in which the real test for supremacy will be made as this bears all the earmarks of tho old time claBh rushes which were the joy and diversion of the Froshles and Sophs of former years. Tho plan of tho fight is simply to turn tho fighters Ioobo in the arena and lot thorn do their worst Details of Big Fight. A lne will be drawn on the eastern end of Nebraska Field and another lino on tho western end, two side lines bounding tho fighting space. The class captains will then flip a coin as to which side gets tho choice of tho lines. Tho free-Ior-all rules provide that the side which has the most men left inside these lines at tho end of a glvon period wins the free-for-all, so tho Btunt for tho fighters to perform is to pull the opponents back over their own line. After a man has once been pushed back over his own lino he cannot re-enter the conflict Thus the mix will go to the side having not the most men, but those who flght tho hardest. Freshles Hold Meetings. Tho Freshmen held a meeting Wed nesday night at Memorial hall to or- , ganizo for the ovents, entries being made for the -wrestling, boxing and marathon events. All other Freshmon are aBked to report on the Flold Sat urday morning, time to be announced later, 'The Sophomores will hold their rally to night in Memorial hall. Tho University girls have planned to occupy their usual places in the grandstand for the Olympics and there will be plenty of other rooters or both sides present to see the big mix. NoadmIssIon-l8charged-to -Olympics. k W -A sV d- J Ba k & k- fe bt L L j, ilC L lie Jit n t v T fv flV Ifi fll fv fT lv v 'v v fT GOIN' TO THE RALLY? Are you going to turn out to the big Rally this morning? It will be held at 11 o'clock in Memorial hall. A bunch of the old-timers are on for sDeechea and the hand In going to play "Alexander's Rag-Time Band." if will be some big ' Rally. Bob Hawley is going to bo there to lead the Howls of his Hun- dred Howlers and they will Invite everybody else (Including the $. co-eds) to join In the jolly round of U U Unl, Ver Ver Versltyl Ne Bras KL- Ohl Oh! Myl New Librarian Assistant. ,, Miss Marguerite F. Hawley has been added to tho corps of Library assist ants! . Miss. Hawley graduated from' the library course at Simmons College, Boston,. last year. She takes tho place of Miss Marion Bell, who was married this fall. .! dk. &. jj& l k. k. k. fc. jk. j4& sk. jfc. & &. 4k. 4ki ik ik k. k. sk ik k sk sk k 7fv 7v 7Jv 7fv 7v 7v 7v j 7f 7v v 7v 7v 7fv 7Jv 7fv tJv Jv ft Tfv fP t " " " TfC CHANCELLOR AT RALLEY DR. AVERY TO GIVE PRINCIPAL ADDRE88 AT MA88 MEETING ' TODAY. Chancollor Avory will personally bOOBt for Cornhusker victory over Missouri by attending tho big football rally In Memorial Tiall this morning at 11 o'clock. Ho will mako one of tho principal speeches. Jt Is also ex pected that he will attend tho gamo Saturday, if possible. Band on the Program. A rousing gathering of Cornhusker rooters is assured for tho rally. The band will be thero with bells on, and tho team will have seats of honor on tho platform. Cheer leaders Bob HawW and Los Hyde will direct tho vocal enthusiasm of the scarlet and cream backers. Tho Innocents have tho rally In charge. Tho hour for tho rally has been set at 11 o'clock Instead of half an hour later, as heretofore, In order that the mooting will not interfere with tho lunch hour. There will be no convo cation today, so that all students who wish may attond the football boosters' affair. 8ld Collins to Speak. Sidney Collins, the star center of the 1.910 Cornhusker eleven and all Missouri Valley center last year, will address tho meeting. Others speakers will bo Coach- Stiohm, Assistant Coach Itathbone, and Captain Shonka. SENlttS BADLY IN DEBT UPPER CLA88MEN HAVE DIFFI CULTY WITH THEIR EXCHEQUER. Tho senior class is facing a big de ficit In the class treasury. (According to President Guthrie, a debt of thirty six dollars is left from last year, A committee was appointed by former President Pearse to collect this, but did not meet with a cordial, response from tho olass members. Of the thirty-Bix dollars, about two thirds is owing to The Cornhusker. The reBt was spent for claBs colors that wero worn laBt year during Junior Week, and for a writoup'in the Corn husker of the yearbefQEeJ WITH OTHER COLLEGE8. Drake University has secured a seven-dollar rate to Kansas. Iowa University has offered cups for the best cross-country runners. The runners are to be ' selected ac cording to their' lowest mark Iti three races. ' ENBERG GIVES WARNING MANY FIR8T YEAR 8TUDENT8 ON THE DANGER LINE BUCK. UP. According to ProfcBBor C. C. En borg, secrotary of tho faculty commit tee on delinquent students, a largo percentage of the entorlng class this fall is already in a fair way to de velop eye, ear, nose and throat trou bles that will necessitate withdrawal from college at tho close of tho first quarter of tho present year. Many Freshmen Delinquent. Profeaaor Enberg statoB that al ready many freBhmen havo boon re ported "down" in .one or moro flvo hour or three-hour courses, and it is necessary to maintain standing in tho University that freshmen navigate tho waters of the ilrst semoster with a cargo of at least 12 hours' satis factory work. Each year since the installation of the delinquency com mittee, a large number of mon and co-eds havo been needed at homo shortly after tho Thanksgiving recces, and Professor Enborg predicts that this year will bo no exception unless tho freshmen begin devoting moro time to their books. Committee No Joke. "Some of thorn seem to think the delinquency committee is a joke," Bald Professor Enberg, "and in some cases I fear the time of realization will como too late." MISS ENSICN AT Y. W. ADVOCATES UNIVERSITY READ ING, RE8T AND 8TUDY ROOM8 COMMEND8 8TUDENT8. Tho regular Tuesday evening meet ing in the Y. W. C. A. was a groat success. Mrs, Willard of the Advis ory Board, presldeded and MIbb En sign spoke on "Tho College Woman's Ideals." Sho said that the college woman should bo developed not only in tho broader phases of life, but also in that feeling of responsibility to others. Col lego work should bo preparation for worthy leadership in all future life, Tho students' growing sonsq of ro ponslbilityoiij;lBBropm .conditions was spoken of as promising indica tion of higher standards of honor in tho University. Miss Ensign touched upon the social spirit of our school and expressed tho belief -thatthls spirit would bo heartier and more genuine if we might have University dormitories, or University reading, study and rest roomB. REJUVENATED TIGERS AFTER CORNHUSKER GOAT MI880URI ELEVEN NOW TWICE A8 8TR0NG A8 LA8T WEEK. ARE CONING TO LINCOLN TO WIN Coach Brewer's. Athletes Confident They Can Put Touchdown Over On Proteges of E. O. 8tlehm. (Special to Tho Nobraskan.) Columbia, Mo., Oct. 24. Coach Browor says tho Tlgors will bo 100 por cont stronger noxt wook whon thoy moot Nebraska than thoy woro laBt Saturday, and if that is so the Cornhuskors will havo to put up a mighty stiff game. Teams Improves In a Week. (A week ago tho Tlgors could not put a much hotter articlo of football than tho frcBhman, having just lost Captain Hackney tho ono man of a one man team. But rising to -tho omorgoncy a team was scraped to gether that has an abundanco of fight in It, a nowly-dovolopod drop kicker and a backflold of as fast mon as thero aro In tho Valley. Hall, a last year's man who had been out of tho game on account of parental objection, is back, and is punting ovon better than last yoar. So that deficiency Is alBo supplied in tho Tiger lineup. Tigers Have 8trong Line. In Saturday's gamo at Amos tho Missouri line was found invincible the only touchdown bolng on a fluko. The two end positions wero tho weak est spots in tho lineup and with a weok's hard practice Coach Brewer Ib confldont of picking two mon whom it will be hard for tho Nebraska play ers to bafflo. Missourlans Confident. So confident are tho Tigers' follow ers of the ability of tho team to boat Nobraska, that a largo amount of oven money has already been placed agalnBt Nebraska, n6 odds bolng asked. Captain Hackney saw the Minnesota-Nebraska gamo and roportB that although Nebraska has as strong or stronger a team than It had last year, Missouri's chances of whip ping thorn are fully as good as against Amos, as the team will bo nearly twice as strong next Saturday. Tho Tlgors, with that fighting spirit which is so characteristic, are coming up to Lincoln Saturday with the de termination of showing tho Cornhusk ors tho ropes. May 8end Special Train, Plans had been made for a special train to carry- up, three or four hun- , dred students to Lincoln Saturday, . but tho railroad company balked at tho last momont and refused to give a special rate, Tho number of rooters who accom pany tho team will probably be very small as a result, however, all of tho men's and women's fraternities but two havo chaptorratr,NebraBka7and thero will be several fraternity parties accompany tho team to Lincoln. ' , VyTLSON B. HELLER. Black Masque Elects. Juno Brown, Pi Beta Phi, has been olected ' to membership in Black Masque. .10 .-.-v gfcrifejjjl..,. ,,,,,.