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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1911)
" Y,f -'"(-""""i V"' r . cmwij-w-vjjf tlbe2)atl IFlebraeftan h VOL. XI. NO 22. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN WEDNESDAY OCT. 25, 1911. Price 5 Cents. fl.m"' $ C011USKERC0-EDS TOJINE SATURDAY GIRLS TO HOLD BIQ FEED AND RALLY BEFORE MI880URI GAME. ' LUNCH TICKETS ON SALE TODAY University Girls' Club Plans an Excit ing Time for Feminine Con tingent Soon. NEW PUBLIC COMMITTEE ROOM COLLEGE Y. M. C. A. PROVIDE8 PUBLIC CONFERENCE QUARTER8. Nebraska co-eds are not lacking in collogo spirit Noxt Saturday, the University Girls' club will glvo a luncheon at 2 o'clock In the Tomplo, to help booBt tho Missouri gamo. What tho Cornhusker banquet has always been to tho men, It is hoped that this luncheon will be for Nebras ka girls. If successful, it will bo re peated annually. A nominal price Is put upon tho tickets, and all Univer sity girls, whether members of tho club or not, aro' Invited. To Rehearse Yells. At the luncheon, after a good feed, speeches will bo given by prominent members of tho club, explaining the purposo and work of tho organization. Miss Ensign and other faculty women will bo present and will talk.' After luncheon It Is rumored that Unl yellB and cheers will bo prac ticed, so that the Girls' Rooting squad at tho Missouri game will bo far from a joke. Tho banquet will closo with tho singing of tho Cornhusker, and. tho girls will go In a body to tho foot ball gamo. Club Membership Open. Tho University GlrlB' club was es tablished six years ago. It Is tho only University organization, which all Ne braska girls can join If they desire. Women members of tho faculty aro also- ellgiblo. It tries to further the Interests of .all Nobraska co-eds, by gotting them acquainted with each other, by caring lor them when they aro sick, and by looking out for them In every way. A feo of twenty-five cents a year is 1ST charged for membership. This year an active canvass of all Unl girls was made, resulting In about two hundred F- now members Rush for Tickets. Tho banquet Saturday will bo the first social affair given by the club this year and tiekets aro going fast. Any girl who wishes to go, must get her ticket before Wednesday night, In order that a place may bo prepared for her. Tickets cost twenty cents and will bo on sale In tho Library Tuosday. Tho University Y. M. C. A. has sot aside a small room at its headquar ters in the Tomplo building, for tho uso of any or all studont commltteos. This room will at all times, when not in uso by a scheduled commltteo, bo open for uso by any commltteo, which happens to bo In a "pinch." It Is a well known fact that stu dent committees ofton have a lot of trouble finding a room In which to meet. Trips to the office of tho su perintendent of grounds and buildings have at tlmeB brought little or no sat isfaction because no rooms in campus buildings wore unused at that partic ular hour. Tho need thoroforo for rooms which aro at all times open for committee uso will In a limited way bo mot by tho Y. M. C. A. venture In setting asldo this ono room. Atchison Moved Out. TIiIb room Is tho ono located at tho southwest corner of tho association quarters. It was used last year aB tho office of tho state studont secre tary, and has been used this fall by Guy Atchison, secretary of tho stu dent employment bureau. Hereafter Atchison's desk will bo out In tho big room. While this one room will not bo ade quate to meet all requirements, it will help to solve tho problem. It will bo tho policy of tho association to pro vide further public accommodations fr tho studont body in general as fast as possible. This room will bo open at all times to any student committee. MAXEY AT CONVOCATION LAW PROFESSOR DI8CU88E8 SIT UATION IN REGARD TO TRIPOLI. MEEKER SLOWLY IMPROVES. Will Not Be Able to Return to His Work This Semester. SOPHS ELECT OFFICERS David Meeker, who was a prominent candidate for sophomore president until ho was talced seriously sick, has been discharged from St. Elizabeth's hospital and Is now convalescing at his home at Imperial, Nob. On account of having lost so much time from his studies, ho will not return to school till tho second Bom estor begins. Dr. Maxoy gavo a comprohonslve lecturo on tho Trlpolitan situation at convocation- yostorday. Ho dlBcussod tho war In Us broader significance of International relations. Tho cauBe datos back to tho confer ences of Paris and Berlin, for tholr Intervention In Turkoy's behalf against Russia, all tho European poworB ex cept Italy appropriated ono of Tur koy's possessions. Italy now wIbIiob to take Tripoli. The other countries cannot consistently Interfere, as Italy Is only doing what thoy"dld. Never theless Dr. Maxoy thinks Italy Is to bo censured. Thinks Italy Will Succeed. In tho Judgmont of Dr.. Maxoy, Italy will succeed In taking possession of Tripoli, will hold It, and may pay Tur key a small amount for hor loss of torrltory. Tho most serious result of tho war may bo In Turkey itself. It may bo tho moans of overthrowing tho young TurkB who recontly camo Into powor. This would bo very lamentable bo causo they havo really striven to ralso tho ethical standards of Turkoy. It is to bo noticed, In comparison with for mer disturbances, that there havo boon no massacroB of Italians or outrages so characteristic of Turkey. This Is a sign of progress. International Peace Affected. Tho consummation of International peace Is seriously Interrupted by this situation. If a war could so oaslly arlso between two powers without any real cauBe whatever, It would seem to postpone a permanent poaco between tho stronger, moro hostile nations. Dr. Mnxey's talk proved quite pop ular and a surprisingly largo number of students proved tholr Interest In other things besides football and tho next dance. VAD'DUSEN APPOINTS - CORNHUSKER STAFF BIG ANNUAL TO BE AN IMPROVED BOOK. SMALL STAFF TO WORK HARD Editor Dana B. Van Dusen Wants Asslstance-by Suggestions from All 8tudents. NOTICE TO SOPHOMORES. A rally of sophomore will bo hold at 7 o'clock sharp on Thursday night in Momdrlal hall. It is expected that Dr. Condra and others wll speak. This is tho last meeting of tho clasB boforo tho Olympics and every soph must bo there. J. L. 0. MERCHANTS ASKED STORE FRONTS TO DECORATE OR M SECOND YEAR MEN DETERMINED TO WIN BIG OLYMPIC SCRAP " SATURDAY. At a meeting of tho sophomore .class held Tuesday morning, Louise Northrup was elected vice-president, Wallace Troup secretary, and Dorothy Raymond treasurer. , , Plans for tho Olympics were con sidered Jn detail and an organization otfectedfor 1Kb big" scrap by which tho eophB oxpect. to put a permanent quietus on the freshmen. , , Decorating In honor of tho big Nebraska-Missouri gamo, the Lincoln merchants will put tho city In a man tlo of scarlet and cream. Stores, buildings, windows, and oven the wa gons and autos along tho streets will all carry some sign of tho coming Cornhuske.r-Tlger 'gamo. Missouri's gold and black cdlors will be drowned In tho flood of scarlet' and cream for tho Cornhuskers, hut tho southerners will havo somo represen tation in tho shapo of their college pennants in some 'of tho storb win; dows, . '" "Colors' are Double Honor. By a ourlous coincidence the colors of 'the Christian .Endeavor society, whoso convention will bo hold In Lin coln tho lqttor part of this week, aro tho same as those of tho University and the decorating will do doublo honors' this time. Plans for tho embellishing of tho streets of the, city for tho gamo aro now yot, but somo of tho bigger mer chants plan to havo streamers and banners from tholr stores across tho streets. , When tho band, of the CornhUBkers marches down the streets next Satur day it will be through a maize of bril liant colors of their own collogo, and the streets will contain plenty of loyal rooters carrying their share of the color bearing. Appointments to tho staff of tho "Cornhusker," tho big all-Unlvorslty annual were announced yostorday by Dana B. Van Dusen, editor In chlof. Tho staff has boon soleotod on a morlt basts alone, and will bo continued on that basis throughout tho year accord ing to Van Dusen. "Whllo It is oxpocted that tho Btaff will bo a working buslnoBB-llko organ ization," said Van Duson, "yot sovoral good times aro planned, and tho super vising editors oxpoct to mako It worth whllo for the staff to put forth its bost offorts." A Big 8chool Honor. To bo ono of tho editors of tho CornhuBkor, oBpodally whon thd staff Is so small, Is ordinarily considered ono of tho big school honorB, and In addition tho work 1b valuablo training for business life. "Of courso no body 61 editors can mako a successful book unloss tho studont body Is behind thorn," said Van Dusen. "Wo must havo sugges tions, material, photographs, and spirit abovo all vthlngs. Givo us this and tho book will bo democratic, or iginal, Interesting, audacious, syste matic " wo could follow him no further, but ho wont on to oxplnin that tho book would bo good, and thaC moat of tho work would bo dono this somostor Jn order to avoid crowding at tho finish. Tho staff appointed is as follows; each porson being abso lutely responsible for his or hor de partment. Such changes as aro neces sary will be mado as tho work devel ops, according to Editor Van Duson. List of Appointees. The staff as appointed Is as follows. Varsity Activities Editor . Ralph Swcoley Minor Activities Editor ;,.' Earnest Graves Class Editor Mark Hargravos Lltorary Editor Catherine Yates Joke Editor Ralph Mosoley Art Editor Bernlco BranBon Cartoon Editor...,,.. Ralph Northrup' Engraving Editor '...Taylor Military Editor Re Davles Organizations Editor. Robert Ferguson Fraternities Editor.... Searlo Holmes GIRL8 ACTIVE EL8EWHERE. Minnesota and Wisconsin Have Novel 8tunts For Women 8tudents. Co-eds aro actlvo in other Univer sities as well as Nobraska. At Min nesota, a hare and hound' race will bo held, in which teams representing tho different sororities will enter, AK silver cup will bo given to the win ning sorority. ' 'Wisconsin has inaugurated an inter sorority bowling leaguo, Teams are selected from each sorority, and both: .the team and'' the individual cham pionships are contested. VJ I m a I i ''I m Jrl n, ,. & ' .j .": - , ." t .. ' m a ..... v.A il?&Liik4.'i:.&-:xJiii-i. ; kv &m-h:'i . hiifVii&ktLa