j.tct ,y,f y ,' . , ryrrf&um.r; yy-eig5ryt,; ff :y----r7gr---7rt -r' - - &l'- :1 4 ? ' H -v r s V" ' ,. - THE DAILY NEBRASKA !-' T 5 " ". 1 THE DAILY INEBRASKAN Owned and publlslicd by tho University of Nobranka through THE STUDENT PUQLIQATION BOARD oniccB, Basemont tho Administration Building. f,- . ' Postqflleo Btatlon A, Campus, Lincoln,. 'Nebraska. J')ay Auto 1888. THE STAFF EDlfORIAL Sam Ri Buck, Editor . A. H. Dlnnmoro. Managing Editor Ralph 8. Doud, City Editor F. C. McConncll Associate Editor Stuart Gould, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Homer O. Howltt Tlugh Agor Wallace B. Troup Konnoth M. Snyder It. 8. BUddonborg J. Lovcjoy Linn , L. A. Bcchtor Fred L. Babcock Harry Burtln Robert H. Flnloy Frank Perkins, Staff Photographer WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Marian Swozcy Ollvo B. Mann Ruth Mungor Allco Chambers Morrll Reed Lawrcnco Robinson 'L, T. Bklnnor C. L, Updcgrnff C. F. Andrews Wlnnlfrnl Klclmr 11 lldrcd Bovlns BUSINESS Vincent C. Haicall, Business Manager 'C. C. Buchnnan, ABat. Bub, Mgr. Subscription 92.00 per Faculty notices and University bulletins published free. u Entered at tho PoBtomcc, Lincoln, Ncbr., as second class matter under net of Congress March 3, 1870. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1011. MMWll 1 1 1 -y OUR P08ITI0N. A local nowBpapor haa made Bomo sensational charges regarding tho conduct of several porsonB connected with tho MlnnoBota-NobraBka gamo at Minneapolis Inst Saturday. Wo wlBh to assort tho position of tho Dally Nobraskan In Its official ca pacity as ropresontlng tho student body, In this matter. It 1b bb follows: We have nothing to Bay ono way or tho other. Tho score of tho game was 21-3 In favor of Minnesota. Wo lost thoy won. It Is all ovor, and tho moro quickly wo forgot nbout It, and pro- ENGLISH DERBIES Low Grown, Broad Rims, Very New, Other Styles, All Shapes, Why Pay More? mis o paro novor to let it occur again, tho better. No mattor how or why wo wore boaten, wo loBt and tho gamo is over. Wo say, let It rest. NEBRASKA'S BAND. RogardlosB of tho fortunes of tho football team at Minneapolis, the band won. They won a place not only In tho heartB of tho faithful few who mado tho pilgrimage to the north, but ulso- in the estimation of tho thou sands of Mlnnosotans who heard the cheery notes thoy blow out of, their old brass horns through that heart-' rending game. Never for a moment did thoy lose their nerve. While tho Minnesota musicians mourned some fallen hero In ddloroUB ditty, tho nervy kahk'l clad Nobraskans cheered such Corphustt era as foil, by tooting a tuno tho im port of which was that they dldnl care a great deal, wo would win any how. Tho editor glveB to tho band hie hhar 0 of what tho whole school shoul.l tender ltthanks and congratulation?' for a bunch that is a credit to Ne braska. Tho College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trade solicited. S. L. Chaplin & Co. 127 N. 12th. Chancellor ..Entertains. Chancellor, Avery entertained the Y. W- C. A. cabinet at dinner Saturday evening. Miss Allco Howell was toastmlBtrc8S and toaBts 'Wero re sponded tbhby members of the advis ory committee. ' ' Seats may bo reserved for Alice NIolson Opera Co., today, 19-3 TELEPHONES Night Auto 3145, Ed. 1035. Bus. Mgr. 420U J. V. Morrison, Circulation Mgr. year. 8lngle copies 5c MISSION 8TUDY CLA83ES. 8chedule of Meetings for This Week at College Association. Tho'MlssIon Study class of tho Uni versity Y. M.'C. A. will moot tonight at 7 o'clock under tho leadership of Dean R. Leland. Wednesday night at the same time tho class studying the "Uplift of China" will meet with Lloyd G. Hall as leader. Tho problems of a medical mission ary will be presented Sunday at 9:15 a. m., at a meeting of the medical group. All tho former members of tho classes and any one wishing to join, any or all of theso classes, are asked to be prosent. Tho topics presentqd are of absorbing Interest just now and It Is said will deal largoly with tho present troubles in China. "Johnny" Lcard has moved from 12? No. 12.th to Woods Barber Shop, 12QG O St. Ho desires to see al his old friends at his new location. 14-5t IMPORTANT TO SOPHOMORES. President Outright Wants Sophs to Get Busy at Once. Sophomore class meeting Tuesday, October 24, at 11:30, in Memorial hall. Besides tho preparation for tho Olym pics, there Is much Iraportnnt busi ness to come before the class. It is imperative that every sophomore at tend. We will bo working against odds In (ho Olympics and our success will depend upon tho spirit we show. Wo must havo a big meeting today. JOHN L. OUTRIGHT, President. Beckman Bros., 1107 O St., do -Elco trio Shoe Repairing while you wait. SENIOR HOP A SUCCESS. A largo attendance, mostly of up porclassmon, enjoyed ;a good dance at the Lincoln hotel Saturday evening, when tho senior hop, tho first uni versity danco of tho year, was given. Tho success of the affair made oyoryono happy. In -aplto of tho adr verse.Bcoro at Minneapolis in the af ternoon. T.tA, James was chairman of the committee in charge and F. A. Wirt was mastor of ceremonies. 21 BUDD SWEDISH "GYM" SHOES Sold by BECKMAN BROS 1107 0 Street Wo Do Electric Shoo Repairing Whilo You Wait. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited HAVE EVA INS Do Your Laundry HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner JJ:30 to 1:30 Supper 5:30 to 7:30 25c Also Cafeterlan Style 'Hot Wafles with Maple Syrup, 10c WHAT DO yOU NEED TODAY In our lino of Pamphlets. Programs, Montis. Wedding Stntionory mid nil kinds of Cominoroml and titatlouory Printing VanTlne Printing Company 128 H. 14th St. Roliablo, Prompt Auto 8177 Juniors Meet Thursday. There will bo an Important meeting of tho Junior class at Memorial hall at 11:H0 o'clock Thursday morning. Elec tion of officers and other business. CLAYTON RADCLIPPE, President. Baker's Cafo servos cakes all day. Also ovorythlng else In season. Serv ice first class. 16-tf KprIHTWg) tmcom-mm. J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 Bell 147 GLEANERS and DYERS c M?&BY GEO. SHAFFER, Prop THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BARBER SHOP SIX C1IAIKS Best Barber In Uuaeuient CIGARS Trusses Abdomical Supporters Elastic Hosiery Student's ettir Favorite Footwear Styles Of New York Clubmen Our latctt tliipmcnt of Regal Shoe in c'udcj ultra-failiionablc models Ihpt are right now popular nmong the clubn en of New Yoik and London, who ms the admitted aulhottu'es on men's stylet. REGAL SHOES correctly reproduce tho smartest cuttom modeJs designed for each seaton. R gal qxarler-slzes reproduce perfect ccs!o 1 fit and cemfort. As to the quality in-lhese negals, we assure you it is the recog nized Manama everywhere. S I 7VI O IN 44 99 Try a lunch at tho Y. M. C, A. Lunch Room. Cafo tori a Plan. CityY. MC. A. 13lhnndP. SEW AUTO 3380 tt NO WAITING Shop ia the West O Street Entrance MANICURING Visit our Soda Fountain Hot and Cold Drinks Huyler Choc; and Bon Bons Lunch 15c $3.35 sld $5.85 r9 criT$i&&& Ay . -1 " S. -i i