f"VT && " - (I THE DAILY NEBEASKAN t I 'I r i . u ' I v . f r STELK IN DISTRESS MIDNIGHT MARAUDER MAKE8 OFF WITH QIANT8 TROU8ER8. Sunday night tho Ag club houso, located at 143G. S street, was looted by an unknown robber. Tho thug mddo a successful geta way with tw6 pair of trousers, thrco coals two watches and soven dollars. If anyone is Boon on tho campus wearing & pair of-trousers about sev en sizes too big, please report tho matior to Sir, Stolk, as tho husky foot ball player is looking for tho man who stolo his pants. Green's Sanitary Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. Miss Lute to Berkeley. Miss Anna Maudo Luto, who has been working for her Ph.D. in tho department of education, and now haB her thesis nearly ready to Bubmit, is In tho city. Miss Luto was called to tho Smithsonian Institute at Washing ton in government work and is now on her way to Berkeley, whoro she will work for a tlmo testing seeds. Soer" Le rfydo- when in nocd of pro grams, menus and other printing. Field Geology 21. Glass will make lower Platte valley trip Friday and Saturday of this woek, October 20 and 21. Tho Platto trip will not bo repeated this Bomester. See announcement at entrance to U 7 for instructions. N. A. BENGTSON. SBB, THE NEW Hand niado tJ. of N. jowolry, Fobs. Stick Pins, Hat Pins, Caff But tons, LaValliors, 60c to $8.00, STERLING SILVER Established 1871 W W ri w f ETTTT REGISTERED 1143 0 Street EM. f I I K2j 1 1 OPTOMETRIST NEW FORESTRY 8CH00L. Former Nebraskan Establishes New 8chool at Washington. Prof. F. G. Miller, tho first professor of forestry at Nebraska, but now of tho Univorslty of Washington, has es tablished a department of forestry en gineering at that college. This sub ject includes field surveying, logging and milling. BLAZEK'3 special pictures for stu dents, 76c and $1.75 per dozen. 1306 O St. German Club Meet. . Tho German club (der doutscho gosolligo Verein) will moot Saturday evening, October 21, at tho residenco of Professor and Mrs. Fosslor, 1547 South Seventeenth street at 8 o'clock. AH members please como, as tho meet ing is very important election of offi cers and now members. George Bros., Danco Programs, Mon ogram Stationery, Motto Cards, Olympics Committee to Meet. Tho Freshman Olympics committee, composed of tho following men, 'will mdo't at tho Tomplo "ttfday (Wednes Have you bought that forget you can, get oiie The i- . ,r .i . i Our good name is our business anchor. It holds fast the trade that would otherwise be only floating. Created by square-dealing and up-to-date methods we expect to hold it by the same means. Our Kensington suits and overcoats illustrate this policy. Thoroly up-to-date in style, fabrics and colorings and for quality they're in a class by themselves $20 to $40 MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street day) at 12:30 o'clock: Sam Waugti, Roy Brian, Robert Flnley, Georgo Dut- ton, H. A. Aronson, W. F. Becker. JAMES Wk CALHOUN, Chairman. Don't forget Johnny Leard at 120u O St.- 14-5t DEBATE SQUAD AT WORK. , The Debating Squad has started work with a rush. Sixteen men and ono young woman aro holding meet ings six ovonlngs a weok in tho Semi nar room U 107 D. Tho appointment of committees and general discussion aro taking a largo part of tho time. Prof. Fogg is much pleased with tho Interest tho members aro showing in their work. Baker's Cafe servos cakes all day. Also ovorythlng else In season. Serv ice first class. 16-tf CHANCELLOR TO 8PEAK. In order to attend tho semi-centennial celebration at tho University of Washington in Noyomber, Chancellor Avery has socured a cancellation of several conflicting dates and will pos itively bo present. Ho will deliver ono of tho important addresses on fho 'an niversary program. Memory Book ? Don't for $2;0iat Co-Op JL CLASSIFIED COLUMN AQENT8 Givo mo your trado. R. Clark, stu dent agent Yulo Laundry. Auto G744. FOUND FOUND A sorority pin. Soo Bub. Mgr. at Rag oflloo. .-14-3 LOST LOST Sllvor vanity purso, small bIzo, with monogram "A. W." PerhapB loft in clasB room. Roturn to Rag. Roward. 18-1 LOST A bunch of koyB near tho campus. Finder roturn to 1528 P St. Roward. 17-1 LOST Fountain pen botwoon Memor ial hall and O stroet. Return to Rag offlco. 15-3 LOST A silver sorpont pin. Roturn 'to Rag ofllco. 14-3 LOST Gold Missouri Valloy cham pionship football watch fob. Roturn to Rag ofllco. Roward. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Nicely furnishod rooms for girls at 1430 R St. Phono F-1256. 17-3 FOR RENT Nicely furnlBhod rooms for girls, at 1430 R Streot. Phono F125Ck . 16-3 FOR RENT Modorn room for gontle man. 534 No. 12th St. Auto phono 4563. 15-3 ONE furnished room. Will also rent piano. Enquire at 1323 S St. 14-3 . NEBRASKAN 8UCCEED8. Friends of Winifred Tucker Ward, M. D., class '11, will bo pleased to learn that sho was awarded, upon graduation last Juno, an Internship in tho M. E. Hospital at -Omaha, and la performing tho duties of that office with great succosb. Attention to the Opening of Bert Sturm's New 8-Chair Barber- Shop Most Modern, Sanitary Shop and tho Finost Fixtures West of Chicago. Manicuring Cigars. Uni Students Welcome. 110 South 18th Sfc. Trusses Abdomical Supporters Elastic Hosiery Student's 'gsmjTlI'Pf'MistmKMcwMS I RENT YOUR NOW Any Make :: Any Time 3 Months $6.oo - ' ; : The Largest Stock in therWst . AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre Today 2:30 Tonight 8:15 Tho Matlnoo curtain will bo hold until tho parado has passed, The Comedy Thai Hal Made Millions Laugh. "McFADDEN'S FLATS" Mat. 60c & 25c. Noght $1.00 to 25c Oct. 20-21. Matinee Saturday MOUNTAIN A8H MALE CHOIR Lincoln MATBvEeWacspAnr3oy)3r ORPHEUM ,!,l,T-,l ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Commencing Monday Night, Oct, 1Q STONE & KALI8Z GERALD GRIFFIN & CO. DEIRO CONNELLY & WEBB RUBY RAYMOND & CO. MOLLIE & NELLIE KING 8ULLY & LAR80N Bargain Matinees 15c and 25c Nights 16c, 25c, 35c and 60c HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner lJt30 to 130 'lC-, Supper 5:30 to 730 Jl Also Cafeterlan Sty Hot Waflea with Maple Syrup, JOc WHAT DO YOU NEED TODAY In our lino of Pamphlote, ProKrnnia. Monun. Wedding Btationory nnd nil kinds of Commoroml nnd Btationory Printing. Van Tine Printing Compaiy 128 H. 14th St. Rollablo, Prompt An to 3477 Visit our Soda Fountain Hot and Cold Drinks Huyler Choc, and Bon Bong Lunch 15c ,ii ft A v.: t J , .1 ; i'.. TYPEWBITER: (printing; UHC0U1nCM. -"if" l t i.h .1 :fVf 7 - L NEAREST THE STUDENT IJPtWI IICI LAtlldliyt U ; . 318 N. 11th St 1406 O STREET L'.Ltsft AJ,., ; .j.'. '.- C UiA iil J .r- , j H k LllltUM