i,i IK VOL. XI. NO. 17. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN WEDNESDAY OCT. 18, 1911. Price 5 Cents. Uhc aiftj IFlebraeftan u- f & -CORNHUSe WARRIORS HOLD SECRET PRHOTICE MANY NEW AND PUZZLING PLAY8 BEINQ DEVELOPED, NE1RASKANS DETERMINED ON YICTORY 8tlehm Is Training Men in Team Work Potter May Play Team Spirit Good. Proparlng for tholr contest with tho husky Minnesota team noxt Saturday, tho Cornhuskors hold socrot practlco on Nebraska Field Tuesday afternoon, developing plays to astonish the Gopher aggregation and to strengthen tho work of tho Nebraska team. Coach Stlohm Is training IiIb mon In team work rathor than lndlvfdual drill this wook, tho games of last Saturday and tho wook previous having shown that there aro plenty of individual stars on the Cornhuskors. Line Strengthened. The lino has braced up greatly In tho two dayB of this wook, that the eloven has practiced, must time be ing spont In working out varied meth ods of attack on dofenso play. Minne sota's backs will do well to open any holes in tho Cornhuskor stono wall. Tho true "do or die" spirit has been inoculated Into tho Nebraska team this year, nnd they aro going up to Minne apolis with a firm belief that they will return with tho Gopher's scalp. That means moro than half tho battle In "this caso, for tho Cornhuskors aro a bettor team this year than Minnesota, and with tho spirit that thoy can win imbuod In them, thoy will show the Gophers tho hottest game In years. 8quad Not Picked. No selection of players has been made as to what players will make up Jtho squad to Minneapolis, but it will" include all tho players who have made up tho team In tho two games played, twonty men being taken. Potter Is the only man on tho squad who is not in tho finest of condition, ho having wrenched his shoulder slightly in diving for a ball laBt Sat urday. Potter will probably be able to play In tho Minnesota game, how ever. RECEPTION FOR FRESHMEN Y. M. C. A. TO HELP MEN OF FIRST " YEAR CLASS TO BECOME ACQUAINTED. The first big social gathering of the "year for the men of the freshman class will be hold Saturday evening in Memorial hall. The affair will be in 'the nature of a reception to the men of tho newly organized class by 1he University Y. M. C. A. "A committee of freshmen to co operate with the Y. M. C. A. social committee will be appointed by Pros dtent Robert MoParland of the class. A program oX entertainment will bo arranged and a good time assured. Tt la announced for 8 o'clock. The purpose- of the social la to ac quaint tho new classmen more thor oughly with one another and thereby assist them In their organization. SEEIN' THEM OFF Of course we are all going to see them off. We have just got to do it. And then we want to do It, too. It wouldn't be' like old times if we, didn't haul them down to the depot and cheer them. We'll yell and sing and tell the boys how much we wish we could go along and then send a score of good husky rooters along to help the band. Anyway we are all sure going to the big Rally Thursday morning In Memorial hall. Coach 8tlehm and all the boys will be there. WE MUST BEAT MINNE80TA! DRILL DEMERIT NOW COUNT ANNUAL "COMPET" TO BE AN ALL- YEAR-ROUND CONTEST FOR COMPANY HONOR. In tho future tho avorago number of demlrits will count In tho deciding of tho company "compot" of tho ca det rogimont. Such was tho announce ment mado last night at drill. Each man will benefit his company's stand ing by hlB own promptness and regu lar attendance. v Another announcement waB made to tho effect that In tho future a num ber of points would be considered In choosing officers. Ability as a drill master, regular attendance, military bearing and efficiency in manual will bo spmo of tho points of excellence. Company sergeants and corporals will not; bo appointed until after tho theoretical study. A now major Is to bo commissioned to have chargo of tho new battalion and a call for applications was read last night A number of applications aro looked for. DRAMATIC CLUB MEETS. Officers for Year Elected and Plans Made, for Coming Tryouts. A meeting of tho Dramatic club was hold Friday night In tho club rooms. Tho following officers wore elected: Miss AHco Howell, president; Kath orlne Yates, vice-president; Florence Hostottler, secretary; Earl Sago, treasurer; Harry Coffee, custodian of property. All those Intending to try out for the club are advised to see Miss How ell in U IOC to register for places. Tryouta will be hojd' Thursday even ing, October 26. s Frsshman Engineers. On Friday night the Engineering so ciety will give their annual smoker In honor of tho Freshman Englnoors at tho S. A. E. house, 227 North Sev enteenth street. All engineers are icquested'to come. TRI-DELTS LOSE MONEY. "Robbers, murder, thieves, somebody help." This and other screams were not heard at the Delta Delta Delta robbery, for all of the' girls were away from home. No one knows just how It happened or who got Into the house, but about a hundred dollars worth of Jew els and money was taken from the house. It happened sometime between the hours of four and six o'clock In the afternoon. It was In the broad daylight, 'too. But that did not keep his highness, the boogy man from picking up a lot of stuff No traces of the man or men were to be found. BIG GAME SEATS ON SALE TICKETS FOR MI880URI AND MICHIGAN CONTE8T8 TO' BE SOLD AT HARLEY'8. Seats for tho Missouri and Michigan games, the two big games of tho year In Lincoln, go on salo at Harloy's drug store today. It Is oxpoc'tod' that tho good seats for those gamos will go quickly, so got In early. -Wo meet Missouri October 28, and Michigan Novembor 25. Reserved seats for tho Missouri game will cost $1.50 and box seats $2.00. Reserved seats for the Michi gan game cost $2.00 and box seats $2.50. Students of tho University who hold season ticket books may obtain re served seats for 50 cents for tho Mis souri game, and for $1.00 for the Michigan game. Managor Eager received $200 worth of orders for tickets in his Tuesday mall, making a total of $300 received from out of town people for the Mich igan gamo. TEGNER 80CIETY MEETS. Tho Tognor socloty will moot Sat urday evening In tho Temple. All who aro Interested In tho Swedish lan guage and culture aro Invited to at tend. Prof. C. C. Engberg will speak. The program commlttoo Is planning for a series of programs during tho year, which will call attention to vari ous phases of Swedish history, liter ature and art. HOU8EHOLD ART8 CLUB. Tho Household Arts club met Satur day afternoon after the Kansas game with Mildred Bevlns. A short busi ness meeting was followed by a light supper. 'The next meeting will bo held with the treasurer of the club, Louise Outhrle. FARM FACULTY VI8IT. Miss Brown and Miss Davis of the Home Economics "Faculty, spent the week, end In Fremont at the home of tho former. M'FARLAND ELECTED FRESHMAN PRESIDENT ENTERING CLA88 CH008ES LIN COLN MAN PRE8IDENT. OLYMPICS COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS First Ballot Gave McFarland Lead Over Others and He Won on 8econd Ballot. Robert McFarland of Lincoln, was oloctod president of tho Freshman class at yoBtorday's mooting by a ma jority of sixty-two votes over H. C. Oollatly, tho noxt highest candidate. Tho other candidates wore Robort FInloy and Guy C. Dorry. An attompt to decide tho oloction by a plurality Instead of a majority vote was votod down. As a result of tho olasB contest two ballots wore necessary. McFarland. wus nominated by Cy Dryan also of Lincoln. Bryan mado a neat little spoech In which ho painted In eloquent terms tho qualifications of his candidate. First Ballot Futile. On tho first ballot tho vote was. McFarland 195, Gollatly 110, Finley 85, Dorry" 2. On tho second ballot only tho high-. oBt were considered, and the result was: McFarland 205, Gollatly 143. . Immediately after tho oloction, President McFarland announced the appointment of tho following class commlttoo on Olympics: J. Calhoun, chairman; Sam Waugh, Roy Brian, Robert FInloy, Gcorgo Dutton, R. Arenson and R. Becker. President Radcltffo of tho junior class presided, and tho mooting wont off smoothly in splto of tho warmth of the contest and tho Intense excite ment which prevailed at times. LE ROSSKNOL AT CONVOCATION ECONOMIC8 PROFE880R DIS CUSSES PHA8E8 OF NEW ZEALAND LIFE. Prof. G. E. Lo Rosslgnol spoke at convocation yesterday morning on "Life In Now Zealand." He compared conditions between tho British Island in the outh Seas and America. The majority of the settlers In New, Zea land wore born In tho British Isles and they retain many of the customs of their old homo. Professor Le Ros slgnol said that while the. Island Is ' ' a beautiful place to visit still It does , not afford as many opportunities for ambitious young men as our own country. , Chancellor Avery Leaves " Chancellor Avery left last night for St. Paul and Minneapolis to attend a convention. No interview could be arranged before he left the city, so no statements were mado as to wheth er he would remain for the Minnesota game on Saturday. ' Former Nebraskan Enroute. Mrs. Shellhorn,. formerly Todema Gould- of the University, passed through the city last week on her way to her home In Los Angolos. ' ;l i .a i S 4 1 a