- " Ibe ails IFlebraeftari if VOL. XI. NO. T6. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN TUESDAY OCT. 17, 1911. Price 5 Cents. Vs ' i-. I ': S. & GOPHERS CONFIDENT BUT EXPECT STRUGGLE MINNESOTA MEN AND COACHES PAINTING FOR NEBRA8KA. RECALL DAYS OF TWISTER BENDER Rooting 8quad Already Working on Features with Which to Greet CornhU8kers. That Minnesota Is imbued with re spect for the Cornhusker football team, but 1b nevertheless confident of winning next Saturday, is the burden of the first of our special correspond ence from Mr. Lylo Roberts of tho Gopher camp, which wo print bolow: By Lyle Roberts. Minnesota has never considered a victory over tho Cornhusker'olovon as a sure thing, and this year, as never before, tho rooters are looking. for ward to the Nebraska gamo with all absorbing interest. Two questions are uppermost in tho minds of all. (1) What sort of a team will Nebraska send up to Northrup Field? (2) Will Coach Williams bring tho Gophers to their old-tlmo fighting trim? Everyone realizes that tho Gophers have a light before thorn next Satur day. Recall Old Days. Tho rooters of tho U. of M. remem ber tho Cornhusker teams that have mot tho Gophers in tho past. Still mingled with tho air of determination, there Is also an air of confldonco; for Minnesota has faith In hor team. Realizing tho importanco of the coining struggle, Coach Williams and Ills assistants aro ovory day putting tho team through a gruolllng practice. Tho toam did pot como up to tho ex pected 'Standard In tho games with Ames and Nortlv Dakota, but somo of tho Varsity men who wore at that time Ineligible, aro now In tho gamo and tho prospects look much brighter. Williams at Work. Out of the material now at hand, Dr. Williams Is working hard to bring out a machine which will carry all before It. Naturally' tho team feels tho lack of McGovorn, tho former quarterback, whoso whirlwind aggres siveness was always tho dread jot his opponents, but notwithstanding tho loss of somo of Its best mon through graduation, the team Is tho samo fighting machine as it has always been, Capron, at McGovorn's old position, isjono of tho most aggressive playors on tho team. Captain Pickering, at fullback, is a tower of strength. Ail down tho lino are men of All-Western calibre. ' Need Practice. It cannot be denied, however, that tho team needs more practice before they are ready to meet tho Cornhusk er eleven. There 'is some fumbling and the playing Is at times a little ragged. 'Practice tho toam needs, anuprac tlco tho team is getting with a ven geance; Tho practice has, for tho (Continued on Page 3) U Ug jlf. k L. ifc. L &. L & 4fc 4l& 4fe 4l& 4l t 4fc 4lt 4l& 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k p iT y Js 7p j J y fj 7v j v j 7 7ff p f p f y rj fi 4 "THE RAG PICKERS" The "Rag-Pickers" are not wanted. 4k. We Indjcate those who appear at the window In St. A and give false names in order to get a Dally Nebraskan. $ If you can't afford a dollar a semester, come to the office and we fi will take pity on your penury. We would rather give them away than have them stolen. This Is pretty straight, but we mean It. Furthermore the University authorities have promised to make an example of anyone caught in the act. Don't do It. It makes trouble for all of us. Be sure your name Is on the list at Station A. 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 4k 7 7v rjs ? T t F f y F 'f f F l 'f y ? I T T "i1 'p r T ANOTHER CADET BATTALION APPOINTMENTS READ AND WIRT QET8 CAPTAINCY OF THE NEW COMPANY. A now battalion is to bo formeu in the cadet regiment. At least tha. In tho unofficial, announcement going the minds in military circles. It Is un derstood that tho battalion stationed at tho Stato Farm will no longer bo a par1 of tho first regiment, that tho present third battalion will become the Hocond and that another new battalion to bo known as tho third will bo cre ated. Some of Us officers were ap pointed last night. A now company Iuih already been formed. Tho general order containing appointments was as follows: Subject to the approval of the Chan cellor, tho following promotions, ap pointments and assignments, aro an nounced: To bo captriln of now company, F. A. Wirt. To bo captain and assistant inspec tor of rifle practice, W. T. Carrol. To bo first Houtonant of now com pany, C. L. Yochum. To be first lieutenant and battalion adjutant, third battalion, G. A. Gra ham. To bo first lieutenant company K, Donald Wood. To bo second lieutenant of now company, H. II. Harmon. To bo Becond lieutenant, unasBlgned. B. R. Carso. To bo second lieutenant, Company C, H. M. Frost. To bo second lieutenant Company I R. M. lllggins. To be regimental commissary ser geant, A. D. Mungor. To be first sergeant of new qom pany, W. W. Wenstrand. To bo quartormaster-Borgeant, Jlrst battalion, Loon A. Hickman. - To bo sergeant, unaBBignod, L. H. Weaver, To bo sergeant major, third battal Ion, A. KJolgnard. To bo ordinance sergeant, K, W. McLonan. To bo color sergeant, Lynn'H. Hick man. By order of Captain Yates, W. A. LETTON, Captain and Adjutant. Back from Frisco. Clarko Boll, a prominent alumnus, who now resides In San' Francisco, Is a campus visitor for a few' days. FRESHMAN DECISION TUDAY PRE8IDENT TO BE CHOSEN AT INITIAL CONCLAVE IN MEMORIAL HALL. With four candidates to be voted on at tho Freshman clasB election in Memorial hall at 11:. '10 o'clock this morning, the balloting is expected to be close. , Dorry, Flnloy, Gollatly and McFar land comprise tho quartet of aspirants for the honor, no oloventh hour candi date having appeared and no "dark horse" bolng expected. Another meeting of tho class Is scheduled for Thursday morning, at which time tho newly elected presi dent will announce his Olympics com mittee, and tho minor officers will probably bo chosen. SOPH COMMITTEES NAMED. President Outright Distributes Official Plums for the First Semester, President John Cutrlght of tho Sophomore class, has appointed com mittees for tho flrBt somoster. Law renco Robinson and Dick Stout will manage tho hop. Appointments aro as follows: Olympics Frank Fruso, chairman; James Boggs, Carl Nagl, George Race ley, Hugh Jonnlngs, Leonard Purdy, Chandlor Trimble. Hop Lawronco Robinson, chair man; Dick Stout, master of ceremon ies; John Drlscoll, Budge Wldonor, Rex Fuller, John Balrd, Mario Doug las, Mildred Scovlllo, Jasmine Sherra don. Intorclass Debate Clark Dickinson, chairman;. George Farman, Charles Epperson. Intorclass Athletlcfs Sam Chamber lain, chairman; Milton Overstreot, Hlrd Stryker. fnterclass Basketball Roswoll Has kell. Intorclass Football Bon 'Beck. Yell Leader Glon Whltcomb. Reports -from tho class secretary, constitutional committee and other important committees of last year, will be heard at the next, sophomoro meeting, which will bo hold soon. Proposed class wells are being awaited by tho newly appointed yell leader. Dance Postponed. The Catholic Student club's dance, planned for next Friday, has been poBtpondd Indefinitely. 6AN0 WITH TEAM TO HELP JEAT MINNESOTA HORN AND CYMBAL ARTI8T8, WILL MAKE BIG TRIP. THIRTY MEN TO BE TAKEN' Athletic Board Decides to Reward Cadet Organization Routine Business. At the regular mooting of the ath letic board of control yoBtorday aftor noon, it was decided that tho Unlvor Blty band will bo taken to Minneapo lis for tho Nobraska-Mlnnosota gamo noxt Snturday. Tho railway faro of thirty mon will bo paid from Omaha to tho Minnesota metropolis and return, hotol oxponsos, borth faro, and tho railway tickets bo twoon Lincoln nnd Omaha muBt- bo taken caro of Individually. Band's Proposition. TIiIb Is .virtually tho proposition mado by officers of tho band to tho board, and It is thought will moot with universal approval, although It will bo necoBsary to reduco tho slzo of tho band ono-half. Asldo from this decision tho board transacted only routlno business. MEDIC CASE DECIDED JUDGE STEWART REFU8ES IN- JUNCTION AQAIN8T NEW BUILDING. Tho only romnlnlng obstacle in tho way of oroctlng tho proposed now medical collogo laboratory building at Omaha was romoved Saturday by District . Judge Stewart's refusal to grant an injunction sought by cortaln Lincoln physicians to provont tho board of regents from using tho legis lature's appropriation of $100,000. With this opposition removed, it Is expected that plans for tho now build ing will bo rushed, and it may bo ready for occupancy within a year. Kb completion will remove all strict ly medical work from tho University at Lincoln, only tho two years of pre paratory work In tho six year courso being retained. GIRLS TO FEA8T. Tho oxecutlve board of tho Girls' club will meet today at 11 o'clock in Miss Ensign's office Definite plans will bo arranged for tho banquet to bo given on the day of tho- Missouri game. 8ENIOR8 MEET. There will bo a meotlng of the Sen ior class In the Temple this morning at 11:30. All seniors should be present. xls j t kj U u i t u u U r "F P r ' p H T T f NOTICE. $ Anybody caught stealing a Dally Nebraskan from the post $ office after this date, will be $ prosecuted by the University au- $ $ thorltler. Be sure your name Is on the list. v t, i i u j t td jJl &. iJc k. ite ite. sk. k. P 7f "a" T T 1 'p 1 p T n I I - y WE MUST BEAT MINNESOTA! Hv. .1 . .. l.1