Ibe2)ath IFlebraeftan VOL. XI. NO. 15. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN SATURDAY OCT. 14, 1911. Price 5 Cents. y KANSAS FARMERS MEET NEBRASKA ON GRIDIRON MANHATTAN WARRIORS READY FOR BATTLE. STlfllM'S TEAM IN GOOD TRIM GameToday Not to Be a Walkaway Cornhuskers Should Win The Lineup. Coach Shorwln's bravo little band of gridiron mon from Kansas agricul tural college, arrived in Lincoln last night ready for tho fray with the CornhuBkora thlB afternoon at Nebras ka Flold. Tho !AggloB are coming up here with a full lineup of their boat players and they aro going after tho Missouri Val ley champs to win. Their line has been tho wonder and nearly the down fall of evory team they havo mot this year, and the backflold has proven It self capable of making long gains. Aggies Strengthened. Kansas Agricultural loBt Its game with the KansaB State Normal last Saturday because of the weakness of thoir open play defense, but this week's practice has drilled them In open play and they are coming up horo strong In both the close and open order game. Nebraska Is not going into today's game to run anywhere near the score that was piled up on Kearney. Coach Stlehm Is not going to rlBk putting In several of his star players who aro not Just now in tho finest fettle and the machine that raced through Kear ney will havo sovoral subs in when it linos up against tho Aggies. 8tlehm Drilling Nebraskans. This' week's work on Nebraska Field has beon chiefly defense drill, Stlehm putting his chargos through all man ner of defense plays timo and time again. The scrubs and the Freshman team have boon playing in scrimmage against tho Varsity. Tho Cornhuskers are expected to plow through' tho Agglos for long gains according to the showings they havo made against the Freshmen and tho scrubs in practice. Tho Agglos chance to save themselves will be in their stono wall and for that Coach Stlehm has outlined several neat -plays to place tho oval over the goal. Following is tho lineup: Nebraska. Chaunor left ond, Shonka, Anderson left tackle Elliott, Horaberger left guard Elliott, Hornbergbr center Pearson , . . . .right guard Harmon, Swanson right tackle Lofgren . right end Potter, Warner ..quartor O. Frank, Russell left half E. Frank, Itaceloy. ....... . .right half Purdy, Gibson ." full Kansas Aggies. Stahl, Hooper '. loft end Holmes loft tackle Wohrle, Unruh , . ,' , . .left guard Felpa . center KANSAS MERGER TOJPEAK SUNDAY NOTED Y. M. C. A. LECTURER TO ADDRE8S MEN IN THE TEMPLE. E. C. Mercer will fell tho remark ablo story of his life Sunday afternoon at 3:. 'to in tho Tomplo theator. Since he arrived in town on Wednesday ho has been tho guest of two' fraternities each day; ono for lunch and one for dinner. This program will bo con tinued without a break except Sunday noon, until ho leaves next Wednesday. YeBterday he was Invited to tho WeB- E. C. MERCER. loyan-Cotnor football gamo and last night he spoke at tho Wosleyan Y. M. C. A. On Sunday morning he will bo tho guest of tho Bachelors' club of the city Y. M. C. A. dormitory, and will speak at their Sunday morning breakfast in tho Red Room. This club was addressed last Sunday by W. J. Bryan. A Thrilling Story. When Mercer told tho story of his experiences at tho time of his last visit to Nebraska, the mooting was hold In tho Oliver theater, in order to accommodate tho crowd who wanted to hear him. Tomorrow tho meeting is chiefly for University men and tho Tomplo thoator has beon selected be cause of Its convenience. The story of Mercer's rise from a llfo of defeat and shame to ono of power and useful ness 1b always fascinating to men. Burkhalter right guard Loomls, Mauflln right tackle Vail, Collins right end Young quarter Prathor left half Howenstein, SIdorfsky, Hohn ,... right half Hartwlg, Schuster full M188 ENSIGN ENTERTAIN3. Miss Ensign gavo tho third of her series of toas yesterday afternoon, In Memorial hall. Sho was assisted by several ladles of tho faculty and by a committee of senior girls. These teas aro to help tho Freshmen got acquaint ed and to allow all University women to meet each other socially. 1 ' i " i -A 4 - '.MtfSBBBBBBBBBBk. BBr BBBBBSft i sbbbf IHt ' 'BT?'BBBBBSHBBaBMHkHBBBBHt kJBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBf " IbbbBsbbbibbbbbbS ' j si Svfy l vi XW ISBBBE 'aSBBBBBBBBBf 1 V - Xf-iM&laBBBBf "' fA k S4MrilliiBBBBBBBBBBr ' -'u ty - & jsiotfPPBBSBBBBBB ' rt VTIbbbbbbbbbbbbb. ' 32HBp r "' aIbbbbbbbbbbbW. IbbbbibbkPbbbbbbbbbbbbhbW 1 BBBBBbRbBBB&ABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBh AGGIES HERE SEATS FOR JEHIGAN GAME GO ON SALE AT HARLEY'8 TUE8- DAY MORNING ALL 8EATS RESERVED. Manager of Athletics E. O. Eager Iiqb announced that roserved seats for tho Michigan-Nebraska gamo to bo played in Lincoln November 25, 1911, will bo put on Bale at Harloy'B drug store, Elovonth and O streets, next Tuesday morning. Tho prico will bo two dollars to thoso not holding stu dent season tickets. It Is necessary to avoid complications and mlstakoB In assigning tho seatB, that they bo all sold at ono place, so that for tho pres ent at least, Harloy will havo a mon opoly. All Orders Cared For. Manager Eagor says, howovor, that ho will tako caro of all orders from outside tho city If the money 1b sent to him at his ofllco in tho Tomplo, and that ho will follow tho samo plan in making reservations that Ib used at theaters first come, first served. For this gamo tho ontlro north grandstands, both old and new, will be reserved, as will tho south bleach ers, except for about GOO seats which will be roped off, policed and reserved only for thoso men who form tho root ing squad with megaphones and scar let and cream hats. BOOST UNI AT OMAHA UNIVER8ITY EXHIBIT WILL BE FULL AND INTERESTING AT TEACHER8' MEETING. Tho University of Nebraska will be well represented at tho stato teachers' association meeting to be held in Omaha in tho early part of November. A number of faculty members will be present and an educational exhibit will bo shown. Prof. F. D. Parker, who was In con trol of tho University exhibit at tho state fair will officially represent the University, but will havo with him Profs. Chatburn, Bongston and Pugs loy. Tho showing will be made as in teresting as possible, and will repre sent tho work of almost all tho de partments. Y. W. C. A. MEETING 8UNDAY. All University Girls to Attend a Mass Meeting. Big Tho Y. W. C. A. will give an all University program In thoir rooms on, Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Sev eral talks will bo given by University girls and musical numbers will bo rendered. Tho meeting will bo en tirely Informal. Meeker Improving. David Meeker, who has been In tho St. Elizabeth's hospital for tho last two weeks, is gaining rapidly and pos sibly may bo out In tho course of sev eral weeks. Ho will bo very weak, however, and probably will not be seen In school before tho end of the first semester. His strong constitu tion withstood tho shock of tho severe illness bo well that Dr. Welch thinks no operation will be necessary. TALK ON DEUTSGHLAND GIVEN GYJISS HEPPNER PROFE830R OF GERMAN GIVES INTERESTING LECTURE. STEREOPTICAN SCENES ARE SHOWN Describes Berlin, Nuremburg, Munich, Heidelberg, and Trip Down the Rhine. Miss Amanda Uoppnor dollvorod an illustrated lecture on Germany, to a largo audlenco yesterday at tho Friday convocation hour. Starting with Berlin, sho led tho way through its many beautiful streets and palaces. Sho pointed out tho fa mous buildings, tho parks, and In cluded a Bplondid vlow of tho row of royal statues in tho "Tiorgarton." Borlln, sho charactorlzod as tho fairest city in tho world politically. Ovor 40,000 of its oltlzonB administer to tho public welfaro without com pensation, Nuremburg Shown. Nuremburg's wall was vlowed, and also tho old Nuremburg castle whero Luthor undortook his translation of tho Bible. Rothonburg, whore trum pets may still bo heard and where oxen saunter down tho streets, came next Tho picturesque city of Hoidolborg was reviewed with interest. Tho fa mous "Hoidolborg castle" was shown In all its majesty and grandeur. Munich, tho center of art, was char actorlzod by a monk, whose out stretched arms held up a stein of beer. Tho groat roso buBh of Hllde shelm, was. shown a 'rose bush over 1,000 yoarB of ago. Trip Along the Rhine. Tho trip along tho Rhino was ex quisite. With its romantic rulnB, Its deeply wooded shores, and Its his toric rocks ono of these, tho "Lore lei," at sunset It formed a trip through fairyland. This is tho second of a series of Il lustrated lectures given each Friday evening in Memorial hall at 5:00. Noxt Friday, Professor Alexis will lecture on Scandinavia. BLACK MA8K ENERGETIC. Over a hundred season tickets havo been sold to co-eds by the Black Masks. Alma Zumwlnkle takes tho prize for selling tho greatest number, having sold thlrty-flve. Black Mask expects to soil at least seventy-five more. Manager Eager will not reserve tho girls' section, unless he has tho prom ise of two hundred seats for every game, which really means Iwo hundred season tickets. Tickets will bo on sale Saturday morning and In the af ternoon, from 1 to 3, in front of tho Library, by tho Black Mask girls. Farm House Club Entertains. Chancellor Avery, Dean Burnett and several .members of the. faculty of the College of Agriculture, wero enter tained at dinner at the Farm House yesterday evening. t , TODAY! T. 1 H " ii, i, Jk.i, tfejfalte -V ' r