fft. . THE DAILY NEBRASKAN , --?. - j v j ( j- fie-' t-t: VST XHE DAILY INEBRASKAN Owned nnd piibllHliod by tho Unlverulty of Nebraska through THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD Oniccfl, BnBomont thfi Administration Building. ,,,.,, 1'ostomco Btatlon A, Campun, Lincoln, Nebraska. Day Auto 1888. TELEPHONES NlKht Auto 3H5, Ed. 103B. Dub, Mgr. 420(1 THE STAFF EDITORIAL Sam R. Buck, Editor A. H. Dlimmoro, Managing Editor Ralph S. Doml, City Editor F. C. McConnell Asnoclalo Editor Stuurt Gould,. Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Homer Q. Hewitt Hugh Agor Wallace 11. Troup Kenneth M. Snyder II. H. Huddonberg .1. Lovejny Linn L. A. llechter Fred I-. Unbcock Hirrry Burtla Robert II. Flnley Frank PerklnH, Staff Photographer WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Marian Swozey Ollvo 13. Mann Ruth Munger Allco Chambers Merrll Rood Lawroneo Robinson Jj, T. Skinner C. L. Updegraff C. F. Androwa Wlnnlfred Elehar lllldrcd RovIiih BU8INESS Vincent C. Hascall, Business Manager 0. C. Ruchnnnn, Awst. Buh. Mgr. J. V. Morrison, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 per year. Single copies 5c Faculty notlcea nnd University bulletins published free. Entered at tho PoBtolllcc, Lincoln, Nebr., as second class matter under act of CongresH March 3, 1879. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1911. FROM PROF. CALDWELL. Tho NobrnBknn Is In receipt of a lot tor from Professor II. W. Caldwell to tho studontB of tho University, which It glvos us great pleaBuro to print In thoso columns, which will ho given up to It today and tomorrow. DroBdon, Germany, Oct. 1, '11. To tho Dally Nohraskan: Dear University: May I, through your columiiB, say a word to remind you that I am BtUl among tho living, oven though It ho truo that tho Uni versity of NohraBka 1b undor way and I am having no direct part In Its llfo? Instead of less, till the laboring man dooB not havo to live and Btipport his family on 30 or 40 shillings, or in many cases on Icsb, per week. I saw from 50,000 to 100,000 men in mass mootings, strikers from the transpor tation Bystoms of London, and camo to honor most of thorn for their com mon soiiBO, self-restraint, and yot firm determination to havo their rights tho rights as many of them put It of men. Six weeks have now passed since I reached the continent and began my attempt to analyze Its life and prob loms. Bolglum and Germany have boon visited, and I will glvo you a few of my first Impressions, leaving final IN-TO my classy short vamp, high toe, button shoes, get wise to my Dollar off Kicks. BUD D- HOP $2.50 HATTER 1415 O St. Am I missed at all, or havo I so soon passed out of remembrance as well as out of your dally llvos? Doob anyono over say, "I wish Pro feasor Caldwoll woro hero"? I flatter mysolf that I am still thought of occa sionally, bo Bond a word of greeting to all such, and to tho 1,000 now namos and faces that know mo not as yot, but I hopo some of. them may In tho future I think of you ovory day, and won dor who has mado tho team, how many Btudonts are onrollcd, how many are taking Amorlcan History, In fact how you all aro In ovory way? A night or two ago I wakened at 2 o'clock In tho morning to find mysolf In tho midst of a locturo to my class on Amorlcan History.' You soo, thoroforo, that I am with you day and night, with you sleeping and waking, with you In spirit all .tho tlmo. Since leaving you I havo spont six weoks In England, In tho midst of stirring scenos In parliament and out. In parliament tho question at Isbuo was tho veto power of tho Houbo of Lords In connection with money bills. In fact It was tho ontorlng wedgo for tho transformation of tho House of Lords. Jt will becomo within a com parably fow years an oloctlvo "body, or It will loso practically all Its powor. Tho people of England havo great powor now In tho Commons, but tho Lords may still thwart their will, such powor In a hereditary body Is doomed In England which Is In og sonco democratic, but with very con servative characteristics. But there is no stopping tho movement of tho masses toward tho veto power. , Tho other question of greatest moment had to do with tho labor problem, a problem also that will grow greater conclusions for more mature study. On tho whole, ono fegls that ho Is In tho midst of a great people. Tho Ger mans nro without doubt ono of the foremoBt peoples of tho world. They aro forcoful, energetic, aggressive, solflcultured and confident; they are alBo resourceful, and abovo all scien tific their science based on universal education. And when ono sayB uni versal hero he means it. .(Continued tomorrow.) Tho Hydo Printory, 1331 P St., to-dato printing of all kinds. up- VESPERS BEGIN SOON. Next month the vesper services will begin. This year, as last, tho serv ices will be held In Memorial hall on Friday evenings at 5 o'clock. The chorus .will bo accompanied by a stringed orchestra and the organ. Theso sorvlcos, whech wore started last yoais proved to bo a great sue coss. Later In the year selections from "Tho Messiah" will bo taken up, and after that, the study of tho opera will commence. CADET TANS at $3.50, $4.00, and $5.00 sold by Beckman Bros. 1107 O Electric Shoe Repairing While You Wait THE BEST $15.00 and $20.00Suits in town are sold by us. Every suit in the store is spank new. Come in and look 'em over. Palace Clothing Co. 1419 O St. Tea Room Enlaiged Trie Greatly increas ed patronage of out Tea Room fyas made it necessary to add a number of tables. Tzy it and you will know why. Ligfy Breakfast sei ved fzom 8 to g:3o (S7?.Z7 77) m v m t a .. J M o mute have: EVANS Do Your Laundry WHAT'S THAT? Home cooking. Two blocks ast of campus, 522 N. 14th St. dive us a trial. $3.50 per week. y