"" . ," '',?r'" v-'w THE DAILY NEBRASKAN --:. --T. "" ir THE DAILY INEBRASKAN Owned and publlHhcil by tho Unlvorulty of Nebraska through THE 6TUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD OfllccB, Bancmont tho Administration Building. Pofltofllco Station A, Campus, Lincoln, Nebraska. Day Auto 1888. TELEPH0NE8 Night Auto 3H5, Ed. 1035; Dus, Mgr. 4200 THE 8TAFF EDITORIAL 8am R. Buck, Editor A. H. Dlnsmorc, Managing Editor Italph S. Doud, City Editor F. C.-McConncll Assoclato Editor Stunrt Oouldr Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL Homer Q. Hewitt Hugh Agor Wullnco B. Troup Konnoth M. Snyder II. S. Buddcnbcrg J. Lovcjoy Linn L. A. Bcchtcr Fred L. Babcock ' Harry Burtls Robert H. Flnlcy Frank Perkins, Staff Photographer WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Marian Swozey Ollvo J3. Mann Ruth Mungcr Alice Chambers Morrll Reed Lawrcnco RoblnBon L. T. Bklnnor C. L. Updegrnff C. F. Andrews Agents for The Spalding Gym Shoes Electric Shoo Repairing while you wait -r BECKMAN BROS. II07 O S3trt Winrilfred Elchar Mildred Bovlns BU8INE88 Vincent C. Hoacall, Builneti Manager C. C. Buchanan, Ast. Bus. Mgr. J. V. Morrison, Circulation Mgr. Subicrlptlon $2.00 per year. 8lngle coplei So Fnculty notices ond University bulletins published free. Entered at tho Postofnco, Lincoln, Ncbr., ns second cIiibb matter under act of Congress March 3, 1870. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1911. TO THE KICKER8. Tho editor has hoard Bomo com plaint about tho campus concerning tho space dovotod yesterday morning in tho Rag to a statement of tho Uni versity authorities with regard to what is what in tho salo of text books written by U. of N. faculty men to U. of N. students. Wo did not print that article be causo wo had to. Wo gavo tho matter publicity because during several yearB of college wo havo heard no lit tlo grumbling on tho part of cortain classes which just such an article as MERCER 13 HERE. have; EVANS Do Your Laundry UNIVERSITY JEWELER k OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Patronagi Solicited it ft Try a lunch at tho Y. M. O. A. Lunch Room. Cafotoria Plan. CityY.M.C.A. 13th and P. Will Talk to Men About His Experi ences As a Criminal. . Tolling his oxperlonces in drunk onnoss, gambling and disgrace, with tho idea of saving other men from such a fate, B. A Mercer of Now York, a well known collogo graduate who re formed after a down-and-out experi ence, is in Lincoln this week to viBlt tho University and his ninny frionds here. Backed by a committee of citizens of Now York City who boliovo Meor cor's experience will help other men, ho 1b traveling over this country toll- BROWN HATS Telescope Beavers All Shades $2.so B U D D Why Pay More " " tho ono . published ycBtorday was needod to allay. It 1b hnrd for somo persons to real lzo that anything not touched with graft oxlstB. 'An nrtlclo thoreforo that docs anything to relievo this im pression is good onough to bo 'print ed In tho Daily NobraBkan, any tlmo, any day. YOU CAN subscribe: AX THE f "RAG" MEDIC 8TUDENT8 ELECT. Tho University of Nebraska Medi cal society hold their olection Friday evening In Nebraska hall. Tho following ofllcors wore chosen: A. W. Adson, prosidont; C. D. Hoino, vlco-prosidont; M. R. Broman, secre tary; Miss Bessio Mason, treasurer; M. A. Wells, sorgeant-at-arma. Plans for tho coming year woro discussed at length. Another meet ing will bo hold In tho near future. First year mon nro urgod to attend. ing his story to thousands of collogo mon ovory year. Ho la not proud of his caroor and his attitudo should not bo misunderstood. Any man who knows Morcor knows what laying baro tho inner sldo of hla life means, but it 1b because- ho believes ho can so be of help to other mon, that ho tells his story to thorn. Morcer meets and speaks to more college men each year than any other man in America, yet ho knows hundreds of them person ally. While hero Mercer will no doubt be tho guest of a number of fraternities whoro ho has already mado many frionds. Ho will probably havo ono public mooting, and will bo available for mon who wish to havo a talk with him. WATCH FOR THE NEW FOLSOM -Bakery and Cafe , We cater to Students trade. 1325 to 1331 N Street 8PH1NX TAKE MEN. Tho Iron Sphinx hold initiation laBt night, and tho following mon wore initiated: Stout, Phi Gamma Delta; O'Hanlon, Alpha Tau Omega; Whorry, Beta Theta Pi; Nelson, Delta Upsllon; Mc Glennan, 'Phi Psl; Gregg, Sigma Phi Ipallon; Flory, Kappa Sigma. WANT8 SECOND HONOR8. TSIIss Louise Northrup has been an nounced by her friends as a candi date for the sophomore vice-president honors, Miss Mario Douglas having withdrawn. Miss Northrup is a grad uate of Omaha high school; Miss .Northrup is tho only announced vice president candidate so far. GIVE UNIVERSITY TEA. Tho ladies of tho faculty will give a University Tea in tho Armory, Fri day afternoon. Under tho direction of Miss Endlgn, tho faculty ladieB will servo toa in tho Armory from 3:30 to 5:00. All women of the University aro very cordially invited to drop in dur ing tho afternoon. Last year several meetings of thla nature wero held with entire success, and it is expected that more will be bglvon during the season. J. C. WOOD and CO. The Best Is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 Bell 147 GLEANERS and DYERS G-Hisr OCTOBER 2 Lincoln Hotel .Tickets, $1. Hapjensick's Orchestra It, O. Warde, barber, Woods, 120C O.tt 2l k, k, k, 2l l k, k. & k. 4k k, k, 4k, jk, 4k, 4k, wfs j fj f n j T r 'T' P 'r All faculty notices and para- ' graphs that are to be printed In $ the Dally Nebraskan, should be $ In the office by 2:00 p. m the $ day previous. $ f i n H p v p nV T T 'I, ? 'It t t 1 Rare Drugs Safety Razors Fountain Pens, Etc Visit our Soda Fountain Hot and Cold Drinks Huyler Choc and Bon Bons Student's Lunch 15c jm Lmm p'bW bbbJbw sflsT Vk t fw r- &