THE DAILY NEBRASKAN BBESJWHI ' 8ECQND YEAR CLA88 TO HAVE HARD FIGHT FOR P08ITION OF HONOR. CLASSIFIED COLUMN AT THE THEATRES AQENT8 GIVE your laundry work to a studont. It. Clark, Auto 5744, Studont agont, Yulo Laundry. k y A hot contest for eophomoro class presidency will bo brought to a closo -tomorrow mornlngr whoa tho election will bo hold at 11.30 o'clock In Me morial hall. John Outright and Frank Kruso aro tho only announced candi dates and from tho dopo of tho poli ticians, it looks, as if tho fight will remain botweon tho two, without tho appoaranco of a "dark horse." So far, candidates for othor offices aro scarce. Miss Mario Douglas, Al pha Phi, is announced for tho raco for vlco-prosldent, and "Judge" Wallace Troup, Phi Gamma Dolta, for secre tary. Tho lattor is a supporter of Cut right. Earl W. Brannon, who is now presi dent of tho sophomores, will preside at tho mooting tomorrow. At that timo only a president will bo chosen. Radcliffe gets Job (Continued from pago 1.) Omaha. Ho 1b a member of tho do bating squad which was selected last Saturday. Radcliffo is a member of Delta Upsilon fraternity. Tho nowly olocted president will preside at tho froBhman election next week, as has been tho custom in years past. TURIN YOUR BACK. on good advico about your oyes if you will and later ruo tho day". Tampor with thorn if you ploaso. They aro yours. Thoy aren't precious nor dolicato. You can got along without thorn by aid of a boy, or a dog and string. For tho truth about your oyes soo Established 1871 T T f W TTHPTP REGISTERED 1143 0 Stroot I"" 1-YI fl rftZy 1 1 OPTOMETRIST SENIOR HOP SOON 8ENIOR8 GIVE FIR8T UNIVER8ITY DANCE OCTOBER TWENTY- FIR8T. Tho first. University danco of tho season is to bo given at tho Lincoln hotel Saturday evening, October 21, by tho sonlor class. Tho following com mittoo has boon appointed by Presi dent Richard L. Guthrlo to manago tho 'hop: Thomas James, chailrman; Fred Wirt, master of coromonios; Dana Van Duson, Bob Ferguson, Roy Brownell, Lora Smith, Ruth Tibbots. Good Drchestra. Hagonsick's orchestra will provide tho music and a thoroughly enjoyablo danco Ib assured by tho personnel of tho committee in charge, and tho fact that tho attendance will bo limited to ono hundred couploB. Tho affair will bo strictly informal, with punch and light rofreshments. Tho admlB sion will bo $1.25. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. tf Rein Also Gets On. C. L. Roln is tho fifteenth man on the Debating Squad, having boon chosen at tho tryout in Memorial hall Saturday morning. Have you bought one of those large 15x36 Pennants for 50 cents ? L08T LOST FirBt yoar Gorman grammar, owners namo-In coveiv Itoturn to Rag ofneo. 12-3 LOST Pair of noBO glasses in case. Moore, Seattlo, makor. Itoturn to Rag offlco. 12-3 LOST St. Josoph H. S. pin on cam pus. ploaso return to Rag office. LOST Gold Missouri Valloy cham pionship football watch fob. Return to Rag office. Reward. WILL tho person who borrowed my fountain pen in Chemistry lab, ploaso roturn samo to R. W. Israel, City Y. M. C. A. LOST In Armory, Greek I, Brenko'n Trigonomotry notobook. Return to Rag o co. Lost Botwoen 17th and R and M. E. building on campus, ladies' gold watch and fob. Findor call Auto 3848. Roward. Lost A gold watch, In or near Ne braska Hall, laBt Thursday. Ploaso roturn to "Rag" office and claim re ward. FOR 8ALE FOR SALE Law books used this year, TortB and Domestic Relations. Also agency and equity. Cheap. Call Auto 7854. 827 So. 12th. 11-3 Students' special pictures at 75c and $1.75 per dozen, aro tho clasBy dopo. Blazck's Studio, 13t)6 O. Bates and Welch Off. W. L. Bates and L. A. Welch loft TuoBday for Now Brunswick, N. J. They go as delegates to tho National Convention of Delta Upsilon from tho Nebraska chapter. BAKER'S CAFE, "tho best In tho wost." Reasons why. BcBt moatB, best coffeo, modorato prices. Best orchestra ovory evening. Betas to Dance. In honor of tho fraternity's fresh man pledges, Beta Thota PI will give a dancing party at the chapter house Friday evening. Tho College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dont trado solicited. S. L. Chaplin & Co. 127 N. 12th. Hagonsick's Orchestra. Auto 2990. 4-lot , i L The Co-Op NEAREST THE STUDENT 318 North 11th Street With, heart and soul that is the way we have gone into the clothing business. Not merely to make money, but friends as well. We accomplish it by giving our patrons all and more than they pay for. Style, workmanship and fit they are all present in our fall suits and over coats $15 to $40 MAGEE & DEEMER, 1109 O Street HAVE EVANS Do Your Laundry 'I FOR A Good Job of Cleaning and Pressing. - - - TED MARRINER 238 North BUuanth Street AUTO 1700 -:- :- BELL P-IOOO FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST COMPANY 1106 0 STREET RENT YOUR TYPEWRITER NOW Any Make :: Any Time 3 MONTHS $6.00 The Largest Stock in the West Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. 1406 O STREET Oliver Theatre THUR8DAY NIGHT, OCT. 12 Charles Frohman Presents KYRLE BELLEW IN "THE MOLLU8C" Prices $2.00 to 50c Frl., Sat. & Sat. Mat., Oct. 1314 "THE GIRL OF MY DREAMS" With Hyams & Mclntyro LINCOLN MATINEBNWr",?.y'w ORPHEUM 2S.?.8 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Opening Monday Eve. Oct. 0 "8 C R O O Q E" ORIGINAL FOUR LONDON8 "GENERAL" EDWARD LAVINE 8MITH AND MELNOTTE TWIN8 SMYTHE AND HARTMAN MARY DAVI8 MAR8EILLE8 BARGAIN MATINEE8 15p & 25c NIGHTS 15c, 25c, 35c and 60c WHAT DO YOU NEED TODAY la our lino of Pamphlets, ProarnniH, Monun. Woddlwj Stationary nnd nil klndn of Cotninorc al nnd Stationery Printing. VanTlne Printing Company 128 N. I4lh St. Rollnblo, Prompt AutoBm T " printing; GPS UK0U1-MIM. AUTO 3228 BELL 234 i it r l Ji i