THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE DAILY INEBRASKAN Owned unci publluhcd by tlio University of Nebraska through THE STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD oniccfl, Uiiflomont tho Administration Building. I'ostofnco Btntlon A, Campus, Lincoln, Nobraska. Day Auto 1888. TELEPHONES Night Auto 3146, Ed. 1035. Bus, Mgr. 4200, THE STAFF EDITORIAL Sam R. Buck, Editor A. II. DlnHmore, Managing Editor ltalph fl. Doud, City Editor F. C. McConncll Annoclato Editor Stuart Gould, Sporting Editor REPORTORIAL- Homor Q. Ilowltt Hugh Agor Wallaco B. Troup Konnoth M. Snydor H. 8. Buddenborg J. Iovojoy Linn L. A. Bcchtor Fred L. Babcock Harry Burtls Robort II. Flnloy Frank PcrklnB, Staff Photographer WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT Marian Swczoy Ollvo B. Mann Until Mungcr Allco Cliambors Morrll Reed Lawrcnco Robinson L. T. Skinner C. L. Updegraff C. F. Andrews Wlnnlfred Elchar II lldred Bovlns BU8INE88 Vincent C. Hascall, Business Manager C, C. Buchanan, Asst. Bus. Mgr. J. V. Morrison, Circulation Mgr. Subscription $2.00 per year. 8lngle copies 6o Faculty riotlccH and University bulletins published frco. Entered at tho Postofllcu, Lincoln, Nobr., as second class matter under act of CongrcsH March 3, 1879. (Continued from pago 1.) rf'WNiW'WSV Shorman ninetieth, Henry Holt & Co GO Sherman Hamlet, Tho Macmlllan Co , ... .30 Sherman Tho Princess, Honry Holt 40 Shorman and Reed Essentials of Reading, University Pub. Co 1.25 Stuff Questions on Richard Fovoral, Co-Op Book Store Wilson Questions on Constitution of Nebraska, University Pub. Co, (not UBed) List 3. List Price Brownell Lcbsoiih In Chemistry, Burrls Drug Co., sales agents (not sold to Btudonts) Brownoll LesHonB In Physics, Burrls Drug Co., sales agents (not sold to students) Bruncr Entomology, North & Co. (not used at present) Hoffman Boiler Design, J. D. Hoffman 1.00 Hoffman Mechanical Designs, J. D. Hoffman 2.50 Hoffman Handbook for Heating and Ventilating Engineers, J. D. Hoff man man 3.50 Smith Prolltablo Stock Feeding, II. R. Smith 1.25 .50 .25 .30 .95 .15 Selling Price. .3b .35 .75 .75 1.45 3.00 1.00 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1911. TO WIN A GAME. For tho nth tlmo Nobraska 1b going to play Minnesota. Tho gamo Is scheduled for tho 21st of October at Minneapolis. Tho two havo ofton mot havo ofton parted with tho heavy end of tho score on Northrup Field. "Why? Docauao Minnesota haB 5,000 stu- Toll a Harvard man that Yalo will wallop tho Crimson, and duck for cover. Toll an Army or Navy boy that his team hasn't a chance, but ho euro that tho premiums on your Hfo in surance policy aro paid up. Why should this not bo truo of ovory collogo? Why should It not bo truo of Ne braska? For ovory satisfactory answer by a LADIES' TAN BOOTS BUTTON $22 tO $2 BUTTON Sutdesj Satin, Gunroetal and Velvet Dl 11111 $4.00 and $5.00 Values Upstairs DUUU dents, whllo poor littlo Nobraska can show but 4.G0O? Bocauso Minnesota's toam 1b mado of horos whllo wo havo only under slzod NobraBka men and boys to cIiobo from? Bocauso Minnesota once boat Michi gan? Becauso NobraBka nover beat Mln noBota but onco? iAro thoso tho reasons? Absurd you say at onco. Certainly thoy aro abBurd. But not half so absurd us -tho reason most of ton given that wo aro afraid of tho Gophors and half beaten boforo wo loavo Lincoln. Wo aro not afraid of tho Gophors, Michigan, Yalo, Harvard or any team that over lined up for scrimmage. Soma of thorn wo (Havo novor beaten and possibly wo nover will, but thoro is not ono of thorn that could como out of a mix with our own littlo Corn huskors without knowing thoy had boon in a battlo. Put that right in tho lining of your hat, Mr. Cornhuskor. Wo grow mon that aro just as big, and fast, and olovor with handB, feet, and bond in Nebraska as any 6f thoso teams over saw. Tho ono thing lacking hero, if there is anything lacking, 1b Bplrit spirit and confidence in tho team,' Toll a Michigan man that-his team is 'going to bo beaten, and boo what he says. student, tho Editor will pay half his salary. SWtDISII "GYM" SHOES Sold by BECKMAN BROS 1107 0 Street Shower baths at Green's Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. Z)EAN BESSEY AT CONVOCATION. Spoke on Rural Life Problems and Ways of Bettering Conditions. Wo Do Electric Shoo Ropairing While You Wait. The Home of Sweets Box Candy Our SPECIALTY LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN 1345 O Street I mmmmmmmmmmmammmm IF vv.v.v.vvMMnBfiraaRR9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BBBlfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH'X-XX BBBBBBBBBBBBBM .....-:....., ';M!(mmmnB BBBb1bbbhBbbbbVF-2 " S&sSsJ ' J8S888S88:BBMw8SMRSBg38iBBBBSMiBlBMBM iiiHwSsKHHPflil.HaiiiH LLLLLLR:! m fliiLW" K; bUbbsbbbHwh bbbbbbVI Mk?S:::&;?H liiHBfflHBBBBBBBBBBHHH kkkVJlKiHiHkkkkkkklkBHkl BBBBBBBBE'aBBBBBBW:&' aBHHRRkBSkBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB vxf-jHSS sHIHHHDfflaiiiiiiH Bkkkkw-vv''-kkkkkkV,iBKv OvwuwuwkkHHkWknBVkkkkH bbbbbKx&V-'-bbbbbHK 5 ttaMXffiHfflaBBBVBlHBBBBHsBBBfliBBH KWQQDOOOQflllOliflBBBBBBBBBBtBMBBBI bbbHsxvV4bbbbbbK3bB 5 KiSSXwSvKMmmSBBBsK kvvikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkBkkkkW BBWriiidBBBBBBiBlkBBBBBfflBHaBHK 3nvBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsH WZKy'-'MKBSi HEbkBBBBBBBH !'''is': :;;1::::i;'x'::i;!51BBBBBB:i SSkkkkkHStKkkklkHBBkkkkkBBHI ::::::iHkVkBBB fkakkkkkVLraHkBlkkkklkkkkkkkBBH b:-xIbLLLLLH bbbbbbBbLLLLBiLLLLLLLLLH BR :-:-x-jBBBMBBBBBBg .'BMBBBBBBBBmMBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM MR. KYRLE BELLEW Who Comes to The Oliver Thursday Night ,n "THE MOLLUSC" "Problems of Rural Life" was tho topic chosen by Dean Bessoy for his talk at convocation yostorday. Doctor Bessoy 1b chairman of tho commltteo on "Agricultural Educa tion," and ho doalt with tht subject in tho main. Ho paid particular atten tion to our country schools, as .to at tendance,, winter terms, and condi tions ana surroundings of tho build ings. Ho explained that tho Nobraska Ru ral Livo Commission is not trying to radically mako any changes, but is simply studying conditions in ordor that thoy bo ablo to suggest remedies for some of thoovils. Get One Today. Season tickets can bo purchased for $3.00 at tho Temple Y. M. C. A. or at tho Co-Op Book Store. Got ono. . . . . Tho Hydq Prlntory, 1331 P St., up- ' to-dato printing of all kinds. FLODEEN & BRETHOUWER 129 South llth St., Lincoln, Neb. Every man who cares anything at all about his personal appearance knows that only a first-class merchant tailor can furnish the sort of clothes that will ive him that look of distinction that a well-grom-ed and well dressed man shows. At 129 So. llth Street the firm of Flodeen & Brethouwer maintains a large show window that is al ways filled with a line of goods that are equal to the display of any tailoring establishment to be found in the west. The prices quoted on these goods attract attention, and the workmanship and fit is all that could be desired. Here you can buy tailor-made good at hand-me-down prices. Rare Drugs Safety Razors Fountain Pens, Etc. Visit our Soda Fountain Hot and Cold Drinks Huyler Choc, and Bon Bons Student's Lunch 15c 2&hif ctJ'jfcl&a A ;