The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 10, 1911, Image 6
-,k-. , . --- THE DAILY NEBEASKAN TENNIS TOURNAMENT ON MANY WOULD TRY FOR PLACES ON NEBRA8KA TEAM. COLLEGIATE SPORTS By Stuart Qould NEBRASKA SETS RECORD - BUT TWO INELIGIBLE MEN r I Only two mon Inollglblo In tho on tiro football sciuad of more thuu Hixty inon, sots a now rocord for Nebraska and It Is bollovod a now rocord for Missouri Valloy collogoB. This yoay. Coach Stlohm announces that all but two of his men stand with perfect records at tho boglnnlng of tho eligibility yoar, Friday. Slnco thon ouo man has made up tho work In which ho waB dollclont and tho Othor will know today If his work Is mado up or whothor or not ho will bo allowed to play boforo studying extra hours, All tho regulars who performod In Saturday's gamo had porfoct school rocords. bolng obliged to work hard for both touchdowns. In rogard to that got together build ing of ours, Wo wish to say that In dlaua has just complotcd ono at a cost of $100,000. Ovor half this amount was raised among the students. Coach Yost of Michigan, ordored a playor by tho namo of Waldus Narcis sus Dickinson to get off tho gridiron with tho romark, "Your initials get on my norvos young man." AVhat will bo. tho stato of his norvos whon ho moots tho Cornhuskers with Sylvestor Shon ka leading thorn. SHINGUARDS Bo thoro noxt Saturday. A mooting of tho Wrostling club of NobraBka will bo hold Thursday, morn ing at 11:30 o'clock. All boys who aro lhtoroBtod in tho sport aro urged to attond tho mooting and got ac qualntod with tho mon of tho toam and tho head of tho club, O. W. Miller. Nebraska's scrubs wont and saw and oonquorod at Poru, Saturday, trim ming tho Normal school olovon of that olty 11 to 0. Tho gamo was Bloody all through, tho Cornhuskor scrubs Dog Eager has at last arrived at that stago of life when ho needs a guardian during tho football season. Eagor was riding in that most scrump tious snort cart of his past tho Dolta Tau houso Saturday, and seeing John McGurk or tho fraternity arrayed In a football suit, ho mado a (IubIi for tho goal. McQurk tacklod tho machine, but wub unable to down, getting bumped by our busy little managor. EXTEN8ION AT MISSOURI. A progrosslvo oxtonsion bureau has boon organlzod in connection with tho Untvorslty of Missouri. Extension contors aro located In all towns whore intorost in tho work is Bhown. Ninotoon now subjoots have Just boon added to tho curriculum, and a traveling toachor now keops busy locturlng to tho study groups. Shower bathB at Green's Darbor Shop, 120 No. 11th. Enthusiasm Is strong for tho men's fall tennis tournamont. Twonty-six men have already entered and more nro expected to Blgn up today. Play will begin this afternoon and all .matches will bo played off as soon as posBiblo, on account of tho possibil ity of rainy weather spoiling tho courts. Tonnis Is tho only intercollegiate gamo In which froshmen aro oliglblo to compote, as it comes undor tho list of minor collogo sports. Honco many of tho first year mon aro handing tholr names In at tho Rag ofllce. So far tho University has but thrco courts and tholr condition at tho pros ont timo is good, although . thoro aro many small pebbles and bits of ce ment on thorn. Smith Will Play. Capt. II. L. Smith will bo tho only man of last year's toam who -will bo back noxt spring, although both Tate and Qoodbody aro in school at tho proaont timo. Drawings woro mado this jnornlng and nro posted on n window of tho library near tho tennis courts. Pol lowing Is tho list of entrants in tho tournoy: W. Bdck, Q. C. Proud, It. P. Curtis, A. H. Hlltner, C. P. Andrews, G, M. Soomann, "P. C. McConnoll, Rod ger McCullough, Phil McCollough, R. O. JackBon, Haggort, II. M. Davis, Sam Waugh, R. H. Plnloy, O. H. Williams, R. D. Plory, W. B. Harm, Oliver Hath away, L. R. Robinson, J. T. Tato, M. P. Qoodbody, Prooman, W. E. t.iborman, L. T. Hunt, P. R. Trumbull, H. Gootzo. -- '! ' - - 4. ?aaaai'tfl$S BmbHIbX r.r BBT&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&T&TLsTflBil tTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTflBtffBKaTECTK jx-SHSbbtsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTCbk Cotner Returns. S. 6. Cotnor, odltor of tho Dally No braskan during tho last semester, has resumed his work In tho Law Collogo. ISABEL IftVING With KYRLE BELLEW In "Tho Mollusc" at tho Oliver Thursday Night VARSITY FITTINGS I HE REAL THING in clothing for college chaps Extra long coat, pants with the extra fullness and English cuff, soft roll collar without padding English you know. That is, English effect, but good American fabrics fashioned by Uncle Sam's trained craftsmen. No better fabrics no better craftsmen anywhere. T Ten to Forty Dollars You select the price we guarantee the clothes value. Armstrong Clothing Co. GOOD CtOTHES MERCHANTS - ! l s. XI i ! 4i