The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 10, 1911, Image 5
THE. DAILY NB'BRASKAN 'J CALENDAR. Tuesday. . 11:00: Convocation. ,f,I?rpblomB on Rural Lifo," by t)iv G. E., Bossey. 11:30:' Junior election at- Mo'morial Thursday-- ' 11:00: Convocation. "Lifo'in Noto Zealand," by Dr.Lo IlOBBlgnol. ll:30. Wrestling club, at the Ar mory. 8:30 Foqtball, 'FroBhmen vs. Var Blty., - - - Friday 5:0Q; Illustrated lecture at Memor ial ball. Friday Bvoning Regular mooting of tbo Dramatic club at' their, rooms. t Catholic club hold a mooting at the Temple. Feru Normal club hold a social in Musib hall at tho Tomplo. Saturday tAtternoon Football: 'Nebraska vs. Kansas Agg(es. Saturday Evening Agricultural club regular moetingln Science ball at tho Tomplo. Comonsk'y club in Banquot hall at tho Tomplo. Students' Donating clubjn tj 106, at 7:30. l - Dccombor 8 Intorcollegiate debate: , Nebraska vp. Iowa, at Lincoln. CLASSIFIED TCOLUMN LAUNDRY. Patronize a follow student. Call R. Clark, Auto 5744, studont agont Yolo Laundry. L08T LOST St. JobopIi H. S. pin on cam pus. Finder pleaso roturn o Rag ofllco. LOST Gold Missouri Valley Cham pionship football watch fob. Roturn to Rag ofllco. Reward. WILL tho porson who borrowod my fountain pon in Chemistry lab, x pleaso roturn samo to R. W. Israol, City Y. M. C. A. LOST In Armory, Grook X, Bronko's Trigonometry notqbook. Roturn to Rag. o co. 7 ri t ,f I ljtly 0Vi Ail VI Tfv i Chemistry Labs Crowded. Prof. DaleB, head of tho "chemistry department, has reported that tholr are 825 registoredohemistry studonts Lost Botwoon 17th and It and M. B. building on campus, ladles' gold watch and fob. Finder call Auto 3848. Roward. Lost A gold watch, in or near Ne braska Hall, lapt Thursday. Please roturn to "Rag" ofllco and claim roward. LOST Pair of tan glovos on campus. Roturn to Rag ofllco. 8-3 LOST Lowor half of Porter's foun tain pon in Momorial hall or on 12th St. Pleaso roturn to Ray ofllco, 10-1 Shirts New Manhattan anrinthfir Standard 1 i n FURNISHER and HATTER makes SI to $3 1325 o street FULK against 690 last year. There are 288 lab doskB and each ono has two oc cupants, and somo havo three. Tho technical and asBay labs aro full also. BAKER'S CAFE, "tho boBt in tho 'west." Reasons why. Best moats, boat coffoo, modorato prices. Best orchestra ovory ovoning. Ladles Tea Well Attended. Tho tea givon by tho womon of the faculty to Univorsity girls Friday af ternoon was wsll attondod. Thcso teas are given during the first wooks of scljool oVory Friday irom 3:ao to o:ou in tno Armory rest room, to all women students. Tholr objoct is tho hotter acquaintance bo twoon tho girls and tho faculty and among tho girls thomeolvoB. HagonBlck's Orchestra. Auto- 2090. x 4-lot Washington Celebrates. Exercises to celebrate tho fiftieth anniversary of tho founding of tho University of Washington will bo held noxt month. Many famous educators from all parts of thocountry will at-tond. N. Soo Lob Hydo when in nood of ro- grams, menus and othor printing. FOR 8ALE FOR SALE Law books uaod thiB yoar, Torts and Domestic Relations. Also agency and equity. Cheap. Call Auto 7854. 827 So. 12th. 11-3 WHY? Tho' Laws wqpo at It again. Tho song was: "Wo'ro Going to tho Ham burg Show." Professor, "Talk about moving tho Uniyorsity; out to tho farm; yrhy on earth don'-i they movo thoso Laws out thoro?" Wo rofor tho question to tho dobat ing club. The greatest satisfaction comes from giving satis faction and its our de sire' to be supremely satis fied. What would it take to satisfy you in fall clothes? Style up-to-date, fabrics up to snuff, workmanship up to standard? 0 You can find all cf these in our fall Kensing tons and something else besides. "N They fit perfectly and permanently. $20 to $40 MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre WVVAWVSAWSAAAAWVWVW THURSDAY NIQHT, OCT. 12 Charles Frohman Prosentt KYRLE BELLEW IN "THE MOLLU8C" Prices $2.00 to 50c Frl., Sat. & 8at. Mat., Oct. 13-14 "THE GIRL OF MY DREAMS" With Hyams & Mclrityro Try a lunch at the YM. O. A. Lunch Room. Oafotoria Plan. CilyY.M.C.A. 13th and P. LINCOLN MAT,NBXaTi?08fl,?oy30 ORPHEUM MiSt" ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Opening Monday Eve. Oct. 9 "8 C R O O Q E" ORIGINAL FOUR LONDON8 "GENERAL" EDWARD LAVINE 8MITH AND MELNOTTE TWINS 8MYTHE AND HARTMAN MARY DAVI8 MAR8EILLE8 BARGAIN MATINEES 15c & 25c NIGHT8 16c, 25c, 35c and 50c VMINTIHJ UKOU'tlKlt. FT. . -- r WHAT DO YOU NEED TODAY In our lino of Pamphlet, Protnrnma. Menus. Wedding Stationary nnd nil kinds of Oommuro al and BUtlonery Printing VanTine Printing Cmhiv 128 N. Mth St. Rollnule. Pioropt Aoto0477 Jl have: EVAINS Do Your Laundry Bcckman Bros., 1107 O St., do Bloc trie Shoo Repairing while you wait. Iron 8phlnx Pledges. Iron Sphinx announcoB the plodding of M. O'Hanlon, Alpha Tau Omega; K. Wherry, Beta Thota Pi; R. Stout, Phi Gamma Delta; L. Nelson, Delta Upsilon. Goorgo Bros., engraving, monogram stationery,, danco programs. ' t t T " ' Sigma Tau Pledges. Sigma Tau, the. honorary englneor-l ing. iracernuy, yannouncos mo pjoag lngof-GroVeaVG.'Polk, C. J'Hub-. bol; R. E. KIpUngor and JohnHolling. - r i ANATOMY SETS The kind you ought to have, r $5.00?. ; 'c ' l SampleJn stock. '"Order ai &1 J p y J. .; The .'" CLOTHCRAFT t v Blue Serge Special No. 4130 318.50 "" K OU VVUyL FIND HERE the Clothcraf t Blue Serge ppecmi, $io.ou, aavercjsea m me saturaay HJven ing Post. It is an exceptionally good sergethe best we have ever offered at the nrice mmmn. teed to be all wool, fast color and full, weight Also guaranteed to hold shape, stand wear and-give satisfaction in every detail of service. SPEIER & SIMON "W'e Save You Money" RENT YOUR TYPEWRITER v N O W i. Any Make :: Any Time - r "I 3 MONTHS $6.00 J The Largest Stock ii the West r;.-- ' t X- '- - " l Lincoln Typewriter Excliange; Co. -t40feO STREET s 4i 318 North 11th Street i w; S