The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 10, 1911, Image 4
s FOUR FRESHMEN OUT HAN8EN, McFARLAND, FINLEY AND DERRY WANT THE PRE8IDENCY. FRESHMEN JELL TREATED NEW 8TUDENT8 HAVlj EA8Y TIME COMPARED TO FRE8HMEN EL8EWHERE. THE DAILY NE BR ASK AN CandldatoB for tho Job of prosldont of tho Froshman class havo arlson np If by maglo hi tho past wook, two moro Boarchora for tho plum having an nouncoiT thonTBolvoB Monday, making a total of four mon running. Tho now mon aro Guy C. Dorry of Butto, No braska, and Itobort McFarland, of Lin coln. Robort Flnloy, tho first of tho four on tho flold, la atlll In tho running, and Elinor Hanson of Lincoln, another of tho candldatoB, who started last wook, Jb also a contondor. MoFarland graduated from Lincoln High school In 1911, waa ono tlmo proBldont of his class and was also proaldont of tho Fhlloglston dobatlng Booloty. McFarland la not a frat man and 1b roglatorod In tho Arts college Dorry was proaldont of tho high school dobatlng club at Butto, and af tor graduating from, thoro attonded Wayne Normal, whoro ho waa yoll mastor. Ho la a alx year law atudont and doos not belong to a frat. Although tho prosldont's chair looks good to four candldatoB, no ono Booms to caro for tho othor placoa on tho tickets. Active campaigning will be gin this wook. FRESHMAN LAWS MOVE CROWDED FROM THIRD FLOOR OF UNIVERSITY HALL TO SECOND. No longer will tho freshman law Btu donts havo to dlvldo their attontlon botweon Dr. Maxoy'a humorosquo loc turottoB and tho safest way of taking notoB whllo porchod on a radiator, window sill or throe-leggod chair. Tho days aro past when they must sing "Hall, hall, tho gang's all hero." In Bhirta, for want of aulllclont fresh air and vontllatlon to supply tho lungs of olghty mon at onco. Novor again nood thoy Bit In each other's laps or light for'standlng room In ordor to bo In tho room when Judgo HaatlngB calls tho roll. After two weeks of such Interesting' dlvoralon, tho embryonic lawyora aro to movo Into moro commodloua quar ters. Tho authorities havo discov ered that olghty-ilvo mon cannot bo properly aoated in a room with a Ca pacity of only Blxty-aovon, and so, af tor much study, havo arrangod to hold tho freshman law classes In a largor room on tho socond lloor of University hall, whllo tho classos now meeting thoro will take possession of tho third floor law room. PHARES A CANDIDATE. Would Lead Senior Laws First Semester. Fresh mon at Nebraska havo an easy tlmo of It, comparod with beglnnoro at some othor big universities. Many freak rules aro enforced olsowhoro, es pecially in tho oast, which tho No braaka freshman novor Fa bothered with, By way of comfort to any local first yoar mon who fool downtrodden by tho upper claBBmon, tho following ruloB for Wlaconaln froshmon aro cited : No Froshmon shall smoko upon any part of tho University grounds, oxco'pt In tho Wisconsin Union, until aftor May 1st. No Froshman Bhall carry a cano or walking stick at any tlmo unless such cano or-stlck Is necessary because of Injuries making ft Impossible for him to walk without tho aid of such cano or stick. Can't Wear Derbies. No 'Freshman Bhall'woar any derby or stiff hat whatovor during tho year until May 1st, savo only upon "prom night." Botwoon registration day and November lat and botwoon Eastor and commencement? every Froshman must woar tho proscribed green cap with cardinal button. No FroBhman or Sophomoro shall, undor any clrcumatancos whatovor, sit upon tho fonco In front of tho gym. No Froshman Bhall sit or loltor upon the' atopa of tho library at any tlmo. Violation of tho abovo rules will no longor bo punished by hazing, but by action of tho Studont Court. MYSTIC MUGS BANQUET LEGAL LIGHTS FOREGATHER AND FEED AT LOCAL HOTEL. R. K, PharoB" has announced his candidacy for proBldont of tho senior law class. PhrtreB graduated from Rod Cloud high school In 1909, and has been In attondanco at tho Unlvorslty over slnco. Ho Is popular With his classmates, and has made a roputatlon aB a Btu dont and good follow, too. Tho Mystic Mugs will hold tho first banquot of tho yoar this ovoning at tho Lincoln hotel. Tho Mugs aro sen ior law students, oraglzod for tho pur poso of going moro dooply Into legal quostlons than tho ordlnarystudy of tho class room. At tho banquot this ovoning a pro gram will bo given In accordanco with tho established cuBtom of tho organi zation, as foUows: Rocall of State JudgoB, DaloTioylos; Law and Prac tice, It. M. Swltzler; Raw Rocrults oil Mystic Mugs, Sam R. Buck; Valuo of Logal Education In tho Roal Estate Business. J. M. Swons'on; PlanB of Mystic Mugs, for 1911, J. II. Bloedom. Tho Mugs hold those little educa tional dinners ovory throo wooks dur ing tho collogo yoar. HERE AND THERE. NOTICE. Tho following clasBos in Rhetoric Ono, sections 1, 2, 9 and 11, Chemis try 7, and Amorlcan History 29, sec tion 1, reciting at ton o!clock, will hereafter roclto In U 304. Section 4 of Rhetoric 1, will bo transferred to Lawyers at Smoker. Tho first Phi Delta Phi Binokor has boon announced for Wednosday ovon ing Octobor 11, at tho Delta Tau Delta house, 'Fourteenth and R streets. f'lara Hormanson, Trl-Dolta, of Kearney, came to Lincoln Saturday for tho Koarnoy gamo. W. II. Snoll, '73, who belonged to tho llrst graduating clnsa oL tho "University,-Is visiting Judgo Letton of this city. Sigma Ohl will ontortaln at an in formal dancing party on Friday, Oo tobor 13th. . Allco McCollough, who is teaching in Fremont, spent Sunday at tho Kappa Alpha Thota hd"iBo. , Tho froshmon bunch is too .small to ho' squoozod into tho Junior's "old quarters and thoy aro compelled, thoreforo to trado withe tho Rhotorlc Ono classos. Holon Wholploy, ox 1914, who Is teaching at Fremont was a Sunday visitor at tho 'Delta Gamma houso. GET MONEY BACK. Cadets who attondod camp last Juno and who paid tho foes, can got a refund of $1.50 by applying to Cap ialn Halsoy U. Yates, commandant. rrr- -" - -. bbbbbbbbbbB sSbbbbbHbbbbbbI BbWAWbYbbW ?&Mth jffii BWbctbbYbWbYbWbWbI BBPR.:-' St- & M:Wm -ii7.lBHBSS. MSHhSBSBsB bYbSBW?" V -:' w;??k Vi :mN8M $lBniBBH9BWBWBWBV HH KW i' ' ':BB3f&jBHB5aK Bsbbbbbbbbk bWbvbWbYII' 9$! MBKJIriBPVBmBnsWBWBWfl BBBBBBBtr&o.v X- &B8ft2 &BB6&8S.:BBl v-BBBBBBBBBI BBBVBap3:'::' '' a&B8Hi lHKiHv -HBI mBw. ''Wbs bh&3MN&$!m1bVmbWbWbWbi bWAmBB? &sBf!5$t:f' SiBBll IIIBBBBBBbVbYmbMbWbWb! bWbbbWm$&sk'v .-- iBml bVbVbsbVbVbVbbVbb BBVJp3Bf "' ' :AHBBBmilBBBBHBVBVB kIAV bwoHHbbIIbWbWbWbW&bWbWbWbI bWbWrIbWb. ' BBWmffilBBBBWBVBWBBWBWBWBV bWbWbWbbIv-C BBmiBHBBBYBWBWBHmfflnBWBWBB bVMIbVjH' m Hm BkbVAhHHbbVbh IIIWIbbW SKflB mHHmMobwbI KIHdbK'BbbHH HhHbbbSRbbbh KbbIbbbksbbbbHbIbIbbbbbbVbbbS MR. KYRLE BELLEW Who Conies to The Oliver Thursday Night ,n "THE MOLLUSC" OKO, HIIAFJL'KIl, Prop THIS NJCW AUTO 3380 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BARBER SHOP SIX CHAINS it NO WAITING . Bet Barber Shop in the West OIUAIIS In Mnaemeitt O Street Kittrnnco BIANICUUING A New ' "Gym" Slipper KtTiP v -AAV BEXVV . - .BT jEBtMP?rf'KSBBB t. ' I Hemp Soles ;WoiiSlip Men's (i&Jnt&) r r; m mkstk S S r f 1 , A j ,