The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 10, 1911, Image 3
THE DAILY NKBRASKAN HQUSEHOLDARTSGLUffELEGTS MILDRED BEVIN8 CHOSEN TO HEAD POPULAR GIRLS' ORGANIZATION. JUNIORS ELECT TODAY RADCLIFFE OPPOSE8 POTTER FOR THIRD YEAR HONOR. Mlldren Bevins, '12, la to bo the head of tho Household Arta club for tho yoar.'Sho was olectod proBldont of tho club at tho organization moot ing, when tho following other oUcera woro chosen to sorvo with hor: Vico-proBldont, Jeaslo Popo; socro tary, Sarah Bailoy; corresponding secretary, Edith OhlBen; trcaauror, Louiso Guthrlo. Idles Bovine, whoso homo is in Om aha, has attained a high dogroo of skill in hor chosen lino of work, and hor oloctlon to tho Important posi tion ia gratifying to her many frionda. New Building HelpB. Incidontal to tho mooting of tho club, the fact is noted that tho regis tration in tho department of homo eco nomics in tho collego of agrlculturo has Increased thirty per cent this yoar. With this Increase, and tho ad vantages of a flno building for Its homo and a group of competent col- logo graduates for Its teaching staff, tho courso Is rapidly talcing Its placo with tho other Important branchos of education at tho University. Has Grown Rapidly. Whon tho subject was first taught at Nobraska, it was rogardod chiefly as an eaBy way to socuro a few hours credit.. Now, howovor, the courso ranks high in comparison with thnt of othor universities, and students in that department vouch for the fac'v that it io no graft. Tho purpose- of tho Housohold Arts club 1b to promote tho work of tho de partment and of tho homo economics associations of the country in spread ing knowledge of tho sciences of tho homo among tho nation's future homo makors. Tho Junior class will moot at 11.30 this morning in Memorial hall for tho purpose of oloctlng a president. No othor ofllcos aro to bo filled at this mooting. Glon Ruby will prosido, duo to tho absonco from school of Clif ford Phlllipr who has entered tho. Uni versity of Michigan Law" School. Clayton Radcjlffo of Sldnoy, and Horbort Pottor of Omaha, aro tho only announced candidates for tho po sition as yot, but it 1b rumored that a dark horso may ontor tho raco at tho olovonth hour. Both mon aro ffa tornity mon, Radcllgo bolng a mombor of Delta Upsllon, whllo Pottor is a Sigma Chi. R. O. Wardo, barbor, Woods, 1206 O. tf DEBATE SQUADJS PICKED fourteen men chosen 8atur day to Make up debate SEMINAR. GIRL8 ROOTING SQUAD IS FEATURE OF GAME (Continued from Pago I) is unusual for a practlco gamo, to say tho least. All tho scats will bo re served, that tho sale of tickets lnauro." Tho University band expressed its appreciation of tho squad by marching around tho field to tho roBorvo and playing boforo thorn; then saluting and clieorlng for "tho girla." ,xTho following mon wero choson for tho debating oqmul oillcially known as Rhotorlc 22, at tho tryout hold in Momorlal hall Saturday morning. a 1.. Clark '12, Z. Ct Dickinson 14, J. R. Forbos '13, Josoph Goldstein, Law '13, R. L. Halldorson '12, BonJ. Harrjson, Law '13, R. W. Garrott '12, L. J. Hargravo '12, H. A. Prlnco '13, C. L. Radcllffo '13, A. R. Raymond, 11, Law '13, J. L. Swan '13, W. P. WasBon '08, Law '13, L. A. Welch '12. Thoro woro twonty-ono contestants, which shows much bettor intorost in dobato at Nobraska than at Illinois, ono of tho othor members of tho In torcolloglato Conforonco, whoro only six mon reported. Tho organization of tho squad was effected at a meeting held Saturday ovonlng. tho gamo was tho way tho mon fought all tho tlmo, and tho oxcollont Inter foronco thoy formed," said Coach Stlohm yestorday. Tho gamo was also romarkablo In that tlmo waB takon out but twlco for Injurlon of any kind Onco when Wostovor hurt his log slightly, and onco whon a Koarnoy man lost his wind. No CornhuBkcr rootor could fool tho slightest disappointment fn tho show ing, howovor sanguino ho may bo and tho gonornl lmproBsionseomB to bo going ovor tho school that "WeuTt Beat Minnesota." Tho Hydo Printory, 1331 P St., up-to-dato printing of all kinds. WHOLE TEAM 8TAR8 IN OPENING EXHIBITION CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Street. P. J. HALL. PrWn V. E. JOHNSON, Vlle-Pm ifcnt W. W. HACKNEY, JR., Ai.t. Caha. 8TUDY SOCIAL CONDITIONS. Tho University of Washington has begun offering a courso in Boclal bot tormont work, along sottloment lines. Tho clasB will use tho water front dis tricts of Seattle aB a laboratory, and will probably establish a sottloment there. C. II. Froy, florist, 1133 O St. tf Another Medic Pledged. Nu Sigma Nu announces tho pledg ing of Paxil Jones Haln of Bonkolman. (Continued from Pago 1) Tho lino was shifted almost as much as tho backfiold, and each combina tion worked with unqualified success. Captain Sylvester Shonka was In fino form and his mooso-llko tubIios nottcd many a yard, though lie was pormlttod to mako but ono touchdown, whllo Harmon at left tacklo scored 10 points for his aharo. Chauner at loft end, played an All MlBsourl Valley gamo, but was handed a bad blow on tho hoad and takon out for rest part of ono quarter. Lofgren handled a numbor of forward pasBO'3, twico gotting into a clear field. Gub was a triflo handicapped in speed by an injury rocolvod a fow days ago. 8tlchm Pleased. "Tho moBt romarkablo thing about WHAT'S THAT? Home cooking. Two blocks east of campus, 522 N. 14th St. Give us a trial. $3.50 per week. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET YELLOW FRONT Your Palronagi Sollcilcd SY! YOU YOUNG FELLOW Don't you think it's about time you were ordering your fall suit and over cbat? We've got so many snappy patterns from $25.00 to $30.00 that we can't begin to tell you about them. Come over and see what you can HAVE MADE at the price you pay f or readymades. There is A WHOLE ARMY of men iii this town who are proud to say, '.'we make their cloihes." mMWW mWwWm b mm is I V teiMP if fm w ill mm -If III 1 1 I 111 1 I lisxm PI Jm Isk If wl II v ' vm r Iv-H lS 1 w , nfm vfl I Join the Army ELLIOTT BROS., Tailors, 142 So. J 2th