The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 10, 1911, Image 2
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TUB PIlOtfKHTY 6P TUB UNIVBRHITY OF NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nobrnnkn. PubllHhcd by TUB BTUDBNT t'UIJLICATlON BOARD EDITORIAL STAFFJ Editor ,' 8am R. Duck Managing Editor A. H, Dfnsmore Associate Editor....... ..F. C. McConnell Associate Editor E. O. Graves DU8INE$$ STAFF: Manager V. C. Hascall Assistant Manager C C. Buchanan Circulation MnrTager J. V. Morrison Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. 8lngle Copies, 5 Cents Each. Night r Telephone: Auto 1888. pKbnes Auto 1888; Auto Auto 2098. 3145; INDIVIDUAL NOTICE8 will bo charged for at tlio rato of 10 cents tlio Insertion for cvory fifteen words or fraction thoro of. Faculty notices and University bul lotlnn will gladly bo publlshod free. Bntcrcd at tlio postofllco at Lincoln, Nobraska, as second-class mall matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1911. THE REA80N. Wo do not print thlB Ibbuo of tho "Rag" In this color bocauBo wo llko It; It 1b bccauBO wo havo to. Red 1b a startling color. It is also tho color of good rod blood that ought Nobraukans who haven't bought sea son tickets yet aro ovldontly waiting to bo shown boforo Baying gdodbyo to tholr monoy, whilo Missourlans, who Bupposodly havo to bo shown, havo this tlmo pinnod thoir fal(hJn ad vanco to tho athletics of tho alma mator and havo cut Ioobo from real cash as a guarantoo of tholr collcgo spirit. Tho Collogo Inn Barber Shop. Stu dont trado solicited. S. L. Chaplin & Co. 127 N. 12th. HOW LONQJ Old Scout (who takes tho Rag) Lot's go to tho gamo today, Old Timor. Old Timor (who doesn't) What gamo is that? Old Scout The Englnoers did a good pleco of political work tho other day, "didn't they? Old Timor What was that? Old Scout It's fortunato that Jorry camo back, isn't It? Old Timor Jerry whor Old Scout Havo you signed up for tho tonnis tournament yot? Old Timor (who likos to play) No. I haven't hoard when they will opon tho lists. Old Scout (disgusted) Say, man, when will you learn that tho way to know whatBs going on 1b to tako tho Rag? MEEKER IMPROVE8. waB rocoived Monday that DAVID Word David Meokor, a promlnont sophomore who has been in tho hospital for the Jersey Sweater nnnn ll wool tiUUU $21 1415 O STREET to bogln to flow In Bomo rather flacld volns among tho studont body of this collogo. Wo print tills number In red to at tract attontion. To attract tho atten tion of tlio threo thousand wjio worp NOT In a position to SEE the wonder ful feat performed on Nobraska Fiold Octobor 7, 1911. 'Wo want ovorybody to know that wo havo a real football team, a ro markablo football team, and that wo aro GOING TO BEAT MINNESOTA. What of the Glee Club? Nothing has boon heard about tho Gleo club this yoar. Nobody seems to bo pushing tho idea, although quito a few havo announced their Intention of joining If such a club should bo formed. Someono should got busy and rush it. Collogo Is not comploto without a Gleo club. MISSOURIANS ARE SHOWN. With ono thousand season athletic tickets sold, tho University of Mis souri can woll claim to'havo admirable collogo spirit among Its students. Tho last two weoks, is steadily Improving. Dr. Welch, who 1b attending him, says that ho probably will bo out In tho HSxt throo of four weoks, If no com plications requiring an operation appear. Students' special pictures at 75c and $1.75 por dozen, aro tho classy dope. Blazck's Studio, 1300 O. GOOD JOB IS OPEN. Dean E. A. Burnett of tho College of Agriculture, is In receipt of a lot tor offering a $1,350 Job as teacher of agriculture to some University of Ne braska graduate of that dopartmont. Dean Burnett says ho has no ono in mind at present, but would bo glad to rocoivo applications from eligible alumni. BLACK MASK ORGANIZES. Tho Black Masks formally organ ize this morning ,at 11 o'clock, In Miss Ensign's room, under tho direction of Brota Bills. Tho girls aro alroady laying enthusiastic planB for ' tholr special work of collogo Bplrlt and tho gouoral oversight of undorclass girls. . , Talk with LUDWIG Abovt Your Fall Clothes t t Ludwig the Tailor 1028 0 street CADET TANS At $3.50, $4.00, and $5.00 sold by - Beckman Bros. . 1107 O Electric Shoe Repairing While You Wait HERPOLSHEfMER'S CAFE Dinner JJi30 16 J: 30 ! Supper 5i30 to 7i30 4JL Also Cafeterlan Style Hot Wattes wltn Maple Syrpp, Jtc Hfl Ritm Fir Rtirt Just across street, nortn-oasfrcor-nor Twolfth and S. Moder , con venient, now. Fino family. $13 a month, room for two meg. Immo diato possession, no chargo for days not ocenpiod. " v " " ' Society Biand Blue serge suits the new models of this famous line of young mens suits surpasses anything we have ever shown. We will be glad Jo show" you at our store. FAtiQUHAR 1325 O St . .. .i' YOU CAN UBS'CRIBB AT THE " RAG " N J. C. WOOD and CO. The JBest Is Always the Cheapest 1322 N St. Auto 1292 Bell 147 GLEANERS and DYERS c-Ji?S? Rare Drugs Safety Razors , FoiintainPens, Etc Visit our Soda-Fountain Hot and Cold Drinks' Huyler Choc, and Bon Bons Student's Lunch 15c ,N "w .tr s gasL ler-ir ?i ' '-m, - jmm 0 ct4-JxtarGr - f .4 j,