, ,. . . THE DAILY NEBEASKAN CORNHUSKERS WALLOP FRESHMAN TEAM, 47-0 TRIM THE UNDERCLASSMEN IN 8PEEDY CONTE8T. BIO CROWD SEES fIRST GAME Regulars 8low In Starting But Make a Whirlwind Finish. Stcttdlly outplaying the struggling FroBhmon toam, tho CornhUBkorB ran up a Bcoro of 47 to 0 In tho practice. gamo hotwoon tho Varsity and the Froshmon at Nobraska Flold. Tho gamo, as a rovolatlon of what tho CornhuakorB wore thlB year, was wltnoBSod by moro than GOO of tho Btudont body of tho Bchool. Tho bloachors wo'ro well filled by tho crowd, encoring tho good plays and foastlng tholr oyos on tho first real gamo thoy havo soon this season. Freshmen Start Well. Starting out tho gamo tho Frosh mon hold tho heavlor CornhuakorB well, tho Varsity plowing through tholr lino for a goal by tho short gain routo In olght mlnutoB. Jorry War nor startod tho gamo as quartor for tho regulars, and-ho carried tho ball ovor for tho first touchdown, in eight mlnutos. ErnoBt Frank scored tho second tlmo for tho VarBlty, plunging through tho lino for a touchdown In nearly the samo tlmo taken for tho first goal. Potter Goes Over. In tho Bocond quartor, Purdy took tho placo at full instead of GibBon. Pottor wont in at quartor, and Itaco- ly at tho half ErnoBt Frank had filled. Tho playing In tho Becond quarter procoodod but a fow momonts whon Pottor wont ovor for a touchdown, aftor a long gain through tho lino by Purdy. Tho rest of tho quartor was used by tho Cornhuskor olovon In making anothor scoro by Pottor cross- -ing. .In tho third and last quartor, touch downs camo bo fast that tho Froshmen becamo complotoly demoralized. Frank wont ovor for ono, following a big ' gain by Sylvia Shonka, and Purdy mado anothor in tho noxt fow mo monts of play. Purdy Makes Long Run. Purdy starred In a run through tho ontlro Froshmon team from his own forty yard lino on tho first play aftor tho kick-off, making a touchdown and Owon Frank carried tho ball In a boautlful run from his 30-yard lino on tho noxt kick-off. Tho gamo ended shortly aftor in a kicked goal by tho VarBlty. Although badly boaton the FreBh mon toam showed real football In its playing. Tho Froshmon backfiold was a wonder, all four of tho m6n playing star games. Halllgan a 8tar. Halligan, tho big fullback of tho FroBhmon, won tho admiration of nil tho spectators by tho manner In which ho carrlod tho ball and playod tho de fensive, right in tho middlo of tho mlxup all through. Allon, tho husky Freshman contor, also played a good gamo. v Cdach Stlohm watched tho .wdrk of tho Varsity closely all through the gamo and Boomed well satisfied at tho result. Ho shifted tho lineup all through tho gamo. CAN'T WAIT ilUCH LONGER; these chilly morning's and eve nings surely make you feel that it is about time to discard your light weight for a little warmer suit. Here you get to choose from "7" of the best lines of men's and young men's clothes made; prices ranging from $10 to $45, and each line shows a little different style, a different assortment of fabrics, giving a much better outlay to pick from than when one or two lines are shown. Styles just as extreme as any young fellow could ask for, and others as conservative as desired. 0 Soon be time for a light overcoat; before you buy you'll find a line of overcoats here that are worth looking over. Very dressy coats for early fall wear. ' Mayer Brothers HATS SHOES SHINGUARDS W -are pleased to remark that some of you missed a good game yesterday. What need of a rooter's club when thoro is a turnout like yesterday's to just a practice game. But come on Hawloy, tho band with tho red and whlto hats will look good to us In tight places. - Jack Dost was tho, busy little train or aftor yostorday's mix. Strange what squeals Jack and Ills assistants can bring from these hardy footballers who don't mind being kicked In the hoad while playing. Wo don't know how we are going to Impress this on you, but really you nood that season ticket and Eager noods tho money. Somothlng must bo wrong with Missouri. Out of a squad of over forty .mon, thoy aro unablo to bring out a single boar story. Trying out for contor thoy have four Andersons. Wo thought that toam was Missouri not Minnesota. Tho Hydo Prlntory, 1331 P St., up-to-dato printing of all kinds. Now will you buy lhat season ticket or will some of these editorial writers have to begin to call names. All students should vlBlt.the "Col lego Iqn Barter Shop at 127 North 12th. S. I Chaplin. Prop. HERPOLSHEIMER'S CAFE Dinner 11:30 to J:30 -)C. Supper 5:30 to 7?30 &vL Also. Cafeterlan Style Hot 7afles with Maple Syrup, 10c Society Blue serge suits the . . new models of this famous line of young men's suits surpasses anything we have ' ever shown. We will be glad to show you either here or at our Univejrsity Place store Bzand FARQUHAR 132S O St a 99 Try a lunch at tho Y. M . C. A. Lunoh Room. Cafeteria Plan. qtyY.M.C,A. 13th and P. Athletic' Supporters Elastic Hosiery Abdominal Supporters Trusses Shoulder Braces Wrist & Ankle Braces Student's Lunch 15c 7ehlf a3fr7$t&a& K jyif 9g K9'm tM m tmm t rJJMvwJ fY If A 4 -I 'A , C, . -rj'V ,; . t . til V '