f, THE DAILY NEBRASKAN . m ;n - ( I t THE DAILY NEgRASKAN THIS JPIlOPEnTV OF THIS UNIVBU8ITV OP NEBRASKA, Lincoln, Nebraska. Publlflhcd by THIS STUDENT PUBLICATION BOARD EDITORIAL 8TAFF! JEdltorjLi 8am Rt Buck Mnnaglno Editor A. H. Dlmmore Associate Editor F. C. McConnell Asioofato Editor E. O. Graves DU8INE88 STAFF: Manager V. C. Hasoall Assistant Manager C. C. Buchanan Circulation Manager J. V. Morrison Editorial and Business Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance. 8lngle Copies, 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. Night Phones Auto 1888; Auto 3145? Auto 2998. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo Charged for at tho ruto of 10 aonta tho Insertion for ovory fifteen words or fraction thoro of. Faculty notlca and University bul letins will gladly bo published free Entered at tho postolllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. , a "T " ' " " iii" FRIDAY, OCTOBER G, 1911. TO THE LIVE ONE8. Wo uro proud of Nebraska, but wo would liko to bo Btlll moro proud or hor. Thoro aro foaturoB about llfo with in hor gates that cannot bo boaton thorn got togothor, and thon they do blggor things. What would happen If we could all got going toward tho Bamo thing? Can you Imagine it? It dreamB fine. What wo need is some moans of gottlng together, and Btlcking to gothor. FfM.A mnn irVirt inn ctr1vn tltnt nrnll. 1 J1U ftlltll Uiiu wuii ovrivu biiitu, iw -. lorn who can suggeBF a metlfQd thnt will work, will bo the BIGGEST MAN , THAT EVER ATTENDED NE BRASKA. It's worth a trial. Why don't YOU attompt it. BAKER'S CAFE, "the best in the wost." Reasons why. Best meats, best coffee, moderate prices. Best orchestra ovory evening. Less Afraid of Slang. Miss Howell (to embarrassed fresh man In olocution): "Now, speak out loud and clear, 'I am not afraid.' " FroBhman: "M am n-not a-a-afraid." MIbb Howell: "Yes, but you don't act as If you meant it. Put a little more llfo into It," Freshman: "I'm not scared a darn bit. CADETS ARE MOVING. This 1b moving week at tho Ar mory..' Tho adjutant and quartermaster have oxchanged ofllcqs and tho com pany first sergeants now occupy tho old storeroom. Part of tho adjutant's office is be infi used for a storeroom. R. O. Warde, bnrber, Woods, 1206 O. tf S ATI N BUTTON That New Hobble Toe $5.00 Values $2.95 BUDD 1415 O STREET but thoro aro also somo things lack ing. One of those is tho lack of life and ambition among hor studont body in things that mako for the real Uni versity progross. Ab casos in point wo may cite tho support of tho "Rag," student season tlckots, and tho listless spirit with which tho studont body aB a whole has wltnoBsed tho departure of our onco loved basoball team from tho Hold of play. Such things, to tho casual observer, might indicate that Nebraska was dor mant; that hor students danced all night, and slopt all day, nor cared to do anything olso. Careful thought will convince ub, however, that thoro is no such thing as a dancing cham pionship among the numorous collego sports. Wo who aro old in collego associa tions know, too, that Nebraska Is not dormant sho 1b only disorganized. Thoro aro hundreds and thousands of Cornhuskors Just as live, and bright, and ambitious as any that Yalo or Harvard can show. r Individually thoy do things. Occo sionnlly somo half dozen or moro of ALUMNI NOTES. W. O. Forman, '10, is In chargo of one of tho draughting rooms in tho, Burlington shops at Havolock. Ezra DIttorllne, a former conspicu ous Btudent on tho campus, Is now taking an apprentice courso in tho Northwostern shops at Chicago. Students' Special pictures at 7Bc and $1.75 per dozen, aro the classy dope. Blazck's Studio, 1306 O. SWtDISH "GYM" SHOES Sold by BECKMAN BROS 1107 0 Street Wo Do Electric Shoo Repairing While You Wait. Talk with LUDWIG About Your Fall Clothes Ludwig the Tailor 102a o street Latest styles in Flannel Shirts, specials at $1.50 to $2.00 Perfect fitting Union Suits extra values at $1.00 and $1.50 . Wilson Bros. Celebrated Shirts $i..oo Slip On Rain Coats $4.50 Palace Clothing Co. 1419 O SI. SWEATERS Men's and Women's We carry a large and splendidly varied assortment of Sweater Coats for Men and Women" in all the latest styles, the most popular colors and combinations! By securing large quantities direct from the manufacturers we are enabled to offer un usually good values. Now is the time to get just what you want in a sweater. All Prices-All Sizes i BJ c i,- WMM 9 flS . ' (W i H mme All Souls' Church, Unitarian H and C2tn ts. Arthur l. weatherly, Minister Sunday 10:45 a. m Subject, "Love Your Enemies," All Young People aro Cordially Invitad 4 'vi - i!& : U s -? M . , 7I I - a kSj t- A.-., IW