' yi" vf "ra V t?i v.w-l -y.,-. Qhe atlv Iftebraefean . y - u VOL. XI. NO. 9. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN FRIDAY OCT. 6,1911. Price 5 Cents. TENNIS TOURNAMENTS TO BEGIN NEXT WEEK BOTH MEN'S AND WOMEN'S MATCHES SCHEDULED. WILL CHOOSE NEBRASKA TEAMS Winners Will Represent Cornhuskers at Missouri Valley Matches In Spring. 3i& & -)fc- 4i A- - fc- - A- A- 4fc jJt fc A- A- -A- 4t 4t- t k Ji ; 'o P T f o m T 1 T T f T J T 1 P F n J n T f j YOU LOYAL NEBRASKANS A men's tonnis tournament, to pick "a squad for next spring's Intercolleg iate matches, will begin next Tuesday on the University courts. A womon's tennis tournament, to promoto whole some outdoor exorcise for the girl players, is also being promoted and will probably bo hold soon. Dr. Elda R. Walker, assistant pro fessor of botany, will moot tonnis en thusiasts of her own sex thlB after noon at 5 o'clock in her offlco, Room 103, Nebraska hall. The girls' tonnis club will be reorganized and plans for a girls' tournamont will bo made. All girls Interested should be sure to at tend and boost the project. Entries at Rag Office. Entries for the men's tournament are being made in writing at the Ne braskan office, and should bo turned in before Monday ovonlng, when the drawing will bo made. A foe of twenty-five cents, to cover costs of court upkeep and incidentals, Is being charged. Chances for new ptudontB at Ne braska making the squad, are consid ered good, as" only a few formor-play-ors are back In school. Ralph Weaverllng, last year's cham pion, who was captain of tho team, is not registered this fall. J. T. Tate and M. P. Goodbody are the only team men who will probably enter next week's tourney. Will Decide Championship. It will bo played down to tho cham- ' jplonship match, although Its purposo is just to choose a squad to prepare lor Intercollegiate tonnis noxt spring, It is understood more tonnis courts may bo laid out If tho interest In tho game among tho girls mako such ad dition necessary. At present there aro only three courts on the campuB. In matches at Kansas City last spring, Nebraska's team of four men won eleven out of twelve matches with teams representing Kansas, Iowa and Missouri. The matches woro hold as a branch of Missouri ,Valloy Conforonco . ath .lotlcs. . s One hundred people have bought season tickets for athletic events at Nebraska In the coming year. Out of an enrollment of more than forty-five hundred. That means that one person out of every forty-five you meet walk- Ing on the campus has bought himself a season ticket. They hav.e decided that It Is a part of their loyalty, or a part of their college life, or a part of their pleasure, to enter into the. spirit of Cornhusker athletics, to that extent. Aren't there any thrills In your being when you see the tense Scar let and Cream line advance at the passage of the ball? Don't your heart stop for the brief second that that wonderful ma- $- chine, "The Cornhuskers" converges at a point In the line and one of our lads breaks through for a good gain? Don't you want to be one of the happy rooters when the backfield starts on that flight around the end? You sure do. You want to be there with bells on and rooting for old Nebraska. . . See Nebraska meet Missouri for the first time since 1902. s 8ee Nebraska meet Michigan, the greatest team In the west In 1910. a. You're going to be awfully lonesome anywhere but on Nebraska Field. A hundred tickets sold out of an enrollment of thousands. We express our thanks to and our pride In every buyer, however. Take $3.00 today. It's a business proposition since you're sure to go to $3.00 worth of events. Buy that ticket today. It can be secured at the Y. M. C. A. or at the Co-op Book 8tore. PROVE THAT YOU ARE A CORNHUSKER. DRAMATIC PROSPECTS INDICATE BIG SEASON K08MET CLUB STARTS 800N NEW OPERA. ON DRAMATIC CLUB TRYOUTS .ANNOUNCED Temple Renovated 8tago Repaired and New 8et of Scenery Set In. U- k- - k f fr 1 L i U J U, X U yfr t, TJv rf " t f T T 'T' p "F " r n ' 'n F T p T GUTHRIE SENIOR PRESIDENT Engineer Comes Out Ahead tQum-Shoe Campaign. After Richard L. Guthrie, Engineering, '12, was elected president of the Benlor class after" "Convocattoh Thursday morning. Guthrlo defeated Searle F. Holmes, who had been the only announced candidate until Guthrie was nominat ed on tho floor of the meeting. As both men aro members of the Inno cents Sonior society, and Holmes had boon announcod as tho choice of the Innocents, Guthrie's candidaay was Bomowhat of a surprise, but his forces woro well Organized and Holmes was defoatod by a vote of 92 to 47. Attendance Light. Tho attendance at the meeting was light, the engineers being the only college that attended In a body. This Is accounted for by tho fact that Holmes had no known opposition and little Interest had been manifested previous to tho balloting. ii' - rerttft. OUTRIGHT 'A CANDIDATE SICKNESS FORCES MEEKER OUT OF SOPHOMORE ELECTION. WRITES ON AMERICAN TRADE DR. MAXEY OF LAW 8CHOOL CON- ' TR1BUTE8 TO FINANCIAL MAGAZINE. r Dr. Edwin Maxoy of tho law depart ment, Is the author of an extended article In a recent number of Moody's Magazine, dealing with our trade re lations with Latin America. Dr. 4Maxey discusses tho develop ments 'that are expected to follow tho completion pf tho canal, r and predicts "that our commerce with the southern republics will be greatly Increased wtthln the decade, - ROBERT FINLEY A CANDIDATE. Omahan After Freshmen Presidency Westover Not Out. On account of sorious Illness, David Meeker has withdrawn from tho race for' thoBophomoro presidency. John Cutright, at Meeker's sugges tion, has announced himself a candi date In Meeker's place. The latter Is now In St, Elizabeth's hospital and will probably be confined there 83 eral weeks. Is a Law Man. Cutright Is a member of tho first year law classes, having taken aca demic work last year. Ho is an Alpha Tau Omega and a graduate of tho Omaha high school, which school ho entered after two years at Wesleyan Academy. During his freshman year In tho University, Cutright took a prominent part in its activities. He played on the Freshmen basket ball team, took part in debating and was class historian for tho Corp- huskor. This year ho Is out for cross-country running and football. Robert FInloy of Omaha, is the only Froshman who considers the plum of prepldency of tho class worth golns, after. Bernard Westover, touted is candi date for president, says ho loe3 not euro to run for tho office. FInloy, tho now candidate, graduat ed from Omaha high school hi 1510, unci was tho star center on tlio Omaha high school basket ball team for two years. He Is a member of the engineering cclloge and does not belong to a fra ternity, 'As the most vigorous rustling has failed to produce ,any other candi date, It looks as If the Omaha man may be elected. 8TUDENT DEBATING CLUB MEET8 Interest In dramatics recolvod a boost yostorday whon announcement was mado of tho Dramatic club try outs to bo hold Thursday ovonlng, Oc. tobor 2Gth. Two tryouts woro hold last yoar, both of thorn bringing out good matorlal, and It is oxpected that tho intorost this year will bo no loss active Thoso Intondlng to try out aro advised to soo MIbb Howoll In Room U 100 at once In order to rog later for places and seek advlco aB to selections. As in tho past from throo to flvo mlnutos will bo alio ted to each contestant. A longer time will bo given thoso who try out In groups. Only Club Here. For ton years tho University Dra matic club has boon tho only Institu tion at Nebraska which has encour aged college dramatics with tho sin gle oxcoption of tho annual 'Senior play and tho Junior play hold last spring. It has for tho past sovoral years given two plays, ono each som ostor In tho Tomplo and tho Ivo day performance at tho farm. Prospects for dramatics this year aro vory bright. In addition to tho two plays which tho Dramatic.- club will soon begin work on, tho two uppor classes will bo roprosontod on 'tho boards. Tho Junior play comes close to tho spring vacation and tho Sonior play at tho closo of tho year. Temple Renovated. Suporlntondont Chowens has rono vatod tho Tomplo, put In a now floor and bought two now sots of scenery. With these now additions students have a well oqulppod stage with which to work. A now organization known as tho "Kosmot" club was Btartod last May with tho purpose of presenting an nually a comic opera, tho cast of which is to bo composed of gentle men only. The plan Is to have It bo of local sotting and to this effect a prize of sovonty-flvo dollars has boon offered for tho host composition and score. As yet tho committee has re ceived no copy. Tho club is com posed' of upper classmen only, but parts In tho production which It will present will 'bo opon to competition. Tho first mooting of the Student Debating club was held last night. Debating, followed by extemporan eous argument, constituted the pro gram. Hereafter the club will meet on Sat urday evenings at 7:30 o'clock. Announcements will be posted on the bulletin board in University hall, and all men Interested are urged to Join. t CUT PRICE ON BOOK8. P'alladlan Meeting. At 8:15 tonight the Palladlan so ciety will give the regular program at their rooms "In tho Temple. All new students are cordially Invited; Dales and T3arnaby's Elementary Qualitative Analysis toxts aro being sold at tho Uunvorslty book storo In the Tomplo at fifty cents per copy. This price, which Is actual cost, la being made to University students only, and copies bought for $1.00 bo fore the cut price was established, may bo presented" before Saturday evening and a fifty-cent rebate so cured. ' - Platform Club to Meet. There will be a short meoting'of the Platform Club this afternoon in U 10(1 todfscu8S plans for the year. T 1 Vr sr. t4t -i