fc)lwiiHWHi M i'WWIIIfl THE DAILY NIBRASKAN w it " 43 ' 4 Jjf" V .'?. xi iy i k l i v i i ii i i i i OBSERVATORY OPEN. Tho Observatory will bo opon to visitors Wednesday, Oct. i, from 8:00 to 10:00 p. m., for u view of Brook's comot. fc vf: fy fc Ifc. f: t W fy W rfc F W CHANCELLORTO RECEIVE. Cpancollor andMrs. Bahfubl Avery will ontortaln at their home, 2001 Washington street, next Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, in honor of tho new profcBBors in tho University. All prosont and formor rogonts, members of tho touching and administrative staff, and thoir families are invitod. Tho affair will bo informal with no writton cards, this being tho only in vitation. JCLASSIHED COLUMN FOUND Small purso containing , money and stroot car tickot. 7-3 LOST A Kappa Alpha Thota pin. Please return to 423 No? 13th. Own er's name on back. 43 LoBt Small amethyst pendant charm part last Thursday noar campuB. Leave at nag office. C-3t Irfost Dotwcen- 17th.and II andM. E. building on campus, ladles' gold watch and fob. Finder call Auto 3818. Reward. Lost A gold watch, in or noar Ne braska Hall, last Thursday. Ploaso return to "Rug" office and claim reward. FOR SALE A largo oak bookcase 1207 D St. 7-3 Tho College Inn Barber Shop. Stu dent trado solicited. S. L. Chaplin & Co. 127 N. 12th. Cross Country Men Working. Running from threo to four miles .each evonlng, the cross country squad of tho University of Nebraska Is put ting1 in Bomo great practice before tho iimo of the big meet, N'ovomber 25. Captain Louie Anderson hcadB tho bunch of runnors. At tho pres ent timo thoro are twonty-fivo men enrolled on tho squad list. Thoso who ran last night wore: L. It. Andorson, A. Kennedy, J. Cut right, Klrby Swanson, Boggs, Elvin Smith, Davis, Charlos Hudson, Bixby. (Continued from Pago 1) Merle Thomas, "Good Scholar ship." LouIbo Bar'r, "Collogo ActlvitioB." Chancellor Avory mado the closing spoech in which ho asked all of the girls to learn to bo womanly univer sity Btudents. HngenBlck's Orchestra. Auto 2090. 4-lot R. O. Wardo, barber, Woods, 1206 O. tf Gcorgo Bros,, printing, engraving, monogram stationery and filing do-vices. SAVE YOUR EYES Eyo dofocta niny often bo done nwoy with If tnkon In tlnu. Nefdoctmnv moau tho wotirlntf of k hhhos nil your life ltiH'oiul of only a row monthn If you kIvo tlioin prompt attention. By buying your Klaxon boro you socuro mido-to-ordcr lonues. Hciontlllcally llttou at tbo nnmo prico you pay for ordinary mnua Established 1871 1143 0 Stroot HALLETT REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST Talom, Fuorr. Slator and Lewis. It is poslblo that a Missouri Val ley cross country run may bo scheduled somo time in tho coming yoar in addition to tho big western moot at Chicago. Next to homo cooking Miller & Paine Tea Room. Gophers May Meet Harvard. Minnesota is planning a dual meet with Harvard, to take pltfco next spring at Harvard at Cambridge. Tho 8amo team that will represent tho Gophers for tho first time in tho Pennsylvania games in April will go to Cambridge for tho dual moot. Try Miller & Paine's Tea Room for lunch. Notice to Seniors. Class mooting Thursday, 11:30 o'clock In Memorial hall. Election of first semester president. H. B. PEARSE, President. Afternoon lunches and 5 o'clockitea, at Miller & Paine's. Welsc and Jones Here. Walter Wolss, '10,- and "Web" JoneB, '09, aro visiting at tho Delta TJpsllon house. Magulre at D. U. House. Congressman John A. Magulre was a guest of tho Dolta Upsllon fratern ity at luncheon Tuesday noon. Popular with tho studentsMiller & Paino Tea Room. See Les Hydo when in noed of pro grams, menus and othor printing. A good lunch, priced right, served quick Miller & Paine Tea Room. Students' special pictures at 75c and $1.75 per dozen, aro the classy dopo. Blazck's Studio, 1306 O. Beckman Bros., 1107 O St., do Elec tric Shop Repairing while you wait. Shower baths at Green's Barber Shop, 120 No. 11th. Tho Hydo Printory, 1331 P St., up-to-date printing of nil kinds. Ocker Engraving Co. Engraved invitation in 48 hours if necessary Room 316 Browned Blk. The Co-Op Nearest a,v r to "'" ' M the I Student I We render you a double service. First by the clothes we carry, second by the way we sell them. Take our fall Kensing tons for instance, in qual ity, in style, in fit they are excelled by none. $20 to 40 And if you wish to.pay less, we feature a line at $15 -- every cne a gilt edged investment. MAGEE & DEEMER 1109 O Street AT THE THEATRES Oliver Theatre THUR8DAY NIGHT, OCT. 6 Return of Last Yoar'a Dig Hit Madame Sherry 8tronger Cast Than Ever PRICE8 Ore. $1,50, Bal. $1 & 76o Kprintihg; id fa 1 m US UMOlH-mtB. WHAT DO YOU NEED TODAY In nur lino of PntnjihlctH, ProKrums. Monnn. Wedding Htatlonory nnd nil klndH.of Coxmnorc:nl and Stationery Printing. Van Tine Printing Company 128 H. I4lh SI. Rollnblo, Prompt AutoI)477 LINCOLN "vvmsavngF" ORPHEUM 5S.0.aV ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Opening Monday Eve. Oct. 2 Dolan & Lenharr. Wright & Dietrich Ellda Morrle Leipzig Raymond, Burton & Co. Simian Jockey Caraon Brothers BARGAIN MATINEE8 15c & 25c NIGHT8 16c, 25c, 35c and BOo The Home of Sweets Box Candy Our SPECIALTY LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN 1345 O Street GEO, SHAFFER, Prop TIIK NEW AUTO 3380 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BARBER SHOP OIOARS SIX CIIAI11S it WAVXlfcTNlf Beat Barber Shop In the West In Unaeiueiit O Street Entrance MANICURING Athletics' Supporters Elastic Hosiery Abdominal Supporters Trusses Shoulder Braces Wrist & Ankle Braces Student's Lunch 15c ejhtih cunTlcrQr V RENT YOUR TYPEWBITER NOW " Any Make :: Any Time 3 MONTHS $6.00 The Largest Stock in the West a Lincoln Typewriter Exchange Co. M0. 1 1406 O STREET 318 North 11th Street. - v 0